Hindi Grammar 09-GJH-34
1. Gain the basic knowledge of: the above mentioned grammatical issues of Hindi language.
2. Gain the understanding of: the above mentioned grammatical issues of Hindi language.
3. Gain the skills necessary to: apply the above mentioned grammatical issues of Hindi language independently.
Danuta Stasik, Język hindi. Część 1, Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog, Warszawa 1997.
Danuta Stasik, Język hindi. Część 2, Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog, Warszawa 1997.
Michael C. Shapiro, A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi, Motilal Banrsidas Publishers, New Delhi 2003.
Ronald S. McGregor, Outline of Hindi Grammar, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2000.
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