Introduction to modern Greek literature 09-WDLN-11
i) GENERAL INTRODUCTIONii) THE EMERGENCE OF MODERN GREEK LITERATURE (11th – 15th century)a) The Beginnings of the Modern Greek Literatureb) The Epos Era (Διγενής Ακρίτας, Ο γιός του Ανδρόνικου, Ο Αρμούρης)c) Romances (Λίβιστρος και Ροδάμνη, Ιμπέριος και Μαργαρώνα, Φλώριος και Πλατζιαφλώρα κτλπ)d) Tales in the Classical World (Ο Πόλεμος της Τρωάδος, Η Ριμάδα του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου κτλπ) e) Animal Fables (Πουλολόγος, Φυσιολόγος, Διήγησις των Τετράποδων κτλπ)iii) PERIPHERICAL LITERATURE (mid. 14th – 17th century)a) The First Cretan Renaissance Falters (Σ.Σαχλίκης, M.Φαλιέρος, Λ.Δελαπόρτας, Γ. Χούμνος, Μ.Δεφαράνας)b) The Golden Age of the Cretan Literature (Β.Κορνάρος: Eρωτόκριτος, Γ.Χορτάτσης: Ερωφίλη, Ι.-Α.Τρωίλος: Βασιλεύς Ροδολίνος)c) The Cretan Theatre (Βοσκοπούλα, Θυσία του Αβράαμ, Ζήνων, Πανώρια, Στάθης, Κατζούρμπος)d) Literature of Cyprus, Rhodes and Chios (Εκατόλογα / Καταλόγια, Χρονικό του Μαχαιρά, Χρονικό του Βουστρώνιου, Το θανατικόν της Ρόδου) iv) THE ERA OF ENLIGHTENMENT (17th – 1821)a) General Features (cultural transfer, translations of texts, newspapers etc)b) K. Dapontes, R. Fereos, I. Vilaras, A. Korais.v) THE BUILDING OF A NATION (1821-1880)a) The Romantic Era (D.Solomos, A.Kalvos, I.Polilas, G.Tertsetis)b) The Greek Fold Songs (Τα Δημοτικά Τραγούδια)c) The Greek Folklore vi) THE EUROPEAN INFLUENCEa) The European Literary currents: General Featuresb) The Greek poetry (Parnassism, New Classicism, Symbolism / K.Palamas, G.Drosinis, A.Orfanidis, A.Paraschos)c) The Greek prose (Symbolism, Moralism / A.Papadiamantis, A.Eftaliotis, G.Vizyinos, E. Roidis, G.Xenopoulos)vii) A TURNING POINT: THE THIRTIES a) The European Literary currents: General Featuresb) The Greek poetry I (A.SIkelianos, K.Kavafis, K.Varnalis) c) The Greek poetry II (Surrealism, Avant-Garde / O. Elitis, G. Seferis, N.Kavvadias, A. Embirikos, G.Ritsos)d) The Greek prose I (N.Kazantzakis)e) (The Greek prose II (Urban realism, History as a testimony, Socialism / K.Politis, I.Venezis, S.Mirivilis, F.Kontoglou, G.Theotokas )
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Learning outcomes
- The student would achieve a basic knowledge on Modern and Contemporary History of Europe and Greece, in the development of Modern Greek literary history and the basic literary genres: poetry, prose and drama.- The student would achieve a basic theoretical knowledge in the field of literary studies and literary research methodology concerning the History of Modern Greek Literature till the twentieth century. Simultaneously, he would be initiated in the main currents of the European Literature as: humanism, baroque, classicism, enlightenment, neoclassicism, romanticism, realism, aestheticism, modernism, surrealism, existentialism.- The student would acquire a basic knowledge in the field of Modern Greek metrics.
Assessment criteria
The prerequisite for student is to take a series of tests as also the final exam (preparation of a written test in literature) and obtain 60% as a result. The student is also required to participate in classes with minimum two unjustified absences per semester.
1) R. BEATON, An Introduction to Modern Greek Literature, Clarendon Press, 1995.2) R. CLOGG, A Concise History of Greece, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992. 3) Kωνσταντίνου ΔΗΜΑΡΑ, Ιστορία της νεοελληνικής λογοτεχνίας. Από τις πρώτες ρίζες ως την εποχή μας, εκδ. Γνώση, Aθήνα, 2000.4) V.HADJIVASSILIOU - S.KAKLAMANIS – E.KOTZIA – S.PETSOPOULOS – E.TSIRIMOKOU – Y.YATROMANOLAKIS, Greece: Books and Writers, Ministry of Culture – National Book Centre of Greece, Athens, 2001.5) Βασίλη ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Ιστορία του Νέου Ελληνισμού (1770-2000), (τμ. 1-10), εκδ. Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα, 2003-2004.6) Λίνου ΠΟΛΙΤΗ, Ποιητική ανθολογία, (τμ. I-VII), εκδ. Δωδώνη, Αθήνα, 1989.7) Λίνου ΠΟΛΙΤΗ, Ιστορία της νεοελληνικής λογοτεχνίας, εκδ. Μ. Ι. Ε. Τ., Aθήνα, 1997.8)Mario VΙΤΤΙ, Ιστορία της νεοελληνικής λογοτεχνίας, εκδ. Οδυσσέας, Athens, 2003.9) Oktawiusz JUREWICZ, Historia Literatury Bizantyńskiej, Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich 1984.
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