Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-AP-AWV
Course learning content:
- introduction: definitions and clarifications; "visuality" in antiquity, ancient culture as a subject matter and as a formal source of inspiration in visual arts,
- ancient inspirations in painting from early Christian art to Francis Bacon anc Cy Twombly,
- ancient inspirations in sculpture from early Christian art to Igor Mitoraj,
- antiquity in new visual media: AES+F, Eleanor Antin, Blemobill, NeSpoon…,
- antiquity-inspired fashion, design and applied arts,
- ancient myth and history in graphic novels.
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Module type
(in Polish) Sylabus zajęć
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- describe the relations between the antiquity and the visual arts,
- define the role of the works of art about antiquity in social and political life,
- see and evaluate the rules and principles applied in the works of art referring to antiquity,
- see and evaluate the evolution of concepts, attitudes and emotions of the works of art against the background of their times,
- account for the contribution of ancient literature and culture into the formation and development of modern culture.
Assessment criteria
Grade system:
very good (bdb; 5,0): very good knowledge and understanding of the relationships between ancient literature/culture and visual arts; ability to provide examples; very high skill at critical reading and at evaluating the influence of antiquity, as well as its role in individual works; very good knowledge of relationships of subject matter, ideas and genre obtaining in ancient literature.
good plus (+db; 4,5): as above, except for minor inefficiencies and inaccuracies.
good (db; 4,0): good knowledge and understanding of the relationships between ancient literature/culture and visual arts; ability to provide examples; rather high skill at critical reading and at evaluating the influence of antiquity, as well as its role in individual works; good knowledge of relationships of subject matter, ideas and genre obtaining in ancient literature.
satisfactory plus (+dst; 3,5): satisfactory knowledge and understanding of intertextual relationships between ancient literature/culture and visual arts; ability to provide examples; satisfactory skill at critical reading and at evaluating the influence of antiquity, as well as its role in individual works; satisfactory knowledge of relationships of subject matter, ideas and genre obtaining in ancient literature.
satisfactory (dst; 3,0): basic knowledge and understanding of intertextual relationships between ancient literature/culture and visual arts; ability to provide examples; basic skill at critical reading and at evaluating the influence of antiquity, as well as its role in individual works; basic knowledge of relationships of subject matter, ideas and genre obtaining in ancient literature.
unsatisfactory (ndst; 2,0): unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of intertextual relationships between ancient literature/culture and visual arts; unsatisfactory skill at critical reading and at evaluating the influence of antiquity, as well as its role in individual works; unsatisfactory knowledge of relationships of subject matter, ideas and genre obtaining in ancient literature.
Reading list:
Texts selected by the teaching staff (e.g. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Ed. L. Hardwick, Ch. Stray. Malden 2008; Classics for All: Reworking Antiquity in Mass Culture. Ed. D. Lowe, K. Shahabudin. Newcastle 2009; The Classical Tradition. Ed. A. Grafton, G.W. Most, S. Settis, Cambridge 2010; Classics and comics. Ed. G. Kovacs, C.W. Marshall. Oxford 2011; Son of Classics and Comics. Ed. G. Kovacs, C.W. Marshall. Oxford 2016; A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen. Ed. A.J. Pomeroy. Malden 2017; R. Warren, Art Nouveau and the Classical Tradition. London-Oxford-New York 2017).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: