Courses at
Institute of Russian and Ukrainian Studies
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- (in Polish) Fakultatywny przedmiot do wyboru I 09-FPW01-11
- (in Polish) Laboratorium pedagogiczne: przygotowanie do praktyk w szkole ponadpodstawowej cz.2 09-MLP-11
- (in Polish) Podstawy pedagogiki dla nauczycieli cz.2 09-MPPn2-11
- (in Polish) Przedmiot do wyboru III (dla specjalizacji pedagogicznej) 09-PWP3-11
- (in Polish) Konwersacje z Business English 09-MKBE-12
- (in Polish) Konwersacje z Business English 09-MKBE-22
- (in Polish) Język rosyjski - komunikacja ustna i pisemna w biznesie 09-JRKB-ZU-11
- (in Polish) Teoria i praktyka przekładu 09-MTP-22
- (in Polish) Języki narodów Federacji Rosyjskiej 09-SNJL3-11
- (in Polish) Komunikacja językowa w Internecie 09-KJI-11
- (in Polish) Kultura ukraińska we współczesnym świecie 09-KUWS-11
- (in Polish) Komunikacja codziennna w języku rosyjskim 09-KOMJROS-11
- (in Polish) Komunikacja codzienna w języku rosyjskim 09-KOMJROS-SNJL-11
- (in Polish) Komunikacja codzienna w języku rosyjskim 09-KOMJROS-WN-11
- A history of the Orthodox Church of the Eastern Slavs in Kiev and Moscow 09-DPOB-11
- An introduction to ecolinguistics 09-WEko-11
- An outline history of Russian literature 09-ZLRUA-11
- An outline of Russian fantasy 09-SNJL1sl-11
- An outline of Russian fantasy 09-SNJL4-11
- Artistic translation 09-MPA-22
- Artistic translation 09-MPA-12
- B.A. seminar 09-SL-12
- B.A. seminar 09-SL-22
- BA Seminar 09-SD-ZL-12
- BA Seminar 09-SD-ZL-22
- Basics of voice emission 09-PEG-11
- Belarusian interpreting workshops 09-WTUJB-11
- Belarusian written translation workshops 09-WTPJB-11
- Belarusian/Ukrainian Foreign Language 09-MLJB-13
- Belarusian/Ukrainian Foreign Language 09-MLJB-23
- Belarusian/Ukrainian Foreign Language 09-MLJB-33
- Business German 09-JNBL-23
- Business German 09-JNBL-33
- Business Russian 09-JRB-12
- Business Russian 09-JRB-22
- Business Ukrainian 09-MJUB-12
- Business Ukrainian 09-MJUB-22
- Communication skills in English 09-SKJAwm-DU-44
- Communication skills in English 09-SKJAwm-DU-34
- Communicative skills in English 09-SKJAwm-DU-14
- Communicative skills in English 09-SKJAwm-DU-24
- Communicative skills in second language 09-SKDJNwm-DU-44
- Communicative skills in second language 09-SKDJNwm-DU-34
- Communicative skills in second language 09-SKDJNwm-DU-14
- Communicative skills in second language 09-SKDJNwm-DU-24
- Composition and editing of utility texts in the context of German and Polish 09-KiRTNP-11
- Computer-assisted translation (SDL Trados) 09-TI-PNJU-ap-33
- Computer-assisted translation (SDL Trados) 09-TI-PNJtr-13
- Computer-assisted translation (SDL Trados) 09-TI-PNJU-ap-23
- Consecutive translation 09-MPK-11
- Contemporary Russian Literature 09-WLR-ZU-12
- Contemporary Russian Literature 09-WLR-ZU-22
- Contemporary Russian Literature 09-MWLR-22
- Contrastive grammar Polish-Russian 09-GKPR-ZL-11
- Cultural determinants of interpersonal communication 09-MKUKM-11
- Culture and characteristic features of the Russian language speaking countries 09-KROJ-11
- Culture and reality of Eastern Slavs 09-RR-ZL-12
- Culture of the Ukrainian language speaking countries and territories 09-KUOJUA-11
- Descriptive Grammar of Polish 09-GOJP-11
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-ZL-45
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-16
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-26
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-36
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-ZL-55
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-ZL-15
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-ZL-25
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-ZL-35
- Descriptive Grammar of the Russian language 09-GWJR-46
- Descriptive Grammar of the Ukrainian Language 09-GWJUA-35
- Editing of scientific texts 09-RTN-ZU-12
- Editing of scientific texts 09-RTN-ZU-22
- Elective course 09-JNTIB-12
- Elective course I 09-FPUA1-11
- Elective course II 09-FPUA2-11
- Elective course III 09-FPUA3-11
- Elective course III 09-FPW3-11
- Elective course III 09-PDWL3-11
- Elective course IV 09-PDWL4-11
- Elective course IV 09-FPW4-11
- Elective course IV 09-FPUA4-11
- Elective course V 09-FPW5-11
- Elective course V 09-PDWL5-11
- Elective course VI 09-FPW6-11
- Elective subject (for business language specialisation) 09-MPdW-11
- English as a foreign language 09-PNJAA-13
- English as a foreign language 09-PNJAA-33
- English as a foreign language 09-PNJAA-23
- English as a foreign language, General English 09-PNJAge-16
- English as a foreign language, General English 09-PNJAge-26
- English as a foreign language, General English 09-PNJAge-36
- English as a foreign language, General English 09-PNJAge-46
- English as a foreign language, General English 09-PNJAge-56
- English as a foreign language, General English 09-PNJAge-66
- English as a foreign language, grammar 09-PNJAgr-16
- English as a foreign language, grammar 09-PNJAgr-26
- English as a foreign language, grammar 09-PNJAgr-36
- English as a foreign language, grammar 09-PNJAgr-56
- English as a foreign language, grammar 09-PNJAgr-46
- English as a foreign language, grammar 09-PNJAgr-66
- English as a foreign language, phonetics 09-PNJAph-14
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