Classical Roots of Modern Education 03-AP-CRM-I
Course learning content:
- a brief outlook on the historical, geographical and cultural context of Western education,
- the Greek model of education,
- education in the Roman Republic and Empire,
- the earliest Christian education,
- the system of education in the Middle Ages,
- scholastic education; its value and influence,
- the influence of ancient and mediaeval models of education on the modern education.
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Module type
(in Polish) Sylabus zajęć
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- know the principles of ancient and mediaeval education systems,
- know the philosophical, social and cultural context of classical education,
- know how various educational institutions functioned in the pre-modern era,
- recognize the influence of classical education on education principles and practices in the contemporary Western culture.
Assessment criteria
Grade system:
very good (bdb; 5,0): excellent knowledge of historical, geographical and cultural context of Western education, different models of ancient education (Greek and Roman), their influence on education in the Middle Ages, the role of Latin language and Latin grammar in Middle Ages education.
good plus (+db; 4,5): as the above, with some minor mistakes.
good (db; 4,0): as the above – good knowledge.
satisfactory plus (+dst; 3,5): as the above – with some mistakes.
satisfactory (dst; 3,0): sufficient knowledge.
unsatisfactory (ndst; 2,0): unsatisfactory knowledge.
Reading list:
Gutek, G.L., A History of the Western Educational Experience, New York 1994.
Thompson, M.M. The history of education, New York 1959.
McCormick, P.J., Pace, E.A. History of education, Washington 1957.
Yun Lee Too, Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity, Boston 2001.
McCormick P. J., Education of the laity in the early middle ages, Washington 1912 (
Graves F.P., A Student’s History of Education, New York 1922 (Part I, II) (
Term 2023/SL:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: