Courses at
Institute of Russian and Ukrainian Studies
- English as a foreign language, phonetics 09-PNJAph-66
- English as a foreign language, phonetics 09-PNJAph-14
- English as a foreign language, translation 09-PNJAtr-11
- English as a foreign language, writing 09-PNJAwr-22
- English as a foreign language, writing 09-PNJAwr-15
- English as a foreign language, writing 09-PNJAwr-25
- English as a foreign language, writing 09-PNJAwr-35
- English as a foreign language, writing 09-PNJAwr-45
- English as a foreign language, writing 09-PNJAwr-55
- Facultative selected subject II 09-FPW2-11
- First aid 09-PPOM-11
- First aid 09-MPP-11
- Folklore and Old Russian literature 09-FLSTR-11
- Foreign language acquisition 09-AJO-ZL-11
- From research on linguistic borderlands 09-SNJL2sl-11
- Fundamentals of pedagogy for teachers (part 1) 09-MPPed1-12
- Fundamentals of pedagogy for teachers (Part 1) 09-MPPed1-22
- Fundamentals of pedagogy for teachers part 1 09-PPn1-11
- Fundamentals of pedagogy for teachers part 2 09-MPPed2-11
- Fundamentals of psychology for teachers (part 1) 09-MPPsych1-22
- Fundamentals of psychology for teachers (part 1) 09-MPPsych1-12
- Fundamentals of psychology for teachers part 2 09-MPPsych2-11
- General and applied interpersonal communication (mediational communication) 09-KMOSwm-DU-11
- General German - grammar 09-PNJNgr-16
- General German - grammar 09-PNJNgr-26
- General German - grammar 09-PNJNgr-36
- General German - Grammar 09-PNJNgr-46
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-16
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-26
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-36
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-46
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-56
- General German - integrated skills 09-PNJNsz-66
- German as a foreign language 09-PNJNegz-23
- Grammar of modern Belarusian - syntax 09-GWJB-44
- Grammar of Old Church Slavonic 09-GJSCS-11
- Grammar of the modern Belarusian language - morphology 09-GWJB-34
- Grammar of the modern Belarusian language - morphology 09-GWJB-24
- Grammar of the modern Belarusian language - phonetics and phonology 09-GWJB-14
- Grammar of the modern Russian language 09-GWJR-56
- Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-66
- History of American Literature 09-HLAM-11
- History of Belarus 09-HB-11
- History of Belarus 09-SNJL3sz-11
- History of Belarusian literature 09-HLB-24
- History of Belarusian Literature 09-HLB-14
- History of Belarusian Literature 09-HLB-34
- History of Belarusian Literature 09-HLB-44
- History of English Literature 09-HLANGIE-11
- History of Russia 09-HROS-11
- History of Russia 09-HR-ZL-12
- History of Russia 09-HR-ZL-22
- History of Russia 09-SNJL1sz-11
- History of Russian language 09-HJR-ZL-11
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLROS-55
- History of Russian literature 09-HLR-ZL-55
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLR-ZL-25
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLR-ZL-15
- History of Russian literature 09-HLR-ZL-35
- History of Russian literature 09-HLR-ZL-45
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLROS-36
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLROS-16
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLROS-26
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLROS-66
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLROS-56
- History of Russian Literature 09-HLROS-46
- History of the British Isles 09-HWBA-11
- History of the Russian language 09-HJR-12
- History of the Russian language 09-HJR-22
- History of Ukraine 09-HUA-11
- History of Ukraine 09-SNJL2sz-11
- History of Ukrainian Literature 09-HLUA-13
- History of Ukrainian Literature 09-HLUA-23
- History of Ukrainian Literature 09-HLUA-33
- History of USA 09-HUSA-11
- Image and media workshop 09-SNJL2-11
- Image and mediational workshops 09-WWM-DU-12
- Image and mediational workshops 09-WWM-DU-22
- Information Technology 09-IT-11
- Information technology 09-TI-ZL-11
- Interpersonal communication and communication technologies 09-MKMTK-11
- Interpreter's workshop - consecutive interpreting 09-MWTUSK-11
- Interpreter's workshop - simultaneous interpretation 09-MWTUSS-11
- Interpreting workshop 09-WTU-ZU-12
- Interpreting workshop 09-WTU-ZU-22
- Introduction to communication theory 09-MWTKom-11
- Introduction to Communicology 09-WKOM-DU-11
- Introduction to cultural heritage 09-WDDK-11
- Introduction to didactics 09-MPD-12
- Introduction to ecolinguistics and image theory 09-ETW-DU-12
- Introduction to ecolinguistics and image theory 09-ETW-DU-22
- Introduction to general and applied semiotics 09-SOS-DU-12
- Introduction to general and applied semiotics 09-SOS-DU-22
- Introduction to German and Polish written translation 09-PTPNPL-11
- introduction to image theory 09-WTW-DU-11
- Introduction to intercultural negotiations 09-MWNM-11
- Introduction to linguistics 09-WDOJ-11
- Introduction to Linguistics 09-WDJ-ZL-11
- Introduction to Literary studies 09-WLIT-11
- Introduction to Literary studies 09-WDL-ZL-11