Introduction to lingustics 09-WJ-FŁ-12
Introduction of basic linguistic problems. Description of language subsystems (phonology, morphology, syntax), language change, etymological analysis of words, development of grammatical categories. Semantic changes, metaphor and metonymy, the role of implicature in language change. An analysis of language manipulation in advertising, politics and media. Language as the medium of communication.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
After the course the student:
- can discuss the methodological grounds of linguistics and indicate its relationship to other sciences;
- provide a typological classification of languages;
- characterize the types of writing system;
- elucidate the definition of language as a system and describe its subsystems (phonology, morphology, syntax);
- carry out a morphological analysis of word;
- explain the concept of grammaticalization + its examples;
- specify and describe metaphor and metonymy;
- indicate subject, predicate and other sentence parts; distinguish coordination and subordination; explain the difference rheme : theme;
- identify the elements that ensure a cohesy of the text, such as conjunctions, adverbs, particles, discourse markers;
- define what is an assertion, presupposition and implicature; provide examples of the manipulation of language in advertising, politics etc.; role of the implicature in language change.
Assessment criteria
Receving a credit for a class on the basis of passing tests and a final exam.
Bobrowski, Ireneusz, 1998. Zaproszenie do językoznawstwa. Kraków: Instytut Języka Polskiego. Polska Akademia Nauk.
Tabakowska, Elżbieta. (red.) 2001. Kognitywne podstawy języka i językoznawstwa. Kraków: Universitas.
Evans, Vyvyan i Green, Melanie, 2006. Cognitive Linguistics. An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Ostaszewska & Tambor. 2000. Fonetyka i fonologia języka polskiego. Warszawa: PWN.
Bańczerowski Jerzy, Pogonowski Jerzy, Zgółka Tadeusz. 1982. Wstęp do językoznawstwa. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
Comrie, B. 1998. Atlas języków. Poznań: Oficyna Wydawnicza Atena.
Maciejewski, Witold, 1999. Świat języków. Wielka Encyklopedia Geografii Świata. (tom XIV) Poznań: Wydawnictwo Kurpisz.
Majewicz Alfred. 1989. Języki świata i ich klasyfikowanie. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Kazimierz Polański et al. 1999. Encyklopedia językoznawstwa ogólnego. Warszawa: PWN.
Additional information
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