Courses at
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
- Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-AP-AWV
- Anthropology of Everyday Life on the Balkans 03-EPI-AEB
- Antique wordplays 03-ZF-AGS
- Antiquity in cinema 03-AP-AIC
- Antiquity in the new media and in popular literature and culture 03-AP-ANM
- Areal linguistics as a subdiscipline of linguistics and the Central European region 03-F-LASJ
- Areal linguistics as a subdiscipline of linguistics and the Central European region 03-ZF-LASJ
- Art of Love by Ovid 03-AP-ALO
- Auxiliary sciences of Polish philology 03-N1FP01-P12433
- B.A. Seminar 03-SEM-22II
- Balkan cultures – films’ scenarios. An introduction to folklore and ethnographic filmmaking from the Balkan field perspective 03-ZF-BCFS
- Balkans travelogue: Europe about the Balkans and the Balkans about Europe 03-BT-11CEBSDL
- Basic of Polish Language Didactics - teaching specialisation 03-PDP-22IIS
- Bestsellers of the Contemporary Polish literature 03-BCP-32CEBSDL
- Bestsellers of the Contemporary Polish Literature 03-AP-BCP
- Bezpieczeństwo uczniów w szkole 03-N-MN-P00252
- Biographical studies in the editor's work 03-N2FPet01-P12534
- Black Robe. Representations of the Jesuits in Film 03-AP-RJF
- Book aesthetics 03-N2FPet01-P12531
- Boyhoods and Girlhoods. The images of Growing Up in the Contemporary East-Central European Cinema 03-AP-BG
- Boyhoods and Girlhoods. The images of Growing Up in the Contemporary East-Central European Cinema 03-EPI-BG
- Boyhoods and Girlhoods. The images of Growing Up in the Contemporary East-Central European Cinema 03-ZF-BG
- Categories of Ancient Culture I 03-AP-CAC-I
- Categories of European Culture 03-AP-CAC-II
- Central Europe and Balkans Today: Comperative Studies 03-CEBT-11CEIPDM
- Central Europe and the Balkans today: Comparative studies 03-S2CEI01-P02206
- Central Europe and the Balkans Today: Comperative Studies 03-AP-CEBT
- Children's Classics across Time and Cultures 03-AP-CCTC
- Children’s Classics Across Time and Cultures 03-EPI-CCAT
- China and the West 03-AP-CTW
- Cinematographic Doors to Nineteenth-Century Literature 03-AP-CDN
- Cinematographic Doors to Nineteenth-Century Literature 03-ZF-CDN
- Cinematographic Doors To Nineteenth-Century Literature (Shades of Modernity) 03-AP-CDN-II
- Cinematographic Doors To Nineteenth-Century Literature (The Real and the Romantic) 03-AP-CDN-I
- Classical European Historiography 03-AP-CEH
- Classical Myths and Culture 03-ZF-CMC
- Classical Myths in Culture 03-AP-CMC
- Classical Philosophy and Its Reception 03-AP-CPR
- Classical Roots of Modern Education 03-AP-CRM-I
- Classical Theatre 03-AP-CTH
- Classical Theatre: Comedy 03-AP-CTC
- Classical Theatre: Tragedy 03-AP-CTT
- Classical Theatre: Tragedy & Comedy 03-AP-CT
- Classical Theatre: Tragedy & Comedy 03-ZF-CT
- Classical tradition in European literature 03-S2LP02-P11651
- Classical Tradition in European Literature 03-AP-CTEL
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-CCC-11CEBSDL
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-CCC-12CEBSDL
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-AP-CCC-I
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-AP-CCC-II
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-CCC-11CEBSDL-E
- Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism 03-S1CEB01-P02223
- Comparative Literary and Cultural Theory 03-TKL-21LPDM
- Comparative Literary and Cultural Theory 03-TKL-21LPDM-E
- Comparative Literature Studies 03-AP-CLS
- Comparative Literature Studies 03-S2CEI02-P02212
- Comparative Studies: Anthropology of Everyday Life 03-S2CEI04-P02219
- Comperative Literature Studies 03-CLS-12CEIPDM
- Computer Graphics 03-GK-22
- Computer Skills 03-CS-11CEBSDL
- Computer Skills 03-S1CEB01-P00081
- Computer typesetting of publications 03-N1FPw02-P03682
- Contemporary Documentary Filmmaking on Human Rights Violations 03-AP-HRV
- Contemporary Foreign Language 03-CFL-11CEIPDM
- Contemporary Foreign Language 03-CFL-12CEIPDM
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Bulgarian 03-S1CEB01-F00091
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Bulgarian 03-S1CEB02-F00091
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Bulgarian 03-S1CEB03-F00091
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Bulgarian 03-S1CEB04-F00091
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Croatian 03-S1CEB01-F00090
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Croatian 03-S1CEB02-F00090
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Croatian 03-S1CEB03-F00090
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Croatian 03-S1CEB04-F00090
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Czech 03-S1CEB01-F00088
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Czech 03-S1CEB02-F00088
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Czech 03-S1CEB03-F00088
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Czech 03-S1CEB04-F00088
- Contemporary Foreign Language - French 03-S2CEI01-F02208
- Contemporary Foreign Language - French 03-S2CEI02-F02208
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-CFLP-11CEBSDL
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-CFLP-12CEBSDL
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-CFLP-21CEBSDL
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-CFLP-22CEBSDL
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-CFLP-31CEBSDL
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-CFLP-32CEBSDL-E
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-S2CEI01-F02207
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-S2CEI02-F02207
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-S1CEB01-F02207
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-S1CEB02-F02207
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-S1CEB03-F02207
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Polish 03-S1CEB04-F02207
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Serbian 03-S1CEB01-F00089
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Serbian 03-S1CEB02-F00089
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Serbian 03-S1CEB03-F00089
- Contemporary Foreign Language - Serbian 03-S1CEB04-F00089
- Contemporary Linguistics 03-JW-11LPDM
- Contemporary Linguistics 03-JW-12LPDM-E
- Contemporary Literary and Cultural Discourses in Central Europe 03-CLCD-11CEIPDM-E
- Contemporary Literary and Cultural Discourses in Central Europe 03-AP-CLCD
- Contemporary Literary and Cultural Discourses in Central Europe 03-S2CEI01-P02204