Conducted in
2021/SZ, 2023/SL, 2024/SL, 2025/SL
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Boyhoods and Girlhoods. The images of Growing Up in the Contemporary East-Central European Cinema 03-AP-BG
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Module learning aims
Course aims:
On one hand – Richard Linklater’s recent masterpiece: Boyhood, on the other, positioned as a system of mirrors – the most prominent and interesting films of the past twenty years concerned with the topics of growing up and coming of age. The course will be an engaging experience of reading through visual codes of growing up in modern cinema and television and some literary projects dealing with the theme. Various film poetics developed by industry beginners as well as by long cherished film authors in the context of cultural, social and political changes of the past two decades will offer an interpretative challenges that we will take on together in class or that participants will deal with individually within the projects of their choosing.
The course will be a chance:
- to analyze films of the most prominent contemporary creators,
- to get acquainted with the promising beginners in the film industry of the first two decades of the twenty first century,
- to recognize selected nations unique film traditions and aesthetic sensibilities reflected in the contemporary filmmaking,
- to learn to perceive the works of art in the cultural, social and political context,
- to practice intertextual reading as a means of fuller exploration of a theme or a motif in the contemporary cinema,
- to immerse oneself into the books and films like Jan Komasa’s Szkoła samobójców, Jan Švankmajer’s Little Otik, Jasmila Žbanic’s Grbavica or Stephen Chboskys’ The Perks of Being a Wallflower, (among others).
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Module type
(in Polish) Sylabus zajęć
(in Polish)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
B2 level command of English
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: