Courses at
Institute of Applied Linguistics
- General English - practical grammar 09-PNJAaj-18gp-22
- General English - practical grammar 09-PNJAaj-18gp-12
- General English - writing 09-PNJAP-LK-12
- General English - writing 09-PNJAP-LK-22
- General German 09-PNJN-ILS-16
- General German 09-PNJN-ILS-26
- General German 09-PNJN-ILS-36
- General German 09-PNJN-ILS-46
- General German 09-pnjn-ils-66
- General German 09-PNJN-LK-16
- General German 09-PNJN-LK-26
- General German 09-N15-PNJN-12
- General German 09-N15-PNJN-22
- General German 09-PNJN-ILS-56
- General German 09-PNJNaj-ILS-66
- General German 09-PNJNwj-ILS-13
- General German 09-PNJNwj-ILS-23
- General German 09-PNJNwj-ILS-11
- General German 09-PNJNwj-ILS-33
- General German 09-PNJNaj-18-66
- General German 09-PNJNaj-18-ILS-56
- General German 09-PNJN-LK-36
- General German 09-PNJN-LK-46
- General German 09-PNJN-LK-56
- General German 09-PNJN-LK-66
- General German - conversations 09-PNJNajK-ILS-11
- General German - grammar 09-PNJNaj-18g-26
- General German - grammar 09-PNJNaj-18g-34
- General German - grammar 09-PNJNaj-18g-44
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNaj-18sz-16
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNaj-18sz-26
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNaj-18sz-36
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNaj-18sz-46
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJAaj-18sz-46
- General German - Integrated skills 09-PnjnSz-ILS-11
- General German - practical grammar 09-PNJNaj-18g-16
- General German - writing 09-PNJNajP-ILS-11
- German 09-NIEMPRNJI-MF-46
- German 09-NIEMPRNJI-MF-66
- German - Elementary level 09-FR-JE-N-55
- German For Tourism 09-JNWT-22
- German For Tourism 09-JNWT-12
- German in the profession 09-JNWZ3f-ILS-11
- German language didactics 09-DJN-ILS-11
- German language didactics 09-DJNk-ILS-12
- German language in logistics 09-JNLfak-ILS-11
- German phonetics 09-WJNaj-ILS-11
- German pronunciation 09-WJN-ILS-11
- German specialist language 09-JNSwj-ILS-14
- German specialist language 09-JNSwj-ILS-24
- German specialist language 09-JNSwj-ILS-34
- German specialist language 09-JNSwj-ILS-44
- German- speaking countries cultural studies 09-KULTNOJ-ILS-12
- German- speaking countries cultural studies 09-KULTNOJ-ILS-22
- German-Polish contrasting phraseology 09-FKf-ILS-11
- German-Polish contrastive grammar - classes 09-GRAMKONc-ILS-11
- German-Polish contrastive grammar -lectures 09-GRAMKON-ILS-11
- Gesture analysis 09-GAf-ILS-11
- GIP 09-GIP-ILS-11
- Greek literature 09-PG-11
- Hindi as a Foreign Language 09-FR-HINDIND-56
- Hindi as a Foreign Language 09-FR-HINDIND-66
- Hindi as a Foreign Language 09-FR-HINDIND-16
- Hindi as a Foreign Language 09-FR-HINDIND-26
- Hindi as a Foreign Language 09-FR-HINDIND-36
- Hindi as a Foreign Language 09-FR-HINDIND-46
- Hindi Grammar 09-FR-GRHIND-14
- Hindi Grammar 09-FR-GRHIND-24
- Hindi Grammar 09-FR-GRHIND-34
- Hindi Grammar 09-FR-GRHIND-44
- History of Finland 09-FR-HF-11
- History of Finnish Literature 09-HLF-UFIN-44
- History of Greece 09-HG-FNG-24
- History of Greece 09-FR-HG-12
- History of Greece 09-FR-HG-22
- History of Greek literature 09-HLG-FNG-34
- History of Greek literature 09-HLG-FNG-44
- History of Greek Literature 09-FR-HLG-34
- History of Greek Literature 09-FR-HLG-44
- History of Greek Literature 09-FR-HLG-14
- History of Greek Literature 09-FR-HLG-24
- History of Hungarian language 09-HJW-FW-11
- History of Hungarian literature 09-HLW-FW-24
- History of Hungarian literature 09-HLW-FW-34
- History of Hungary 09-FR-HW-12
- History of Hungary 09-FR-HW-22
- History of India 09-FR-HI-12
- History of India 09-FR-HI-22
- History of Indian Literature 09-FR-HLI-12
- History of Indian Literature 09-FR-HLI-22
- History of Indonesian and Malay language 09-HJIJM-12
- History of Indonesian and Malayan literature 09-HLIM-IM-22
- History of Latvian language 09-HJŁ-FŁ-11
- History of Modern Greek Language 09-HJNG-FNG-11
- History of philosophy 09-FILO-ILS-12
- History of philosophy 09-FILO-ILS-22
- History of the Hungarian Literature 09-FR-HLW-14
- History of the Hungarian Literature 09-FR-HLW-24
- History of the Hungarian Literature 09-FR-HLW-34
- History of the Hungarian Literature 09-FR-HLW-44