State formation processes in medieval Europe 19-PPWSE-23-ArchU
The lectures present the problem of the formation of states in medieval Europe. This interdisciplinary issue is discussed in relation to history, anthropology and archaeology. The characteristics and processes associated with the formation of the medieval states are exemplified by the Western European and Slavonic states and the Piasts’ state.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
learns about the history of the formation of the early states in the early medieval Europe, especially the early Piasts’ state and other Slavonic states (Great Moravia, the Czech Republic, Russia) and the role of tribal structures in their origin; understands: the importance of interdisciplinary research for the study of the Middle Ages the and processes of early state formation; the importance of research on the Middle Ages for the understanding of contemporary culture;
can: identify the structures of medieval states; comprehend the subject literature; employ advanced notions and terms related to the subject properly.
Assessment criteria
Oral exam.
D. O Croinin, Średniowieczna Irlandia, Warszawa 2010.
K. Polek, Frankowie a ziemie nad środkowym Dunajem. Przemiany polityczne i etniczne w okresie merowińskim i wczesnokarolińskim (do początku IX w.), Kraków 2007.
D. Trestik, Powstanie Wielkich Moraw, Warszawa 2009.
B. Zientara, Świt narodów europejskich, Warszawa 1985.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: