Courses at
Faculty of English
- Proseminar 3BA (one from the list) 15-PROSEM210-3BA-11
- Proseminar 3BA (one from the list) 15-PROSEM211-3BA-11
- Proseminar: Victorian women, Victorian feminists 15-PRO-V-AMU-PIE-11
- Proseminary in literature 15-S2SN01-F05777
- Proseminary in literature 15-S2SN02-F05777
- Psychological and pedagogical teaching practice in a primary school 15-MN-P00248
- Psychological preparation for general pedagogy practice (primary school). Part 1 15-LABPSY-CZI-NA-11
- Psychological preparation for general pedagogy practice (secondary school). Part 2 15-LABPSY-CZII-NA-11
- Psychological preparation for general pedagogy practice (secondary school). Part 2 15-LABPSY-PPSP-KN-11
- Psychology (module 2.1) 15-PSI-ZL-22
- Psychology (module 2.1) 15-PSI-NA-11
- Psychology (module 2.1) 15-PSI-ZL
- Psychology and education 15-PSYEDU-AMU-PIE-11
- Psychology at the second stage of education (module 2.2) 15-PSIEE-ZL-22
- Psychology at the second stage of education (module 2.2) 15-PSYN2EE-NA-11
- Psychology at the third and fourth stages of education (module 2.2) 15-PSYN34EE-KN-11
- Psychology lab. Introduction to pedagogy practice 15-LABPSY2-ZU
- Psychology lab. Teaching practice evaluation 2 15-LABPSYE-ZU
- Psychology laboratory: preparation for primary school placements 15-MN-P01408
- Psychology of the 2nd stage of education (module 2.2) 15-PSIEE-ZL
- Psychology of the 3rd and 4th stage of education 15-PPSYDNNEE-ZU
- Public relations 15-PREL-JIK-11
- Public speaking 15-WP-TKPA-11
- Public speaking 15-S2TPA01-P05100
- Public speaking and introduction to translation 15-WPIWDTP-NID-11
- Public speaking and stress management 15-WPRS-TKS-11
- Publishing in top scientific journals 15-PWNCN-POWER
- Pupil with SEN at school 15-MN-P01410
- Qualitative research methods for medical humanities 15-JMBHM-LCH-11
- Quantitative research methods for medical humanities 15-IMBHM-LCH-11
- Reading and writing academic texts 15-RWAT-AMU-PIE-11
- Reading Chinese literary texts 15-LTL-CH-12
- Reading Chinese literary texts 15-LTL-CH-22
- Reading Chinese specialist texts 15-LTS-CH-12
- Reading Chinese specialist texts 15-LTS-CH-22
- Realism of North America 15-S1AME01-P15590
- Remote simultaneous interpreting 15-ZTS-TKPA-11
- Reporting and interpreting research results 15-RIIWBN-POWER
- Research methodology 15-RMET-EL-11
- Research methodology in linguistics 15-MBWJ-WSD-11
- Research methods in linguistics 15-MBLIN-11
- Research methods in linguistics 15-MBJ-ZU
- Research methods in literary studies 15-MBL-ZU
- Research training 15-WBD-POWER
- Reviewing theatre 15-KT-TD-11
- Reviewing theatre 15-KT-TD-11-2
- Reviewing theatre 15-RT-AMU-PIE-11
- Scientific and technical translation 15-TTNT-TP-11
- Scientific methodology 15-MN-SO-11
- Scientific translation 15-TNS-TKS-11
- Scientific translation 15-S2TKS02-F16268
- Scientific-technical translation 15-TNT-ZL-11
- Scientific-technical translation 15-TNT-ZL
- Scottish history and culture 15-HKS-FAC-11
- Selected aspects of applied linguistics (teaching English at the 3rd and 4th stage of education) 15-WZZJS-DJA-ZU-22
- Selected aspects of applied linguistics (teaching English at the 3rd and 4th stage of education) 15-WZZJS-DJA-ZU
- Selected aspects of Australian and New Zealand literature in English 15-WZZLAN-ANZ-11
- Selected aspects of Celtic literatures 15-WZZLKC-CEL-11
- Selected aspects of Celtic literatures 15-WZZLKC-CE-11
- Selected aspects of entrepreneurship 15-N1FA01-P14683
- Selected aspects of linguistics 15-WZZJ-ZU
- Selected aspects of literary studies 15-WZZL-ZU-22
- Selected aspects of literary studies 15-WZZZL-ZU
- Selected aspects of the culture and civilisation of the British Isles 15-WZZKIHCWB-ZU
- Selected issues in ethics and religious studies 15-SIERS-ES-11
- Selected issues in ethics and religious studies 15-S1ES01-P15412
- Selected issues in linguistics 15-N2FA01-P14723
- Selected issues in the history of English literature 15-SIHEL-ES-11
- Selected issues in the history of literature of the Commonwealth 15-SIHLC-ES-11
- Selected issues in the history of the literature of the USA 15-SIHLUSA-ES-11
- Selected Issues of Cultural Studies of English Speaking Countries 15-SICS-AMU-PIE-11
- Selected problems in literary studies 15-N2FA01-P14724
- Selected questions on the culture and history of civilisation of the British Isles 15-N2FA01-P14722
- Selected topics in Canadian culture and visual arts 15-KISK-KAN-11
- Selected topics in Canadian literature 15-WZLK-KAN-11
- Selected topics in Canadian multilingualism 15-PWK-KAN-11
- Selected topics in linguistics 15-WZZJ-ZU-22
- Selecting a journal 15-ZK-PJ-WCZ-11
- Shakespeare 15-SH-AMU-PIE-11
- Shakespeare and the theatrical conventions of his time 15-SKT-TD-11
- Shakespeare and the theatrical conventions of his time 15-STC-AMU-PIE-11
- Shakespeare and theatrical conventions 15-S1FA02-P14659
- Simultaneous interpreting A-B 15-TSAB-TK-12
- Simultaneous interpreting A-B 15-TSAB-TK-22
- Simultaneous interpreting B-A 15-TSBA-TK-12
- Simultaneous interpreting B-A 15-TSBA-TK-22
- Simultaneous remote interpretation 15-S2TPA04-P05117
- Social history of the English language 15-HJA-US-11
- Social history of the English language 15-HJA-US-FAC-11
- Soft skills workshops, e.g., conflict resolution, negotiation 15-WZC1-POWER
- Sole proprietorship 15-PDG-ZL
- South Africa – history 15-APH-PA-11
- South Africa – people and regions 15-APK-PA-11
- South African cultural studies: business and economy 15-APSK-EIB-PA-11
- South African cultural studies: local cultures 15-APSK-KM-PA-11
- South African cultural studies: theory and practice 15-APSK-TIP-PA-11
- South African literature in English 15-PALITANG-PA-22
- Spanish language - language course 15-S1AME02-HIS-1
- Specialised vocabulary (politics, media, business, tourism, culture) 15-N1FA01-P14679
- Specialised vocabulary 1 (politics, media) 15-S1FA01-P14639