Courses at
Institute of Applied Linguistics
- History of the literature of Finland 09-FR-HLF-14
- History of the literature of Finland 09-FR-HLF-24
- History of the literature of Finland 09-FR-HLF-34
- History of the literature of Finland 09-FR-HLF-44
- History of the Region 09-FR-HR-11
- Hungarian as a foreign language 09-WPNJW-66
- Hungarian as a foreign language 09-2WPNJW-44
- Hungarian as Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJW-16
- Hungarian as Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJW-26
- Hungarian as Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJW-36
- Hungarian as Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJW-46
- Hungarian as Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJW-56
- Hungarian as Foreign Language 09-FR-PNJW-66
- Hungarian life and institutions 09-RW-FW-11
- Indian Philosophy 09-FR-FILI-12
- Indonesian and Malayan life and institutions 09-RIM-IM-11
- Information Technologies 09-FR-TI-11
- Information technology 09-TECHINF-ILS-11
- Information technology 09-TIaj-ILS-11
- Information technology 09-TI-AL-11
- Information technology 09-S1LSA02-P02246
- Information technology. Quark Xpress 09-TIQ-11
- Intercultural business skills 09-TKMBaj-ILS-11
- Intercultural communication 09-2FR-KINT-11
- Intercultural Communication in Practice: Preparing and Conducting Student Exchanges 09-PIPWU-ILS-11
- Intercultural communication in practice: Study trip from Marburg and Nimehen with international block seminar in Poznań 09-ICIP-ILS-11
- Intercultural communication: Linguistically sensitizing education, taking into account the needs of children with experience of migration with various levels of knowledge of the Polish language 09-KIEUJ-ILS-11
- Intercultural problems of communication and language usage 09-IPK-LK-11
- Intercultural teaching and intercultural communication in practice 09-KINIWPf-ILS-11
- Intercultural training for business 09-N15-TIB-11
- Internet linguistics 09-2LI-11
- Internship 09-2FR-PFR-11
- Introduction to contemporary semantics 09-WWS-LK-11
- Introduction to corpus linguistics 09-WJK-LK-11
- Introduction to Finno-Ugric Studies 09-FR-WDU-11
- Introduction to general didactics 09-PDO-ILS-11
- Introduction to general didactics 09-PDOg-ILS-11
- Introduction to German-Polish translation 09-PTP-ILS-11
- Introduction to Glottodidactics 09-WDGf-11
- Introduction to glottodidactics 09-FR-WDG-11
- Introduction to intercultural communication 09-WDKI-ILS-11
- Introduction to intercultural communication 09-WKIaj-ILS-11
- Introduction to intercultural communication 09-WDKI-AL-11
- Introduction to Language and Literary Studies 09-FR-WARFIL-11
- Introduction to Language and Literary Studies 09-FR-WF-11
- Introduction to Language Philosophy 09-FR-WDFJ-11
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WDJ-ILS-11
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WDJaj-ILS-11
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WDJ-LK-11
- Introduction to Linguistics 09-FR-WDJ-11
- Introduction to linguitics 09-FR-WDJ-22
- Introduction to linguitics 09-FR-WDJ-12
- Introduction to Literary Studies 09-WDL-FR-11
- Introduction to Literary Studies 09-FR-WDL-11
- Introduction to modern Greek literature 09-WDLN-11
- Introduction to Modern Greek Literature 09-FR-WDLNG-11
- Introduction to Modern Greek Studies 09-FR-WDN-11
- Introduction to Persian 26-PDW-WE-ELD-07-22
- Introduction to Programming for Natural Language Processing 09-WDPNPPJN-11
- Introduction to sociology 09-JS-11-a
- Introduction to the design and use of databases 09-WPBD-LK-12
- Introduction to the design and use of databases 09-WPBD-LK-22
- Introduction to the models of syntax 09-WMS-LK-11
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Language or Philosophy 09-FR-OW-WDFJ-11
- Introduction to the philosopy of language 09-WFJ-LK-11
- Introduction to translation studies 09-PTRA-ILS-12
- Introduction to translation studies 09-PTRA-ILS-22
- Introduction to written translation (English - Polish) 09-PTPAPaj-ILS-11
- Introduction to written translation (German - Polish) 09-PTPNPaj-ILS-11
- Issues in General Linguistics 09-IIGL-ILS-11
- Language and Culture II: Integrated Language Skills - English 09-JIK-SJ-ANG-N
- Language and music 09-JIM-11
- Language data analysis 09-ADJ-LK-11
- Language learning 09-LL-EL-11
- Language of Cultural Region 09-FR-JOK-12
- Language of Cultural Region 09-FR-JOK-22
- Language of persuasion and advertising 09-N15-JPR-11
- Language testing and evaluation 09-LTAE-11
- language(s) in network 09-JWSf-ILS-11
- Legal aspects of school work 09-PAPS-ILS-11
- Let's talk about blood pressure.... - medical lexis in practice 09-POCK-11
- Lexicology and lexicography 09-LILaj-11
- Lexicology and lexicography 09-LL-LK-11
- Limits of translatability and the foreignness in translation 09-FR-GPOT-11
- Linguistic and Cultural Topography of India 09-FR-TJKI-11
- Linguistic and cultural topography of India 09-FR-OW-TJKI-11
- Linguistic and Cultural Topography of World Regions 09-2FR-TJIK-11
- Linguistic Data: Analysis and Evaluation 09-FR-DL-11
- Linguistic Diversity 09-FR-ZJ-11
- Linguistic foundations of translation 09-LPP1-ILS-12
- Linguistic foundations of translation 09-LPP1-ILS-22
- Linguistic Methods and Tools 09-FR-WL-11
- Linguistic processing in humans 09-PJC-LK-11
- Linguistics of specialist texts 09-N15-LTS-11
- Literature of German speaking area 09-LNOJ-ILS-22
- Literature of the English language speaking area 09-LAOJ-ILS-12
- Literature of the English language speaking area 09-LAOJ-ILS-22
- Literature of the German language speaking area 09-LNOJ-ILS-12
- Logic and Language 09-FR-LA-11
- M. A. seminar 09-N15-SM-34