Courses at
Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science
- (in Polish) Elementy neuropsychologii dzieci i młodzieży 23-ZPPK-EN
- (in Polish) Problemy neuropsychologiczne chorych w wieku podeszłym 23-ZPPK-PN
- (in Polish) Psychologiczne koncepcje wyjaśniania zaburzeń psychicznych i zaburzeń zachowania 23-ZPPK1-PKW
- (in Polish) Kompetencje psychologów pracujących z dziećmi i młodzieżą 23-ZPPK2-KP
- (in Polish) Edukacja seksualna w cyklu życia człowieka 23-OET-EDS
- (in Polish) Problematyka seksuologiczna w innych zaburzeniach somatycznych i psychicznych 23-OET-PSZ
- (in Polish) Seksualność osoby z niepełnosprawnością w różnych fazach życia 23-OET-SON
- (in Polish) Rozwój seksualny człowieka - dzieciństwo 23-ZKSK-RSC
- (in Polish) Tożsamość płciowa. Klinika zaburzeń tożsamości płciowej 23-ZKSK-TOP
- (in Polish) Formy zaburzeń w okresie dzieciństwa i dorastania 23-ZPPKP-FZD
- (in Polish) Projekt WPiK_Start Warsztat 23-PSZ5-PWSW
- (in Polish) Projekt WPiK_Start - Wykład 2 23-KODL-WSW2
- (in Polish) Projekt WPiK_Start - Wykład 2 23-PSZ5-WSW2
- (in Polish) Staż kierunkowy: Pacjent psychiatryczny: specyfika zaburzeń psychicznych i zaburzeń zachowania 23-ZPPKP-SZP
- (in Polish) Metodyka udzielania pomocy psychologicznej w edukacji - I 23-PPE-MUP1
- (in Polish) Praca z dzieckiem z indywidualnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi 23-PPE-PDI
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe 1 23-PPE-PRA1
- (in Polish) Projektowanie uniwersalne w edukacji 23-PPE-PUE
- (in Polish) Wspomaganie rozwoju dzieci i młodzieży - inspiratorium psychologa II 23-PPE-WRD2
- (in Polish) Staż kierunkowy: Podstawy diagnozy psychologicznej dzieci i młodzieży II 23-ZPPKP-DDM2
- (in Polish) Staż kierunkowy: Interwencja kryzysowa 23-ZPPKP-IKRS
- (in Polish) WF: Psychologia stresu 23-PSDM-PST
- (in Polish) SF: ASD-spectrum autyzmu u dzieci i dorosłych 23-PSDM-ASD
- (in Polish) SF: "Drugi mózg" w funkcjonowaniu poznawczym i psychicznym 23-PSDM-MPP
- "The second brain" in cognitive and menetal functioning 23-PIE-TSB
- A Psychologist's Professional Ethics 23-PSDM-EZP
- A qualitative approach to research. From the research question to the report 23-KODU-JPB
- A qualitative approach to research. From the research question to the report 23-KODU-MJK
- Academic writing 23-KODU-ACW
- Academic Writing 23-S2RCS01-P15948
- Adult education 23-PSDM-EDO
- Adult education 23-PSZ5-EDO
- Advanced seminar: Developmental assessment – a cultural-historical view 23-PIE-DAV
- Advanced seminar: Organizational research methods 23-PIE-ORM
- Advanced seminar: Perception 23-PIE-PER
- Advanced seminar: Reasoning 23-PIE-REA
- Advances in Neuroscience 23-KODU-AIN
- Advances in Neuroscience 23-PIE-AIN
- Advances in Neuroscience 23-KODL-AIN
- Analysis and data visualisation 23-S1KG03-P03809
- Analysis and data visualization 23-KODL-AWD
- Anatomy of nervous system 23-S1KG03-P03859
- Anatomy of the nervous system 23-KODL-AUN
- Applied psychology - Path: Basics of cognitive-behavioral therapy with elements of regimen therapy 23-PSDM-SPT
- Applied psychology - Path: Basics of cognitive-behavioral therapy with elements of regimen therapy 23-PSZ5-PTP
- Applied Psychology - Path: Determinants of typical and atypical sexual development 23-PSDM-SDE
- Applied Psychology - Path: Determinants of typical and atypical sexual development 23-PSZ5-DTR
- Applied Psychology - Path: Forensic Psychology 23-PSDM-SPS
- Applied Psychology - Path: Neuropsycholgy in clinical practice 23-PSDM-NPK
- Applied Psychology - Path: Neuropsychology in clinical practice 23-PSZ5-NPK
- Applied Psychology - Path: Psychological problems of personnel selection 23-PSZ5-PPD
- Applied Psychology - Path: Psychology of Addictions to Psychoactive Substances 23-PSDM-SUZ
- Applied Psychology - Path: Psychology of addiction 23-PSZ5-SUZ
- Applied Psychology - Path: Psychotherapy of personality disorders 23-PSZ5-PZO
- Applied Psychology - Path: Work and Health 23-PSZ5-PRZ
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Organization of Learning Environment and the Specific Educational Needs I 23-PSDM-SSP
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Psychology of work I 23-PSZ5-SPR
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Animation Of Local Communieties I 23-PSDM-SAS
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Animation Of Local Communieties II 23-PSDM-SAS2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Clinical psychology I 23-PSZ5-SKL
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Clinical psychology II 23-PSZ5-SKL2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Clinical Sexology I 23-PSDM-SEK
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Clinical Sexology II 23-PSDM-SEK2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Criminological and criminalistics psychology 23-PSDM-SPK
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Criminological and criminalistics psychology II 23-PSDM-SPK2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Educational psychology specialty 23-PSZ5-SED2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Educational psychology specialty I 23-PSZ5-SED
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Organization of Learning Environment and the Specific Educational Needs II 23-PSDM-SSP2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Personnel Consulting I 23-PSDM-SDP
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Personnel Consulting II 23-PSDM-SDP2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Psychology of Health and Illness I 23-PSDM-SPZ
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Psychology of Health and Illness II 23-PSDM-SPZ2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Psychology of work II 23-PSZ5-SPR2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Psychotherapy of Mental Disorders I 23-PSDM-SZA
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Psychotherapy of Mental Disorders II 23-PSDM-SZA2
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Work and Health I 23-PSDM-SZP
- Applied Psychology - Specialty: Work and Health II 23-PSDM-SZP2
- Applied Psychology: Clinical Psychology 23-PSDM-PKL
- Applied Psychology: Industrial / Organizational Psychology 23-PSDM-PPR
- Applied Psychology: Introduction to Clinical Psychology 23-PSDM-WPK
- Applied Psychology: Introduction to Industrial / Organizational Psychology 23-PSDM-WPP
- Applied Psychology: Introduction to Psychology of Education 23-PSDM-WPE
- Applied Psychology: Introduction to Social Psychology 23-PSDM-WPS
- Applied Psychology: Introduction: Clinical Psychology 23-PSZ5-WPK
- Applied Psychology: Introduction: Educational Psychology 23-PSZ5-WPE
- Applied Psychology: Introduction: Social Psychology 23-PSZ5-WPS
- Applied Psychology: Introduction: Work and Organizational Psychology 23-PSZ5-WPP
- Applied Psychology: Psychology of Education 23-PSDM-PPE
- Applied Psychology: Social Psychology 23-PSDM-PPS
- Apprenticeships / Classes 23-DDPS-PRA2
- Apprenticeships / Classes 23-DDPS-PRA3
- Apprenticeships / Classes 23-DDPS-PRA4
- Argument-Checking and Critical Thinking 23-EPI-ACT
- Artificial intelligence 23-S1KG04-P01004
- Artificial intelligence and artificial life 23-KODL-SZI
- Bachelor's seminar 23-KODL-SEL1
- Bachelor's seminar 23-KODL-SEL2
- Basic problems of cognitive science: perception 23-KODL-PPP
- Basics of Algorithmics 23-KODL-POA
- Basics of Algorithmics 23-S1KG02-F03858