Courses at
Faculty of English
- Main currents in American literature and culture 15-IPLKA-LKA-11
- Marketing translation 15-TMK-TKS-11
- Master seminar 15-N2FA01-F00014
- Master seminar 15-S2FA02-F00014
- Master seminar 15-S2TKS01-SM1
- Master seminar 15-S2TKS02-SM2
- Master's seminar for translation studies 15-S2TPA01-F05101
- Master's seminar for translation studies 15-S2TPA02-F05101
- Master's seminar for translation studies 15-S2TPA03-F05101
- Master's seminar for translation studies 15-S2TPA04-F05101
- Media accessibility (audio description, respeaking) 15-DMAR-TKPA-11
- Media and culture 15-MIK-JIK-11
- Media in the USA 15-MUSA-LKA-11
- Medical anthropology in global perspective 15-AMPG-LCH-11
- Medical discourses in literary and paraliterary texts in English across centuries 15-MDLPT-AMU-PIE-11
- Medical translation 15-TM-TP-11
- Medical translation 15-TMS-TKS-11
- Medical translation 2 15-TM2-TP-11
- Medieval religious drama in England 15-RDSA-TD-11
- Methodologgy of ethnographic research 15-MBETN-11
- Methodology in humanities 15-MWH-SN-11
- Methodology in humanities 15-MWH-SN-11-2
- Methodology in humanities 15-S1SN02-P14513
- Methodology of linguistic research 15-N2FA01-P04188
- Methodology of literary research 15-MBLIT-11
- Methodology of literary research 15-MBLIT-11-2
- Methodology of literary research 15-N2FA01-P06387
- Methodology of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic research 15-MBPIS-POWER
- Methodology Workshops (15h) 15-S2FA02-F15340
- Methodology Workshops (15h) 15-S2FA02-WM15-01
- Methodology Workshops (15h) 15-S2FA02-WM15-02
- Methodology Workshops (15h) 15-S2FA02-WM15-03
- Methodology Workshops (15h) 15-S2FA02-WM15-04
- Methodology Workshops (15h) 15-S2FA02-WM15-05
- Methodology Workshops (30h) 15-S2FA02-F15339
- Methodology Workshops (30h) 15-S2FA02-WM30-01
- Methodology Workshops (30h) 15-S2FA02-WM30-02
- Minority language studies 15-SNJM-CE-11
- Minority language studies 15-SNJM-FAC-11
- Modern Chinese literature 15-CLW-CH-11
- Modern teaching methods 15-NMK-POWER
- Modern technologies in teaching English 15-NTWDJA-ZU-2-11
- Modern technologies in teaching English 15-NTWDJA-ZU
- Modern US society 15-WSUSA-LKA-11
- Module 1 (Main module)* 15-MOD1-ES-2BA-11
- Module 1 (Main module)* 15-MOD1-ES-3BA-11
- Module 2 (Complementary module)** 15-MOD2-ES-3BA-11
- Module 2 (Complementary module)** 15-MOD2-ES-2BA-11
- Module 3 (Main module)* 15-MOD3-ES-2BA-11
- Module 3 (Main module)* 15-MOD3-ES-3BA-11
- Module 4 (Complementary module)** 15-MOD4-ES-3BA-11
- Module 4 (Complementary module)** 15-MOD4-ES-2BA-11
- Module A 15-MODA-FAC-11
- Module B 15-MODB-FAC-11
- Module title: British literary studies 15-BLS-AMU-PIE-11
- Monographic lecture 15-WMONO-SNJL
- Monographic lecture 1 15-WM101-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 1 15-WM201-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 10 15-WM210-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 2 15-WM102-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 2 15-WM202-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 3 15-WM103-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 3 15-WM203-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 4 15-WM104-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 4 15-WM204-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 5 15-WM105-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 5 15-WM205-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 6 15-WM106-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 6 15-WM206-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 7 15-WM107-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 7 15-WM207-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 8 15-WM208-OG-11
- Monographic lecture 9 15-WM209-OG-11
- Multicultural Canada 15-MC-AMU-PIE-11
- Multiculturalism, transculturalism and diasporas in Canada: social, cultural and literary perspectives 15-WTDWK-KAN-11
- Multilingual lives and multilingual individuals 15-MLMI-EC
- Multilingual map of Europe: identity and diversity 15-MMOE-EC
- Multilingual speech: Selected aspects of language acquisition 15-WM1-AMU-PIE-11
- Narratives of health and illness 15-NZCH-LCH-11
- Native Canadian literatures in the context of Canadian multicultural literature 15-LLRK-KAN-11
- Natural language processing 15-PJN-LMT-11
- New technologies in interpreting 15-NTTU-TKPA-11
- New technologies in interpreting 15-S2TPA04-P05118
- New theories in literary studies 15-NTWL-11
- New Zealand life and institutions 15-WINZ-ANZ-11
- Note-taking for interpreters 15-NDTK-TK-11
- Note-taking in consecutive interpreting 15-NTK-TKPA-11
- Notes in consecutive translation 15-S2TPA01-P05098
- Old age in British and American culture and literature 15-SBAKL-LCH-11
- Old age in British and American culture and literature 15-OABA-AMU-PIE-11
- Online journalism 15-DINT-JIK-11
- Organizing individual work and management of stress 15-S2FA01-P15298
- Outline of Dutch literary history 15-S1SN02-P14512
- Outline of history of linguistics 15-ZHJ-ZU
- Outline of the history of the Netherlands 15-S1SN01-P14511
- Overcoming communication barriers in (health)care contexts 15-PBKOZ-LCH-11
- Pedagogical laboratory: preparation for elementary school practice 15-MN-P01409
- Pedagogical preparation for general pedagogy practice (primary school). Part 1 15-LABPED-CZI-NA-11
- Pedagogical preparation for general pedagogy practice (secondary school). Part 2 15-LABPED-CZII-NA-11
- Pedagogical preparation for general pedagogy practice (secondary school). Part 2 15-LABPED-PPSP-KN-11