Courses at
Faculty of Archaeology
- Polish Lands in the Late Middle Ages 19-ZPWPS-23-ArchU
- Pottery Analysis 19-ZCE-12-Arch-1b
- Prehistory of Europe I (Palaeolithic and Mesolithic) 19-APIPM-23-Arch
- Prehistory of Europe II (Neolithic) 19-APN-23-Arch
- Prehistory of Europe III (Eneolithic, Early and Old Bronze Age) 19-APE-24-Arch
- Prehistory of Europe IV (Bronze Age, Early Iron Age) 19-APB-24-Arch
- Principles of History and Methodology of Archaeology 19-PHMA-PS-35-Arch
- Principles of History and Methodology of Archaeology (AOiA) 19-PHMA-OA-35-Arch
- Proseminar 19-PRA-35-Arch
- Protection of archaeological heritage in Europe: methodological background 19-MPODA-23-ArchU
- Remote sensing for UNESCO World Heritage protection 19-AMU-PIE-SL-RS
- Remote sensing for UNESCO World Heritage protection 19-S1AR-L-F16044
- Remote sensing methods for archaeological heritage protection and management. Data, processing and interpretation 19-AMU-PIE-SZ-RSM
- Remote sensing methods in archaeology 19-S1AR-Z-F16010
- Research Trip 19-OBN-24-Arch
- Researching and presenting heritage – practical class 19-RPH-AMU-PIE
- Rock art: past and present 19-S1AR-Z-F16018
- Roman glass in Barbaricum 19-S1AR-L-F16049
- Selected elements of early medieval material and symbolic culture of the Avars, Magyars and Prussians 19-S1AR-L-F16046
- Selected Issues of Cultural Anthropology 19-EAK-12-Arch
- Semiotics in archaeology 19-S1AR-L-F16036
- Settlement-social structures in European Barbaricum_1 19-SOB1-23-ArchU
- Settlement-social structures in European Barbaricum_2 19-SOB2-23-ArchU
- Small World of Great Kings 19-MSW-f-SZ-Arch
- Small World of Great Kings 19-S1AR-Z-F16027
- Social theory and archaeology: in search of a humanist reflection 19-S1AR-L-F16050
- Source documentation techniques 19-S1AR02-P06445
- State formation processes in medieval Europe 19-PPWSE-23-ArchU
- Stone Age in the Mediterranean 19-EKOS-23-Arch
- Strategies for protection and management of archaeological heritage in Poland 19-SPM-AMU-PIE
- Studies on Prehistoric Art Symbolism 19-SSP-SL-f-Arch
- Techniques of Scientific Investigation in Archaeology 19-TPNWA-11-Arch
- Techniques of scientific work 19-S1AR01-P06439
- The archeological methods of interpretation of the natural material findings used for the “reconstruction” of paleoenvironment/ paleoclimate/ paleodemography (lithics) 19-MIZPA-11-ArchU
- The archeological methods of interpretation of the natural material findings used for the “reconstruction” of paleoenvironment/ paleoclimate/ paleodemography (lithics) 19-MIZPA-11-SL-ArchU
- The communication space of the Mediterranean basin in the 2nd millennium BC. 19-S1AR-L-F16051
- The dawn of the Iron Age in Europe 19-S1AR-L-F16047
- The Legacy of Ancient Mesopotamia 19-AMU-PIE-SZ-LAM
- The Minoan and Mycaenan culture and their meaning for the European civilization 19-KMMZCE-12-ArchU
- The origin of Near Eastern civilization in the Neolithic 19-PCBWEK-12-ArchU
- The past in the present: the contemporary fate of archaeological and indigenous cultural heritage 19-S1AR-Z-F16016
- The Prut-Dniester interfluve from prehistory to the late Roman period 19-S1AR-Z-F16025
- The Prut-Dniester interfluve from prehistory to the Roman period 19-PDI-SL-f-Arch
- Time of change: 4th and 3rd millennium BC in Europe 19-S1AR-Z-F16008
- Trading in the ancient Middle East 19-S1AR-L-F16038
- Training in Excavation Work 19-PRW-23-Arch
- Training in Excavation Work 19-PW-11-Arch
- Training in Excavation Work 19-PW-12-ArchU
- Visual Representations in the Social Context of the Roman World - Portraiture 19-SPSA-23-ArchU
- Vitreous materials in archaeology 19-S1AR-Z-F16028
- War in archaeological research 19-S1AR-Z-F16020
- Wielkopolska region as a cultural landscape and its protection 19-S2ARda02-F15891
- Worlds in contact - intercultural and long-distance relations in the Bronze Age 19-S2ARoa02-F15880
- Written sources and archeology of Barbaricum 19-ZPAAB-23-ArchU