Courses at
Institute of Linguistics
- Introduction to literary studies 09-WL-FL-11
- Introduction to literary studies 09-WL-FW-11
- Introduction to literary studies 09-WL-FŁ-11
- Introduction to literary studies 09-WL-Ufin-11
- Introduction to literary studies 09-WL-IM-12
- Introduction to mathematical linguistics and natural language processing 09-WDLMIPJN-12
- Introduction to mathematical linguistics and natural language processing 09-WDLMIPJN-22
- Introduction to Modern Greek studies 09-WNH-11
- Introduction to philosophy of linguistics 09-WDFL-F-11
- Introduction to sinograms I 09-WSGRI-F-12
- Introduction to Sinograms II 09-SINOGRII-11
- Introduction to Southeast Asian studies 09-WWAPW-IM-11
- Introduction to specialist languages 09-2PJS-FW-22
- Introduction to Syntax models 09-WDMS-11
- Introduction to the analysis of verbal body 09-WAKS-F-11
- Introduction to the design and use of databases 09-WDPIWBD-JK-12
- Introduction to the design and use of databases 09-WDPIWBD-JK-22
- Introduction to the history and theory of rhetoric 09-WDHITR-FE-11
- Introudaction to Polish grammar 09-WDGJP-12
- Introudaction to Polish grammar 09-WDGJP-22
- Introudaction to Polish grammar 09-WDGJPE-12
- IT tools in language learning and translation 09-NINTJ-F-11
- Japanese characters 09-PJ-F-22
- Japanese characters 09-PJ-F-11
- Japanese characters 09-PJ-F-12
- Journalistic workshops 09-WD-F-11
- Journalistic workshops 09-WD-F-12
- Journalistic workshops 09-WD-F-22
- Journalistic workshops 09-WD-FE-22
- Kaunas magic. Literary wandering 09-KMLW-FE-11
- Khmer culture 09-KHMER-11
- Khmer culture 09-KHMER-E-11
- Knowledge about media 09-WOM-F-12
- Knowledge about media 09-WOM-F-22
- Knowledge about media 09-WOM-FE-22
- Knowledge about photography 09-WOF-F-12
- Knowledge about photography 09-WOF-F-22
- Knowledge about photography 09-WOF-FE-22
- Language acquisition 09-AJ-WL-23
- Language and culture in the light of cognitive linguistics 09-JIKWSTJK-F-11
- Language and Logic 09-JAL-12
- Language and Logic 09-JAL-22
- Language and Speech Analysis 09-AJM-11
- Language and Speech Analysis 09-AJM-F-11
- Language imaging and text profiling 09-OWJIPT-F-11
- Language learning: methods and media 09-LLMM-F-11
- Language of a linguistic area 09-2JOK-SZW-22
- Language of linguistic area 09-2JOK-FNG-14
- Language of linguistic area 09-2JOK-FNG-24
- Language of linguistic area 09-2JOK-FNG-34
- Language of linguistic area 09-2JOK-FW-14
- Language of linguistic area 09-2JOK-FW-24
- Language of linguistic area 09-JOK-W-12
- Language of linguistic area 09-JOK-W-22
- Language of the cultural area 09-2JOK-SZW-12
- Language politeness - Elective course 09-GJ-F-11
- Languages and cultures of the world - Elective course 09-KIJS-F-11
- Languages for special purposes 09-2JSPEC-FW-11
- Languages of Ethiopia 09-JE-F-11
- Languages of Ethiopia 09-JE-FE-11
- Latvian as a foreign language 09-PNJŁ-36
- Latvian as a foreign language 09-PNJŁ-46
- Lecture 09-WM-DIAB-11
- Lecture 09-WM2-JK-11
- Legal aspects of sharing digital resources 09-PPUZC-11
- Legal issues of information science 09-ZPDIZ-12
- Legal issues of information science 09-ZPDIZ-22
- Lesser-Used Languages in Europe 09-LULIE-F-11
- Lexicology and Lexicography 09-LIL-JK-11
- Linguistic aspect of PR 09-LINGPR-12
- Linguistic aspect of PR 09-LINGPR-22
- Linguistic exploration of the Internet 09-LEI-11
- Logic 09-LOG-FL-11
- Logic 09-LOG-FNG-11
- Logic 09-LOG-FW-11
- Logic 09-LOG-IM-11
- Logic 09-LOG-Ufin-11
- Logic 09-LOG-WT-11
- M.A. Seminar 09-SEM-MGRZ-KZZI-14
- M.A. Seminar 09-SEM-MGRZ-KZZI-34
- M.A. Seminar 09-SEM-MGRZ-KZZI-44
- Machine assisted translation 09-TPM-KTP-12
- Magical Kaunas 09-KM-FE-11
- Magical Kaunas. Literary wandering 09-KMLW-FZ-11
- Management of business information 09-ZIGZ-12
- Management of business information 09-ZIGZ-22
- Methodology of literary studies 09-MBL-F-11
- Methodology of studies on metaphor 09-MBM-F-11
- Methods and applications: Revitalization 09-MAALR-F-11
- Modern Greek – basic level 09-OLjNp-F-12
- Modern Greek – basic level 09-OLjNp-FE-12
- Modern hungary 09-2WW-FW-12
- Monographic lecture 09-2WKM-FK-14
- Monographic lecture 09-2WKM-FK-34
- Monographic Lecture 09-2WKM-IJCES-12
- Monographic lecture 09-2WKM-FNG-44
- Monographic lecture 09-WKM-WT-34
- Monographic lecture 09-WKM-FW-12
- Monographic lecture 09-2WKM2E-FK-24
- Monographic lecture 09-WYK-MON-FIN-22