Courses at
Department of Oriental Studies
- (in Polish) Antropologia kulturowa Indii 09-AKI-22
- (in Polish) Historia literatury i kultury japońskiej 09-HLJW-13
- (in Polish) Lektura tekstów specjalistycznych - technologie informatyczne 09-LTS-TI-11
- (in Polish) Cywilizacja Azji Wschodniej 09-CYWAW-11
- (in Polish) Translatoryka 1 09-JAPTRANS1-11
- (in Polish) Translatoryka 2 09-JAPTRANS2-11
- (in Polish) Translatoryka 3 09-JAPTRANS3-11
- (in Polish) Praktyczna nauka języka japońskiego - tłumaczenia wspomagane komputerowo 09-PNJJU-TWK-13
- B.A. seminar 09-SLIT-22
- B.A. Seminar 09-SLIN-12
- B.A. Seminar 09-SLIN-22
- B.A. seminar 09-SLIT-12
- Biographies of Eminent Tibetans – Introduction to Tibetan Civilization through Lives of Individuals 09-BET-AP-11
- Chinese Literature Reading 09-LTL-M-34
- Chinese Literature Reading 09-LTL-M-44
- Chinese Literature Reading 09-LTLU-12
- Chinese Literature Reading 09-LTLU-22
- Classical Chinese 09-JCK-12
- Classical Chinese 09-JCK-22
- Classical Tibetan 09-PNKT-14
- Classical Tibetan 09-PNKT-24
- Classical Tibetan 09-PNKT-34
- Classical Tibetan 09-PNKT-44
- Contemporary Socio-Political Questions 09-WZSP-11
- Cultural Anthropology of India 09-AKI-11
- Cultural Anthropology of India 09-AKIT-11
- Cultural Anthropology of India 09-AKI-12
- Cultural Anthropology of India 09-AKIT-12
- Descriptive Grammar of Japanese 09-GOJJW-11
- English 09-JAI-15
- English 09-JAI-25
- English 09-JAIN-15
- English 09-JAIN-25
- English 09-JAIN-45
- English 09-JEINF-14
- English 09-JEINF-24
- English 09-JEITF-34
- English 09-JEITF-44
- English (fac.) 09-JEINF-34
- English (fac.) 09-JEITF-14
- European language 09-JEIT-14
- European Language 09-JEIT-34
- European Language 09-JEIT-44
- European Language 09-JEJ-14
- Foreign Language 09-JOJ-14
- Foreign Language 09-JOJ-24
- Foreign Language 09-JOJ-34
- Foreign Language 09-JOJ-44
- Great Works of Indian Literature 09-WDLI-12
- Great Works of Indian Literature 09-WDLI-22
- Hindi 09-JHIF-14
- Hindi 09-JHIF-24
- Hindi (fac.) 09-JHIF-34
- Hindi Grammar 09-GJH-14
- Hindi Grammar 09-GJH-24
- Hindi Grammar 09-GJH-34
- Hindi Grammar 09-GJH-44
- History and Culture of Inner Asia 09-DKAS-12
- History and Culture of Inner Asia 09-DKAS-22
- History and Culture of the Indian Subcontinent 09-DKIN-12
- History and Culture of the Indian Subcontinent 09-DKIN-22
- History and Culture of the Indian Subcontinent 09-DKSI-12
- History and Culture of the Indian Subcontinent 09-DKSI-22
- History of Japanese Literature and Culture 09-HLKJ-13
- History of Japanese Literature and Culture 09-HLKJ-23
- History of Philosophy 09-HFI-11
- History of Philosophy 09-HFIN-11
- History of Sanskrit 09-HSKT-11
- History of Sanskrit Literature 09-HLS-12
- History of Sanskrit Literature 09-HLS-22
- History of Tibetan literature 09-HLT-11
- Indian Philosophy 09-FILI-11
- Information technology 09-TININ-11
- Information Technology 09-TININT-11
- Information Technology 09-TINS-11
- Introduction to Ethnology 09-WETNO-11
- Introduction to Indology 09-WIND-11
- Introduction to Indology 09-WNIND-11
- Introduction to Indology 09-WNIND-12
- Introduction to Indology 09-WNIND-22
- Introduction to Indology 09-WARIND-12
- Introduction to Indology 09-WARIND-22
- Introduction to Japan 09-WDWJW-22
- Introduction to Japan 09-WDWJW-12
- Introduction to Japanology 09-KJAP-12
- Introduction to Japanology 09-KJAP-22
- Introduction to language studies 09-WARFIL-11
- Introduction to Linguistics 09-WJZI-11
- Introduction to Linguistics 09-WJZIN-11
- Introduction to Literary Theory 09-WLZI-11
- Introduction to Literary Theory 09-WLZS-12
- Introduction to Literary Theory 09-WLZS-22
- Introduction to the Translation of Chinese Texts 09-WPC-11
- Japanese Civilisation 09-CYWJ-44
- Japanese Civilisation 09-CYWJU-12
- Japanese Civilisation 09-CYWJU-22
- Japanese Civilization 09-CYWJ-46
- Japanese Civilization 09-CYWJ-14
- Japanese Civilization 09-CYWJ-34
- Japanese Reading Classes 09-LTJW-22