Proseminar 19-PRA-35-Arch
Origin, preparations, procedures and various aspects of archaeological research. Archaeology as science – theory, praxis and ethics. Rules of scientific work, publication and popularization. Material, iconographic and written sources, finding and verifying information, literature and internet sources. Contemporary and ancient languages. Oral and written presentation of results of research. Rules of constructing a diploma work, apparatus criticus.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
Student gains the basic knowledge of rules and circumstances of scientific work, concerning both research and publication; understands sequence and scope of stages of the work; gains the skills necessary to write a logical, based on merits and formally proper diploma work, there is B.A. thesis, which is realized within confines of B.A. seminar in next semester of study.
Assessment criteria
Credit based on active attendance (including oral and written paper).
Jan Boć, Jak pisać pracę magisterską, Wrocław, Kolonia Limited, 1997.
Robert Chwałowski, Typografia typowej książki, Gliwice, Helion, 2001.
Ian Hodder, Czytanie przeszłości, Poznań, Obserwator, 1995.
William Matthew Flinders Petrie, Methods and Aims in Archaeology, London, Macmillan and Co., 1904.
Polszczyzna na co dzień, red. nauk. M. Bańko, konsultant: A. Markowski, Warszawa, PWN, 2006.
Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn, Archeologia. Teorie, metody, praktyka, Warszawa, Pruszyński i S-ka, 2002.
Leonard Wooley, Digging up the Past, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1930.
Radosław Zendrowski, Praca magisterska, licencjat. Krótki przewodnik po metodologii pisania pracy dyplomowej, Warszawa, CeDeWu, 2009.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: