Introduction to Linguistics 09-WJZI-11
students of Oriental studies get the basic knowledge of language as tool of communication, linguistics as the science of language and genetic, geographical and typological diversification of world's languages, with special regard to Eurasia, using the terms and methods of contemporary linguistics in texts analyses and discourse; knowledge of research methods used for describing, analyzing and interpreting linguistic phenomena, understanding complex means of intercultural communication
Breton, Roland 2003. Atlas des langues du monde. Une pluralité fragile. Paris: Éditions Autrement.
Crystal, David 1997. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge University Press.
Maciejewski, Witold (red.) Wielka Encyklopedia Geografii Świata. t.14 Świat języków. Poznań: Kurpisz.
Majewicz, Alfred 1989. Języki świata i ich klasyfikowanie. Warszawa: PWN.
Martí, Fèlix i in. 2005. Words and Worlds. World Languages Review. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Yule, George 1996. The study of language. Cambridge University Press.
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