Social History Of European Civilization 24-SODL-SHC
Students: 1) gains basic knowledge of: main concepts related to social history, auxiliary sciences, chosen aspects of the history of everyday, 2) understands: historical background of social behavior, forms of everyday life analyses, 3) gains ability to use sociological theory for social history research and use social history in sociology.
Course coordinators
J. Kocka, O historii społecznej Niemiec, Poznań 1997; Ks. C.S. Bartnik, Fenomen Europy, Radom 2001; A. Mączak, Peregrynacje. Wojaże. Turystyka, Warszawa 2001; P. Fouquet, M. de Borde, Podwójny agent, Łódź 1990; Z. Kuchowicz, Człowiek polskiego baroku, Łódź 1992.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: