Courses at
Institute of Linguistics
- Finnish life and institutions 09-RF-UFIN-11
- Folklore and mythology of Balts 09-2FMB-12
- Folklore and mythology of Balts 09-FIMB-F-11
- Folklore and mythology of Balts 09-FMB-FE-11
- Gender in the humanities 09-GEN-12
- General linguistics 09-JOZ-KZZI-12
- German - translation Polish-German 09-TPN-F-11
- German - translation Polish-German 09-TPN-F-12
- German As a Foreign Language 09-NIEMPRNJI-MF-26
- German language 09-JN-12
- German language 09-JN-22
- German translation 09-TJN-F-11
- Germanic languages on the Indoeuropean background 09-JGERM-F-12
- Germanic languages on the Indoeuropean background 09-JGERM-F-22
- Gesture analysis 09-GA-11
- Glottodidactics 09-GL-F-11
- Grammar Japanese 09-GJJ-F-22
- Grammar Japanese 09-GJJ-11
- Grammar Japanese 09-GJJ-F-12
- Greek life and institutions 09-RG-FNG-11
- Greek literay toposes and archetypes functioning in the European cultural circle 09-GTLiA-F-12
- History of Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature 09-HBMGL-11
- History of Finland 09-HF-Ufin-11
- History of Finnish literature 09-HLF-UFIN-14
- History of Finnish literature 09-HLF-UFIN-24
- History of Finnish Literature 09-HLF-UFIN-34
- History of Greece 09-HG-FNG-12
- History of Hungarian literature 09-HLW-FW-14
- History of Hungary 09-HW-FW-12
- History of Hungary 09-HW-FW-22
- History of Latvia 09-HŁ-FŁ-22
- History of Lithuania 09-HL-12
- History of Lithuanian language 09-HJL-12
- History of Lithuanian literature 09-HLL-14
- History of Lithuanian literature 09-HLL-44
- History of the contemporary Korea I 09-HWKII-22
- History of Vietnam and Thailand 09-HWT-WT-11
- History of Vietnamese and Thai literature 09-HLWT-WT-12
- History of Vietnamese and Thai literature 09-HLWT-WT-22
- Hungarian as a foreign language 09-2WPNJW-14
- Hungarian as a foreign language 09-2WPNJW-24
- Hungarian as a foreign language 09-2WPNJW-34
- Informatics 09-INFOR-IM-11
- Informatics 09-INFOR-Ufin-11
- Information science 09-INFOR-FNG-11
- Information science 09-INFOR-FW-11
- Information Science 09-INFOR-FŁ-11
- Information science 09-INFOR-WT-11
- Information systems design 09-2WKM-PSI-JN-14
- Information systems design 09-2WKM-PSI-JN-24
- Inter-Korean relations 09-SMK-FK-11
- Inter-Korean relations 09-SMK-FKE-11
- Inter-Korean relations 09-HWK-FK-11
- Intercultural business 09-BM-F-12
- Intercultural communication 09-KI-FE-11
- Intercultural communication - Elective Course 09-KI-F-11
- Intercultural communication - Elective Course 09-KI-F-22
- Intercultural problems of communication and language 09-IPKUJ-JK-12
- Intercultural problems of communication and language. 09-IPKUJ-JK-22
- Intermediate English 09-JAŚ-36
- Intermediate English 09-JAŚ-46
- International Comunitation and International Languages 09-ICIL-F-12
- International Comunitation and International Languages 09-ICIL-F-22
- Interpersonal communication 09-KSIZ-12
- Intremediate English 09-JAŚ-16
- Introducition to linguistics 09-WJ-Ufin-22
- Introduction do linguistics 09-WDJ-JK-11
- Introduction do linguistics 09-WJ-IM-12
- Introduction to Buddhism 09-WDB-F-11
- Introduction to Chinese-Polish translation 09-WTCHPL-F-12
- Introduction to contemporary semantics 09-WDWS-11
- Introduction to Finnish studies 09-WFin-Ufin-11
- Introduction to glottodidactics 09-WDG-F-22
- Introduction to Hungarian Culture 09-WDKW-F-00L
- Introduction to Hungarian Culture 09-WDKW-FE-00L
- Introduction to Hungarian literature 09-WLW-FW-11
- Introduction to Hungarian studies 09-WH-FW-11
- Introduction to intercultural communication 09-WdKI-F-12
- Introduction to intercultural communication - exam 09-WdKI-FE-12
- Introduction to IT 09-WI-F-11
- Introduction to IT 09-WI-F-22
- Introduction to IT 2 09-WDIT2-E-11
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-FL-12
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-FL-22
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-FNG-12
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-FNG-22
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-FW-12
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-FW-22
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-FŁ-22
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-JN-12
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-JN-22
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-Ufin-12
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-WT-12
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-WT-22
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WJ-WL-22
- Introduction to lingustics 09-WJ-FŁ-12
- Introduction to literary studies 09-WL-FL-11
- Introduction to literary studies 09-WL-IM-12