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> Lista jednostek dydaktycznych
> Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej
> Prowadzone przedmioty
Przedmioty prowadzone przez
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej
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- ,,Sorry, Polsko". Crash Course of Polish Language in the Polish Modern Songs 03-AP-SP
- "Heroines & Hysterics" - Women in Greek Tragedy 03-AP-HHW
- "Sorry, Polsko". Crash course of Polish language in the Polish modern songs 03-EPI-SP
- 21st Century European Art Cinema: History, Myths and Migrations 03-CEAC-12CEBSDL
- 21st Century European Art Cinema: History, Myths and Migrations 03-AP-CEAC
- 21st Century European Art Cinema: History, Myths, and Migrations 03-S1CEB02-P00093
- A History of Western Magic 03-AP-HWM
- Acting craft in Polish theatre 03-AP-ACP-I
- Acting Craft in Polish Theatre 03-AP-ACP-II
- Adiustacja tekstu 03-AT-33PE
- Adiustacja tekstu 03-N1FPw02-P12449
- Akademia przekładu 03-ZF-AP
- America through Film 03-F-ATF
- American Musical 03-AP-AM
- American Musical 03-F-AM
- American Pop Culture 03-F-APC
- Amerykański sen - część druga. Literatura, interpretacja, przekład 03-ZF-AS
- An Outline of Balkan Literature 03-AP-OBL
- An Outline of Balkan Literature 03-EPI-OBL
- Analiza tekstów tłumaczeń 03-AT-PWP
- Anatomy of Ancient Society and Culture 03-AP-AASC
- Ancient Greece and Ancient India: An Introduction to Comparative Philosophy 03-AP-AGAI
- Ancient Greek in Easy Way 03-AP-AGEW
- Ancient literature, selected problems I: Poetry and society I: The Archaic Age 03-AP-PS-I
- Ancient literature, selected problems I: Poetry and society I: Tragedy in the Classical Age 03-AP-PS-II
- Ancient Literature, Selected Problems I: Poetry and Society: Tragedy in the Classical Age 03-AP-ALS
- Ancient Motifs 03-AP-AMO
- Ancient Motifs 03-ZF-AMO
- Ancient Motifs in J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis 03-AP-AMT
- Ancient Motifs in J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis 03-ZF-AMT
- Ancient Myths in Culture 03-AP-AMC
- Ancient Myths in Culture 03-AP-AMCU
- Ancient Philosophy of Mind 03-AP-APM
- Ancient Philosophy of Mind 03-ZF-APM
- Ancient Popular Topoi and Motifs in Culture and Literature 03-APT-22CEBSDL
- Ancient Popular Topoi and Motifs in Culture and Literature 03-AP-APT
- Ancient Popular Topoi and Motifs in Culture and Literature 03-S1CEB04-P00102
- Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-AP-AWV
- Anthropology of Everyday Life on the Balkans 03-EPI-AEB
- Antiquity in cinema 03-AP-AIC
- Antiquity in the new media and in popular literature and culture 03-AP-ANM
- Antyczne gry słowne 03-ZF-AGS
- Archeologia tekstu średniowiecznego 03-ZF-ATS
- Arcydzieła europejskiego dramatu i teatru XVII wieku (Szekspir, Calderon, Racine, Molier) 03-ZF-AED
- Arcydzieła literatury antycznej 03-ALA-12LPDM-E
- Arcydzieła literatury antycznej 03-ALA-11LPDM-E
- Arcydzieła literatury antycznej 03-S2LP01-P14581
- Arcydzieła literatury powszechnej - interpretacje 03-S2LP01-F14945
- Arcydzieła literatury powszechnej - interpretacje 03-S2LP02-F14945
- Arcydzieła literatury powszechnej I (do końca XVIII wieku) 03-S2LP01-P14583
- Arcydzieła literatury powszechnej II (wiek XIX) 03-S2LP02-P14585
- Arcydzieła literatury powszechnej III (wiek XX i XXI) 03-S2LP03-P14594
- Art of Love by Ovid 03-AP-ALO
- Bachelor Seminar 03-BS-31CEBSDL
- Bachelor Seminar 03-BS-32CEBSDL
- Badania językoznawcze 03-N2FP01-F02500
- Badania literackie I 03-BL-11LPDM-E
- Badania literackie I 03-N2FP01-F02489
- Badania literackie I 03-S2LP01-P02489
- Badania literackie II 03-BL-12LPDM-E
- Badania literackie II 03-N2FP01-F02498
- Badania literackie II 03-S2LP02-P02498
- Balkan cultures – films’ scenarios. An introduction to folklore and ethnographic filmmaking from the Balkan field perspective 03-ZF-BCFS
- Balkans travelogue: Europe about the Balkans and the Balkans about Europe 03-BT-11CEBSDL
- Bestsellers of the Contemporary Polish literature 03-BCP-32CEBSDL
- Bestsellers of the Contemporary Polish Literature 03-AP-BCP
- Bezpieczeństwo uczniów w szkole 03-N-MN-P00252
- BHP - spec. nauczycielska 03-BHP-22IIS
- Biografistyka w pracy edytora 03-N2FPet01-P12534
- Black Robe. Representations of the Jesuits in Film 03-AP-RJF
- Boyhoods and Girlhoods. The Images of Growing Up in the Contemporary East-Central European Cinema 03-AP-BG
- Boyhoods and Girlhoods. The Images of Growing Up in the Contemporary East-Central European Cinema 03-EPI-BG
- Boyhoods and Girlhoods. The Images of Growing Up in the Contemporary East-Central European Cinema 03-ZF-BG
- Categories of Ancient Culture I 03-AP-CAC-I
- Categories of European Culture 03-AP-CAC-II
- Central Europe and Balkans Today: Comperative Studies 03-CEBT-11CEIPDM
- Central Europe and the Balkans Today: Comparative Studies 03-S2CEI01-P02206
- Central Europe and the Balkans Today: Comperative Studies 03-AP-CEBT
- Children's Classics across Time and Cultures 03-AP-CCTC
- Children’s Classics Across Time and Cultures 03-EPI-CCAT
- China and the West 03-AP-CTW
- Cinematographic Doors to Nineteenth-Century Literature 03-AP-CDN
- Cinematographic Doors to Nineteenth-Century Literature 03-ZF-CDN
- Cinematographic Doors To Nineteenth-Century Literature (Shades of Modernity) 03-AP-CDN-II
- Cinematographic Doors To Nineteenth-Century Literature (The Real and the Romantic) 03-AP-CDN-I
- Classical European Historiography 03-AP-CEH
- Classical Myths and Culture 03-ZF-CMC
- Classical Myths in Culture 03-AP-CMC
- Classical Philosophy and Its Reception 03-AP-CPR
- Classical Roots of Modern Education 03-AP-CRM-I
- Classical Theatre 03-AP-CTH
- Classical Theatre: Comedy 03-AP-CTC
- Classical Theatre: Tragedy 03-AP-CTT
- Classical Theatre: Tragedy & Comedy 03-AP-CT
- Classical Theatre: Tragedy & Comedy 03-ZF-CT
- Classical Tradition in European Literature 03-AP-CTEL
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-CCC-11CEBSDL
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-CCC-21CEBSDL
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-CCC-22CEBSDL
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-CCC-11CEBSDL-E