Courses at
Institute of Applied Linguistics
- M.A. seminar 09-N15-SM-44
- MA seminar 09-MASE-EL-24
- MA Seminar 09-2FR-SEMMAG-14
- MA Seminar 09-2FR-SEMMAG-24
- MA Seminar 09-2FR-SEMMAG-34
- MA Seminar 09-2FR-SEMMAG-44
- Media and multilingual communication 09-MKWwj-ILS-11
- Methodology of linguistic studies 09-MBJ-LK-11
- Methodology of Linguistic Studies 09-FR-MBL-11
- Methodology of research in applied linguistics 09-MBLSt-ILS-11
- Methods and applications: Corpus linguistics 09-MAACL-11
- Methods and Applications: Language Planning 09-MALP-PIE-11
- Methods and Applications: Multilingualism 09-MAM-EL-11
- Methods and applications: Psycholinguistics 09-MAAP-11
- Modern Greek as a Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJG-56
- Modern Greek as a Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJG-66
- Modern Greek as a Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJG-16
- Modern Greek as a Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJG-26
- Modern Greek as a Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJG-36
- Modern Greek as a Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJG-46
- Modern Greek Language B2+: Aspects of the Greek Society in the 2nd half of the 20th Century 09-MGLAGS-11
- Modern Greek Language C1/C2: Cultural Heritage and Modern Greek Identity 09-MGLCH-11
- Monographic Lecture 09-WM-FNG-11
- Monographic lecture 09-N15-WM-22
- Monographic lecture 09-WMwj-ILS-12
- Monographic lecture 09-N15-WM-12
- Monographic lecture 09-WMwj-ILS-22
- Monographic lectures and seminars 09-WKM-11
- Multilingual and multicultural education 09-ERW-ILS-11
- Multilingualism and multiculturalism in the European Union 09-WWUEwj-PIE-11
- Multilingualism and multiculturalism in the European Union 09-WWUEwj-ILS-11
- Multilingualism and politics 09-WIP-11
- Multilingualism as an educational goal 09-WJCE-ILS-11
- Music and language 09-MUZ-LK-11
- Music and language 09-MUZ-11
- Narrative texts in the foreign language classroom 09-TNNLJO-ILS-11
- Non-verbal Communication 09-2FR-KNW-11
- Non-verbal Communication 09-2FR-OW-KNW-11
- Not only about the incorporation of a company and the appointment of a board of directors - legal and economic lexical challenges 09-NTS-11
- Note-taking for the advanced 09-NDZ-ILS-11
- Note-taking for the beginers 09-NOTTŁU-ILS-11
- Oral and written business communication (English) 09-N15-KUPBa-11
- Oral and written business communication (German) 09-N15-KUPB-11
- Oral interpreting 09-N15-TU-11
- Pedagogical and psychological practice 09-PRAKT1-11
- Pedagogical laboratory: Evaluation of primary school practice part 1 09-LPed1E-11
- Pedagogical laboratory: Preparation for practice in elementary school part 1 09-LPed1P-11
- Pedagogical Laboratory: Preparation for Practicum in Secondary School Part 2 09-N20-LPE-11
- Pedagogy Lab: Evaluation of elementary school practices part 1 09-LPez1P-11
- Philosophy 09-FR-F-11
- Philosophy 09-FR-OW-F-11
- Polish as a foreign language 09-JPJO-AL-14
- Polish as a foreign language 09-JPJO-AL-24
- Practical Aspects of the Linguist’s Work 09-FR-PAPL-11
- Practical Aspects of the Translator’s Work 09-FR-PAPT-11
- Practical English - Integrated skills 09-PNJAsz-AL-36
- Practical English - Integrated skills 09-PNJAsz-AL-46
- Practical German - grammar 09-PNJNgr-AL-44
- Practical German - Integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-AL-36
- Practical German - Integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-AL-46
- Practical German – Integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-AL-16
- Practical Knowledge of Finnish 09-PNJFIN-66
- Practical knowledge of Hungarian 09-WPNJW-46
- Practical knowledge of Hungarian 09-WPNJW-56
- Practical knowledge of Indonesian 09-PNJI-IM-46
- Practical knowledge of Malayan 09-PNJM-IM-46
- Practical knowledge of Malayan 09-PNJM-IM-56
- Practical knowledge of Malayan 09-PNJM-IM-66
- Practical knowledge of Modern Greek 09-PNJNOW-26
- Practical knowledge of Modern Greek 09-PNJNOW-46
- Practical knowledge of Modern Greek 09-PNJNOW-56
- Practical knowledge of Modern Greek 09-PNJNOW-66
- Practical learning of the second language of the specialisation 09-PRNJII-JK-66
- Practice 09-N15-PP-11
- Practice 09-PRA-JK-11
- Practice 09-FR-PFR-11
- Pragmalinguistics 09-PL-LK-11
- Pre-medical first aid 09-PPP-ILS-11
- Pronunciation of English 09-WJAaj-ILS-11
- Proper language usage 09-KJaj-ILS-11
- Proseminar 09-PRO-LK-12
- Proseminar 09-PROSEMaj-ILS-13
- Proseminar 09-PROSEMaj-ILS-23
- Proseminar 09-PROSEM-AL-12
- Proseminar 09-PROSEM-AL-22
- Proseminar (issues of written or spoken language resources OR Introduction to mathematical linguistics and natural language processing) 09-PRO-LK-22
- Psycholinguistic foundations of bilingualism and multilingualism 09-PPDWwj-ILS-11
- Psycholinguistics 09-N15-PL-11
- Psycholinguistics 09-FR-PL-11
- Psychological and pedagogical laboratory : evaluation of school practice 09-N20-LABPP-11
- Psychological Laboratory: Preparation for Practicum in Secondary School 09-N20-LPS-11
- Psychological-Pedagogical Laboratory – Practicum Evaluation 09-2LPPEP-11
- Psychology lab: preparation for secondary school placements part 2 09-N20-LABPS-11
- Psychology of communication 09-PK-LK-11
- Psychology of language and communication 09-PJKaj-ILS-11
- Public speaking 09-WP-AL-11
- Religions of India: Buddism and others 09-FR-RIBII-11
- Religions of India: Buddism and others 09-FR-OW-RIBII-11
- Religions of India: Hinduism 09-FR-OW-RIH-11
- Religions of India: Hinduism 09-FR-RIH-11