Practical German – Integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-AL-16
Providing basic information about yourself: regular conjugation
Jobs, civil status and numbers 0-100
Family: possessive pronouns
Furniture and numbers: articles
Describing objects: negation
Office articles: plurals, accusative
Interests: the modal “können”, irregular conjugation
Days of the week and time
Food: modals “mögen” and “möchten”
Means of transport: separable verbs
Describing the day: past perfect with “haben”
Months and seasons: past perfect with “sein”
Directions: prepositions of place
The home: conjugating possessive pronouns
Town: dative, personal pronouns in dative
Hotel: prepositions of time
Plans for the future: modal verb “wollen”
Health: imperative for 3rd person pl.
Appearance and character: perfect tense for inseparable verbs, past forms of “haben” and “sein”
Household duties: imperative for 2nd person sg. and pl.
Rules of daily life: modal verbs
Clothing: comparatives
Weather: sentences with “denn”, impersonal pronoun "es”
Holidays: ordinals, the Subjunctive II “würde”
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
apply German vocabulary and grammar to level A1 of CEFRL
understand listening comprehension texts on the areas taught
understand short reading texts on the areas taught
speak briefly in German on the areas taught in class
write a short text on the areas taught in class, e.g. a letter or blog fragment
independently learn language, and about the world using dictionaries and online sources
effectively organise work in pairs, groups, preparing presentations, taking on various roles and demonstrating openness and tolerance towards other people and cultures
demonstrate openness towards new ideas and be prepared to change opinions based on available data or arguments
demonstrate awareness of the heritage of the German-speaking areas
Assessment criteria
➢ Written work, assessed as follows:
- Morphosyntactic accuracy, spelling and lexis: 14 pt. (each morphosyntactic or lexical error, 0,5 pt. deduction, spelling mistake 0,25 pt. deduction),
- stylistic accuracy: 2 pt. (each error 0,25 pt. deduction),
- on topic and logical – 4 pt.
Grades assigned as follows:
bdb 19-20 pt.
db+ 17-18 pt.
db 15-16 pt.
dst+13-14 pt.
dst 11-12 pt.
ndst <11 pt.
➢ Preparing short individual presentations, assessed as follows:
- on topic and logical – max. 4. pt.,
- fluency (reading from notes not allowed) – max. 4 pt.,
- morphosyntactic accuracy of grammar structures taught – max. 4 pt.,
- lexical-semantic accuracy – max. 4 pt.,
- pronunciation – max. 4 pt.,
- adjustment for good use of multimedia if justified – 1 pt. (bonus).
Grades assigned as follows:
bdb 19-20 pt.
db+ 17-18 pt.
db 15-16 pt.
dst+13-14 pt.
dst 11-12 pt.
ndst <11 pt.
➢ Mid-term tests, grades assigned as follows
bdb 92-100%
db+ 85-91%
db 76%-84%
dst 60%-67%
ndst 0-59%
➢ Active participation in class.
➢ Homework submitted on time.
Exam criteria:
A. Grammar and vocabulary exam (including reading and written component) grades assigned as follows:
bdb 92-100%
db+ 85-91%
db 76%-84%
dst 60%-67%
ndst 0-59%
B. Oral exam (on topic covered in class) grades assigned as follows:
➢ on topic and logical – max. 4. pt.,
➢ fluency meeting relevant CEFRL level – max. 4 pt.,
➢ morphosyntactic accuracy of grammar structures taught – max. 4 pt.,
➢ lexical-semantic accuracy of material covered in class – max. 4 pt.,
➢ pronunciation – max. 4 pt.
Grades assigned as follows.
bdb 19-20 pt.
db+ 17-18 pt.
db 15-16 pt.
dst+13-14 pt.
dst 11-12 pt.
ndst <11 pt.
C. Exam score is average of scores on written and oral parts. Both components are weighted equally. If total score is between grades, e.g. 4,25, final grade will be rounded up to 4,5.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: