Social Statistics 24-PCDL-STS
Introducing terms and concepts of statistics and showing usability of statistical procedures in social science research. Students gain theoretical knowledge which they will then put it into practice, using statistical methods in their research, with particular attention paid to graphical and table presentation of research results, methods of statistical analysis using point and rank estimation, setting minimal sample size, studying association between variables, concluding about whole societies using parametric and non parametric tests and regression analysis.
The course should give students theoretical basis to such subjects as: advanced techniques of computer data analysis; desk research; survey data analysis.
Course coordinators
Term 2021/SZ: | Term 2020/SZ: | Term 2022/SZ: | Term 2023/SZ: | Term 2019/SZ: |
[1] Blalock, H. M.; Statystyka dla socjologów; PWN; Warszawa 1975;
[2] Ferguson, G. A.; Takane, Y.; Analiza statystyczna w psychologii i pedagogice; PWN; Warszawa 1999;
[3] Kobus, P.; Robert Pietrzykowski, Wojciech Zieliński; Statystyka z pakietem STATISTICA; Wydawnictwo "Rozwój SGGW";
[4] Kowal, J.; Metody statystyczne w badaniach sondażowych rynku; PWN; Warszawa - Wrocław 1998;
[5] Sobczyk, M. ; Statystyka; PWN; Warszawa 2002;
[6] Szwed, R.; Metody statystyczne w naukach społecznych; Wydawnictwo KUL; Lublin 2008;
[7] Zielias, A.; Pawełek, B.; Wanat, S.; Metody statystyczne - zadania i sprawdziany; Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne; Warszawa 2002;
[8] Zieliński, T.; Jak pokochać statystykę czyli STATISTICA do poduszki; Wydawnictwo StatSoftPolska; Kraków 1999.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: