Pottery Analysis 19-ZCE-12-Arch-1b
Classes are devoted primarily to getting knowledge about the ability to carry out one of the most typical archaeological analytical activity, that is the macroscopic analysis and description of pottery − the most important in the study of Neolithic ceramics material. In the beginning classes are focused on characteristic of the test equipment. Then classes turn on methods of test application in practice and are conducted on the samples of Neolithic pottery, varied in terms of chronological and cultural provenance. Identification the different characteristics of technological and utilitarian pottery is under discussion, as well as methods of their written description or by using the selected coding systems. The next step is to identify components of vessels structure. As an example selected fragments of pottery with characteristic micromorphology forms are used; students are thought methods of their description as well. Then students analyse pottery by using specific examples, techniques and types of decorative themes and methods of their description and coding based on selected proposals of different authors. In the end of the course the issues concerning chronology, function, social position and the importance of ceramics are discussed.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1) gains the advanced knowledge of technology, design and decorative motifs of Neolithic pottery;
2) gains the skills necessary to use correctly the basic tools for the macroscopic analysis of ceramics, has the ability to recognise Neolithic ceramics in terms of functional (so called table ceramic and kitchen ware) and chronological-cultural (the main technological cycles); knows how to identify, describe and record with help of the most widely used systems, technological and operational characteristics of the tested ceramics and is also able to draw up the formal description of the ornamentation of typical fragments of pottery, using the most formalized systems of recording elements and decorative threads.
3) Student gains the understanding of pottery analysis for the study of Neolithic period and in particular the various possibilities of using pottery analysis for the study of chronology, cultural diversity, the organization of dwelling sites, and issues related to the continuation/discontinuation of settlement in the area, and even to the study of demographic processes and social change.
Assessment criteria
final written test with note
J. Czebreszuk, A. Kośko, M. Szmyt, Zasady analizy źródeł ceramicznych z okresu późnego neolitu oraz interstadium epok neolitu i brązu na Kujawach, [w:] A. Kośko, M. Szmyt, Opatowice — Wzgórze Prokopiaka, t. I, Poznań 2006, s. 39–64.
O. Felczak, Wyniki badań wykopaliskowych na osadzie kultury rzucewskiej w Rewie, gm. Kosakowo, woj. Gdańsk, „Sprawozdania Archeologiczne”, t. XXXV: 1984, s. 51–68.
U. Kobylińska, Z. Kobyliński, Kierunki etnoarcheologicznego badania ceramiki: przegląd problematyki, „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, r. XXIX: 1981, s. 43–53.
A. Kośko, Udział południowo-wschodnioeuropejskich wzorców kulturowych w rozwoju niżowych społeczeństw kultury pucharów lejkowatych. Grupa mątewska, Poznań 1981, s. 22−61.
S. Kukawka, Ceramika naczyniowa z osady ludności kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Szczecinie-Ustowie (stanowisko 1), „Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Archeologia”, t. VII: 1984, s. 41–86.
S. Kukawka, Archeologiczna struktura zbiorów ceramiki z osad neolitycznych, „Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia”, t. XIII/XIV: 2005, s. 311–321.
J. Wierzbicki, Łupawski mikroregion osadniczy ludności kultury pucharów lejkowatych, Poznań 1999, s. 51−140.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: