Central Europe and Balkans Today: Comperative Studies 03-CEBT-11CEIPDM
Course learning content:
- Central European and Balkan cultures from the foreign point of view,
- Values and Attitudes of the Central European and Balkan societies,
- Central European and Balkan mass media today: tv and radio - iconic brands and their narratives,
- Central European and Balkan mass media today: press - iconic brands and their narratives,
- Central European and Balkan mass media today: internet - iconic brands and their narratives,
- contemporary Central European and Balkan visual arts,
- contemporary Central European and Balkan cinema,
- contemporary Central Europeand and Balkan music culture,
- intangible cultural heritage of the Central Europe and the Balkans,
- natural heritage of the Central Europe and the Balkans,
- tourist attractions: the mutual history of the Central Europe and the Balkans.
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- define and describe main comparative conceptions about Central Europe and the Balkans; explain mutual relations and influences between these two political, cultural and historical regions,
- specify and explain the main values and attitudes of the contemporary Central European and Balkan societies in the overnational perspective,
- describe and compare the most influential narratives of the iconic mass media brands in Central Europe and the Balkans,
- build coherent, critical comment (both written and spoken) on the subject of the Central European and the Balkan high visual arts,
- specify the critical comment about the main Central European and Balkan cinema masterpieces; justify his/her interpretations, develop them and resolve them within the group,
- compile knowledge gained during the classes about the Central European and the Balkan high music culture,
- develop, clarify and reconstruct the phenomenon of the both natural and intangible cultural heritage of the Central Europe and the Balkans,
- understand other cultures on the basis of the comparative knowledge obtained; he/she is aware of the historical, political and cultural circumstances influencing artistic creations.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria:
very good (bdb; 5,0): the student passively and actively uses extensive vocabulary related to the issues of contemporary Central Europe and the Balkans, defines the most important concepts in these areas of knowledge in terms of their language skills, is able to prepare a very good presentation, defining the most important difficulties arising from the problems of intercultural dialogue.
good plus (+db; 4,5): as above, with slight lapses in the ability to define the above-mentioned terms.
good (db; 4,0): the student passively and actively uses the vocabulary related to the issues of contemporary Central Europe and the Balkans, is able to define selected concepts in these areas of knowledge, is able to prepare a good presentation, defining the most important difficulties arising from the problems of intercultural dialogue.
satisfactory plus (+dst; 3,5): the student satisfactorily knows the basic vocabulary in the field of contemporary Central Europe and the Balkans, understands the concepts of these areas of knowledge, is able to prepare a presentation in the field of intercultural dialogue.
satisfactory (dst; 3,0): the student knows basic vocabulary in the field of contemporary Central Europe and the Balkans, understands the concepts of these areas of knowledge and is able to prepare a simple presentation on intercultural dialogue.
unsatisfactory (ndst; 2,0): the student has insufficient knowledge of the vocabulary in the field of contemporary Central Europe and the Balkans, does not understand the concepts of these knowledge and is unable to prepare a presentation on intercultural dialogue.
Reading list:
Chosen number of periodical “Herito”– a bilingual English-Polish quarterly on Central European heritage and culture published by the International Cultural Centre (http://www.herito.pl/en).
Quarterly “Aspen Review” (chosen issueas). Available at: https://www.aspen.review/aspen-review/.
History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe. Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries, Eds. M. Cornis-Pope, J. Neubauer, Amsterdam 2004.
Ash, T.G. (1999). The Uses of Adversity. Essays on the Fate of Central Europe. London: Penguin Books.
Couroucli, Maria & Tchavdar Marinov. (2015). Balkan Heritages. Negotiating History and Culture. Routledge.
Fowkes Maya, Reuben Fowkes. (2020). Central and Eastern European Art Since 1950, Thames and Hudson.
Papadimitriou Lydia, Ana Grgić. (2020). Contemporary Balkan Cinema: Transnational Exchanges and Global Circuits. Available at: (86) Contemporary Balkan Cinema Transnational Exchanges and Global Circuits | Ana Grgic - Academia.edu
Sowards Stewen. Twenty-five lectures on modern Balkan history (The Balkans in the age of nationalism), available at: Available at: Twenty-Five Lectures on Modern Balkan History (msu.edu)
Todorova Maria. (1997). Imagining the Balkans. Oxford University Press.
Voskopoulos George. (2001/2002). Western Europe and the Balkans: A Geo-Cultural Approach of International Relations? Available at: Western Europe and the Balkans: A Geo-Cultural Approach of International Relations? on JSTOR.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: