Courses at
Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science
- Basics of eating psychology 23-PSZ5-PPJ
- Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience 23-KODU-BCN
- Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience 23-PIE-BCN
- Behavioural & Cognitive Neuroscience 23-S2RCS02-P15959
- Biological bases of behaviour 23-N5PS02-P03857
- Biological bases of behaviour 23-S1KG02-F03857
- Biological bases of behaviour 23-S5PS02-P03857
- Biological Basics Of Behaviour 23-PSDM-BPZ
- Biological Basis of Behavior 23-PSZ5-BPZ
- Child abuse and neglect 23-PSZ5-PWDZ2
- Child abuse and neglect in social and psychological perspective 23-PSDM-PWDZ2
- Child abuse and neglect in social and psychological perspective 23-PIE-CHA
- Cognitive Linguistics 23-KODL-JEK
- Cognitive processes 23-KODL-PPO
- Cognitive Processes 23-PSDM-PRP
- Cognitive Processes 23-PSZ5-POZ
- Cognitive processes 23-S1KG02-P03854
- Cognitive processes 23-S5PS03-P03854
- Cognitive processes 23-N5PS03-P03854
- Cognitive processes 23-N5PS-MP03-P03854
- Cognitive processes 23-S5PS-MP03-P03854
- Cognitive social psychology 23-KODU-PPS
- Cognitive Social Psychology 23-PIE-PPS
- Cognitive Theories of Religion 23-PSDM-KTR
- Cognitive Theories of Religion 23-KODL-KTR
- Communication Human-Computer 23-KODL-KCK
- Conceptual Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 23-KODU-CAI
- Conceptual Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 23-PIE-CAI
- Constructive Adpositional Grammars 23-PIE-CAG
- Contemporary directions of research in psychology and cognitive science 23-DDPS-WKB
- Contemporary directions of research in psychology and cognitive science 23-DDPS-WKB4
- Criminal law for psychologists 23-PSDM-PKP
- Critical Thinking and Argument-Checking 23-EPI-CTA
- Developmental Psychology 23-S1KG03-F03864
- Diagram in Logic Theory 23-KODL-DLT
- Diagrams In Logic And Philosophy 23-PIE-DLT
- Doctor seminar 23-DDPS-SED2
- Doctor seminar 23-DDPS-SED3
- Doctor seminar 23-DDPS-SED4
- Educational law 23-PSDM-PRO
- Educational law 23-PSZ5-POS
- Elective classes: "The second brain" in cognitive and mental functioning 23-S2-TSB
- Elective classes: Memory in Courtroom 23-S2-MOC
- Elective classes: Science of Learning 23-S2-SOF
- Elective classes:Ethics of Technology Al, and Neuroethics 23-S2-EOT
- Emotions and Motivation 23-PSDM-EIM
- Emotions and motivation 23-N5PS01-P07283
- Emotions and motivation 23-S5PS02-P07283
- Emotions and Motivations 23-PSZ5-EMO
- Empirical seminar 23-S1KG04-P03869
- Empirical seminar 1 23-S2RCS01-P15949
- Empirical seminar 2 23-S2RCS02-P15956
- Empirical Work 23-PSDM-EMP
- English 23-PSZ5-ANG
- English 23-N5PS03-ANG-30
- English 23-N5PS04-ANG-30
- English, semester 3 23-PSZ5-ANG1
- English, semester 4 23-PSZ5-ANG2
- English, semester 5 23-PSZ5-ANG-3
- English, semester 5 23-PSZ5-ANG3
- English, semester 6 23-PSZ5-ANG-4
- English, semester 6 23-PSZ5-ANG4
- Epistemology 23-KODL-EPI
- Epistemology 23-S1KG02-P02552
- Ethics of psychological research with human subjects 23-PSDM-ETY
- Ethics of technology, AI, and neuroethics 23-KODL-ETE
- Ethics of the profession of psychologist 23-PSZ5-EZP
- Evolutionary psychology 23-PSDM-PSE
- Evolutionary psychology 23-PSZ5-PSE
- Evolutionary-developmental psychology 23-KODL-PER
- Eye-tracking 23-PIE-EYT
- Faces of narcissism 23-PSZ5-NAR
- Female sexuality in adulthood 23-PSDM-FSA
- Femininity and Masculinity in the psycho-cultural perspective 23-PSDM-KMP4
- Field course (Applied Psychology: Social Psychology) 23-PSDM-TER-PPS
- Fieldwork : specialty psychotherapy of mental disorders 23-PSDM-TER-1
- Fieldwork in clinical psychology 23-PSZ5-TER-KL
- Fieldwork in clinical psychology 23-PSZ5-TER-KL2
- Fieldwork within Applied Psychology: Clinical Psychology 23-PSDM-TER1
- Fieldwork within path 23-PSZ5-TER-SC
- Fieldwork within Specialty 23-PSDM-TER-S
- Fieldwork: path psychotherapy of personality disorders 23-PSZ5-TER-PZO
- Forms of Disorders in childhood and adolescence 23-ZPPK-FZD
- Fundamental Issues in Cognitive Science: Consciousness 23-KODL-SWI
- Fundamental problems of cognitive science: perception 23-S1KG04-P03868
- Fundamentals of Logic 23-N5PS02-P02522
- Fundamentals of Logic 23-S5PS01-P02522
- Fundamentals of Psychological Assistance 23-PSDM-POM
- Fundamentals of psychological counseling 23-PSZ5-PPP
- Fundaments of Psychological Assistance: Interpersonal Training 23-PSDM-TRI
- Gender and Revolution 23-PIE-GAR
- General Didactics 23-PSDM-DYO
- General Linguistics 23-KODL-JOG
- General linguistics 23-S1KG04-P03867
- Health protection law for psychologists 23-PSDM-OZP
- Human sexual development - adolescence 23-OET-RSCDO
- Human sexual development - adolescence 23-ZKSK-RSCDO
- Human sexual development - adulthood 23-ZKSK-RSCD
- Human sexual development - childhood 23-OET-RSCD
- Human-computer communication 23-S1KG03-P03862