Courses at
Institute of Linguistics
- Course in the Greek language (Beginner) 09-LJG-11
- Course in the Greek language (Beginner) 09-LJG-FE-11
- Creative writing 09-TP-F-12
- Creative writing 09-TP-F-22
- Creative writing 09-TP-FE-22
- Creative writing 09-TP-FE-12
- Culture of contemporary Lithuania 09-KWL-12
- Culture of contemporary Lithuania 09-KWL-22
- Culture of linguistic area 09-KOJ-IM-12
- Culture of linguistic area 09-KOJ-UFIN-12
- Data protection in IT systems 09-ODSKZ-12
- Data protection in IT systems 09-ODSKZ-22
- Data security 09-2WKM-OD-JN-14
- Data security 09-2WKM-OD-JN-34
- Data security 09-OD-F-11
- Data security 09-OD-FE-11
- Database systems 09-SBDZ-12
- Database systems 09-SBDZ-22
- Databases 09-BD-F-12
- Death in the cultures of the world 09-SWKS-11
- Death in the cultures of the world 09-SWKS-FE-11
- Descriptive grammar of Finnish 09-GOF-UFIN-14
- Descriptive grammar of Finnish 09-GOF-UFIN-24
- Descriptive grammar of Finnish 09-GOF-UFIN-34
- Descriptive grammar of Hungarian 09-GOW-FW-14
- Descriptive Grammar of Latvian 09-GOŁ-FŁ-24
- Descriptive grammar of Latvian 09-GOŁ-FŁ-34
- Descriptive grammar of Lithuanian 09-GOJL-14
- Descriptive grammar of Modern Greek 09-GONG-FNG-14
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek 09-GONG-FNG-34
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek language 09-GONG-FNG-22
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek language 09-GONG-FNG-12
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek Language 09-GONG-FNG-44
- Descriptive grammar of Vietnamese 09-GOW-WT-12
- Descriptive grammar of Vietnamese 09-GOW-WT-22
- Devil-faculty 09-DEVIL-FE-22
- Digital culture 09-2WKM-KC-JN-14
- Digital humanities 09-HC-F-11
- Diploma seminar 09-SD-11
- Diploma seminar 09-SD-22
- E-diachrony 09-ED-11
- E-diachrony 09-ED-FE-11
- Elective course 09-FAKULT-ELINGW-22
- Elective course 09-JA-F-11
- Elective Course 09-MJ-F-11
- Elective course 09-FAKO-11
- Elective Course 09-WM-JK-11
- Elective course (History of the contemporary Korea I 1860-1945) 09-FAKULT-FK-12
- Elective course (TOPIK) 09-FAKULT2-FK-12
- Elective courses 09-WKMW-1-11
- Elective courses 09-WKMW-2-11
- Elements of bibliography and bibliometrics 09-EBIB-11
- Elements of translation studies 09-ET-F-12
- Elements of translation studies 09-ET-F-22
- Elements of translation studies 09-ET-FE-22
- Elements of translation studies 09-ET-FE-12
- Emotions in language 09-EWJ-F-12
- Emotions in language 09-EWJ-F-22
- Endangered languages 09-ENLG-F-11
- English 09-ANG-UFIN-66
- English 09-ANG-Ufin-26
- English 09-JANGZ-KZZI-34
- English 09-2ANGPRNJI-44
- English 09-JANGZ-KZZI-44
- English 09-ANG-IM-66
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FIM-16
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FIM-26
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FL-36
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FL-46
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FNG-16
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FNG-26
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FNG-36
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FNG-46
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FNG-56
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FNG-66
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FW-16
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FW-26
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FW-36
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FW-46
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FW-56
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FWT-16
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FWT-26
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FŁ-26
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FŁ-36
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FŁ-46
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FŁ-56
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-IM-46
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-UFIN-36
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-UFIN-46
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-UFIN-56
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-Ufin-16
- English as a Foreign Language 09-ANGPRNJI-JN-56
- English as a Foreign Language 09-ANGPRNJI-JN-66
- English As a Foreign Language 09-JANGZ-KZZI-14
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-FL-66
- English as a foreign langugae 09-ANG-WT-66
- English Intermediate 09-JAŚ-56
- Entrepreneurship for linguists 09-PDJ-JK-11
- Ethnobotany - Elective course 09-EB-F-11
- Ethnobotany - Elective course 09-EB-FE-11