Polish Lands in the Late Middle Ages 19-ZPWPS-23-ArchU
The aim of the course is to provide students with the state of the art in regard to so called historical archaeology in Poland. Issues to be discussed during the course include: rural settlement; development of towns; burial rites; defensive structures (castles and burgs); ecclesiastical buildings (churches, monasteries and convents); weaponry; mintage policy of various rulers; as well as other elements of material culture.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Term 2024/SZ: | Term 2021/SZ: | Term 2020/SZ: | Term 2023/SZ: | Term 2022/SZ: | Term 2019/SZ: |
Learning outcomes
The student:
1) obtains advanced knowledge of changes of the late medieval settlement sensu largo in Poland and their connection with changes observed in neighbouring areas;
2) understands the significance of the changes in both contexts: local early medieval traditions and cultural situation in contemporary Europe; understands meaning of interdisciplinary research (especially related to archaeology, history and history of art) for the studies on the medieval material and symbolic culture;
3) posses the competences: to recognise examples of medieval structures within discussed area; to reconstruct elements of contemporary material culture on the basis of preserved data; to comprehend scientific papers concerning the subject; to employ advanced notions and terms related to the subject; to interpret the obtained sources in a broader cultural context.
Assessment criteria
Credit based on attendance and final test.
Leszek Kajzer, Zamki i dwory obronne w Polsce centralnej, Warszawa 2004;
Ryszard Kiersnowski, Moneta w kulturze wieków średnich, Warszawa 1988;
Andrzej Kola, Grody ziemi chełmińskiej w późnym średniowieczu, Toruń 1991;
Stanisław Kołodziejski, Rezydencje obronne możnowładztwa na terenie województwa krakowskiego, Kraków 1994;
Jerzy Kruppé, Garncarstwo późnośredniowieczne w Polsce, Wrocław 1981 (Studia i materiały z historii kultury materialnej, t. 53);
Andrzej Nowakowski, Uzbrojenie średniowieczne w Polsce (na tle środkowoeuropejskim), Toruń 1991;
Jerzy Piekalski, Od Kolonii do Krakowa. Przemiana topografii wczesnych miast, Wrocław 1999.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: