English as a Foreign Language 09-ANGPRNJI-JN-56
The main aim of the course is developing students' skills to achieve the proficiency level as established by the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
During this course students acquire the following competences and skills:
- second language mastery,
- the ability to cooperate in groups and pairs and in an international environment,
- appreciation of other cultures and their customs.
More specifically, students develop:
- understadning general meaning of the text and its parts;
- identifying specific and detailed information in the text;
- specifying the context (time, place, participants);
- identifying the speaker's/ author's intentions;
- recognizing the connections between parts of the text;
- distinguishing various styles.
- forming longer, fluent, grammatically and lexically varied and correct speech;
- responding to others' utterances fluently and appropriately in various complex situations;
- interacting, negotiating, supporting and defending one's point of view and questioning others' points of view;
- applying an appropriate style depending on the situation;
- using a variety of communication strategies (e.g. paraphrase, description).
- writing elaborate, coherent and cohesive texts, containing varied vocabulary and grammar structures;
- using appropriate language depending on the text type and aim;
- reading critically, editing and evaluating own and others' texts.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
Students can
- understand the main ideas as well as more detailed information in written texts, including authentic texts;
- understand the main ideas and detailed information in listening texts, including authentic broadcasts;
- communicate fluently with non-native and native speakers of English, using appropriate style and correct grammar and vocabulary;
- formulate longer, coherent stretches of oral text, containing varied vocabulary and grammar;
- apply the rules of English phonetics in his/her speech;
- cooperate in groups and pairs;
- compose clear, coherent and linguistically correct written texts on a variety of topics; edit his/ her own texts.
Assessment criteria
Assessment tools:
- quizzes, tests, essays;
- ongoing in-class evaluation;
- final oral and written exam.
Credit criteria:
- 60% of the points in tests;
- speeches and oral presentations;
- a reading assignment;
- essays submitted on time;
- max. 2 absences allowed per semester.
The final grade is based on the result of the final examination.
Capel, A. and Sharp, W. 2002. Objective proficiency. Cambridge: CUP;
Evans, V. 1998. Successful writing proficiency. Swansea: Express Publishing
Supplementary materials:
Vince, M 2009. Advanced language practice. Oxford: Macmillan.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: