Courses at
Faculty of Sociology
- Research labs 1 24-S2ZBS02-P01501
- Research labs 2 24-S2ZBS03-P01502
- Research labs 3 24-S2ZBS04-P01503
- Research project 1 24-S2SCso03-P13101
- Research project 2 24-S2SCso04-P13104
- Resocialisation and Therapies with Animals 24-PCDU-O-RTZ
- Science communication and fundraising: Data visualization 24-S2ZBS03-P03839
- Science communication and fundraising: Dissemination of results 24-S2ZBS04-P03845
- Science Shop 1 24-S2ZBS02-P03835
- Science Shop 2 24-S2ZBS03-P03841
- Science Shop 3 24-S2ZBS04-P03846
- Scientific communication and fundraising: Obtaining funds for research 24-S2ZBS02-P03833
- Secondary data exploration 24-SODU-EDZ
- Selected aspects of contemporary addictions 24-PCDU-O-PWU
- Selected aspects of contemporary addictions 24-SODU-F-PWU
- Selected aspects of contemporary addictions 24-WSFL-PWU
- Selected problems of recent history - economy and society 24-S2SCso02-P13099
- Social and individual competences 24-S2SCsr02-P13107
- Social and individual competences 24-S2SCsr01-P13107
- Social Aspects of Tourism and Travel 24-PCDL-F-STP
- Social aspects of tourism and travel 24-SODL-F-SAT
- Social aspects of tourism and travel 24-PCDU-F-STP
- Social aspects of tourism and travel 24-SODU-F-SAT
- Social aspects of tourism and travel 24-WSFL-SAT
- Social aspects of tourism and travel 24-SODU-S-SAT
- Social capital in the public sphere 24-SODL-KSS
- Social diagnosis 24-S2PSC02-F06954
- Social Differentiation and Social Inequalities 24-PCDU-O-ZNS
- Social Differentiation and Social Inequalities 24-SODU-S-ZNI
- Social Differentiation and Social Inequalities 24-WSFL-ZNS
- Social disparity 24-SODU-ZRS
- Social diversity 24-S2SC03-P13087
- Social Economy 24-PCDU-EKS
- Social economy 24-S2PSC04-F06969
- Social engineering 24-SODU-SOT
- Social Exclusion 24-PCDL-WYS
- Social faces of disasters 24-WSFL-SOK
- Social faces of disasters 24-SODU-S-SOK
- Social facets of catastrophes 24-PCDL-F-SOK
- Social facets of catastrophes 24-SODL-S-SOK
- Social Foundations of Resocialisation 24-PCDU-SPR
- Social Gerontology 24-PCDL-GSP
- Social gerontology 24-S1PSC04-P06929
- Social History of European Civilization 24-PCDL-SHC
- Social History Of European Civilization 24-SODL-SHC
- Social imagination exercise 24-SODL-CWS
- Social imagination exercises 24-S1SC02-F13401
- Social Integration 24-PCDU-INS
- Social Macrostructures 24-SODL-MAK
- Social Macrostructures 24-S1SC04-P12856
- Social media marketing 24-SODL-MAS
- Social media marketing 24-S1SC04-F13546
- Social Microstructures 24-SODL-MIK
- Social Microstructures 24-S1SC03-P12846
- Social mobility 24-PIE-SMO
- Social mobility - climbing up the social ladder 24-PIE-SOM
- Social mobility - climbing up the social ladder 24-PIE-F-SOM
- Social movements : theories, praxis, ideologies 24-SODL-F-RST
- Social movements : theories, praxis, ideologies 24-PCDL-F-RST
- Social movements : theories, praxis, ideologies 24-WSFL-RST
- Social network diagnosis 24-PCDU-DSS
- Social network organization 24-PCDU-OSS
- Social participation in the city. Theories and practice on the example of Poznań 24-SODL-S-PSM
- Social Pedagogy 24-PCDL-PED
- Social pedagogy 24-S1PSC03-P06922
- Social planning 24-PCDU-PLS
- Social Policy 24-PCDL-POL
- Social Policy 24-PCDL-POA
- Social policy 24-S1PSC01-P06907
- Social policy 24-S1PSC02-P06913
- Social Policy part 1 24-PCDL-PSP1
- Social Policy part 2 24-PCDL-PSP2
- Social prevention 24-PCDU-PSP
- Social problems in the management of public institutions 24-SODL-SPZ
- Social project management 24-S2PSC04-P06965
- Social Psychology 24-PCDL-PSY
- Social Psychology 24-SODL-PSY
- Social psychology 24-PIE-SP
- Social psychology 24-PCDL-F-SPS
- Social psychology 24-SODL-F-SPS
- Social psychology 24-SODU-F-SPS
- Social psychology 24-PIE-F-SP
- Social psychology 24-S1SC01-P01462
- Social psychology 24-WSFL-SPS
- Social psychology 24-S1PSC02-P01462
- Social psychology 24-S1PSC03-P01462
- Social roles of sociologist 24-SODL-SRS
- Social roles of the sociologist 24-S1SC01-P12827
- Social Services 24-PCDU-USO
- Social Services in Europe 24-PCDU-USE
- Social services in the EU 24-S2PSC02-F06955
- Social Services Organisation 24-S2PSC03-F06953
- Social Statistics 24-PCDL-STS
- Social Statistics 24-SODL-STS
- Social statistics 24-S1PSC03-P06917
- Social statistics 24-S1SC03-P06917
- Social work ethics 24-S1PSC01-P06908
- Social work supervision and evaluation 24-S2PSC04-F06967
- Social Work under Special Conditions 24-PCDU-PSN
- Social Work under Special Conditions 24-S2PSC03-F06962