Social Microstructures 24-SODL-MIK
1) Gain knowledge of: categories used to describe social dynamics, structural determinants of people's actions, main characteristics of group structure, theoretical perspectives to micro structures processes,
2) Understand: specific character of micro structures, significance of primary groups for people in all their life cycle, stabilizing role of primary groups in creating social order, relations between micro and macro structures,
3) Gains the ability of: using main concepts and ideas of micro-sociology, distinguishing and describing different types of primary groups, systemizing knowledge of primary group characteristics and processes within primary groups, using knowledge of primary groups to explain social processes.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Course coordinators
1. Brown R. Procesy grupowe. GWP, Gdańsk 2006
2. Bruhn John, Efekt grupy. WSWPS, Warszawa 2011
2. Machaj I. (red.) Małe struktury społeczne. Lublin 1998
3. Oyster C. Grupy. Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 2000.
4. Szmatka J. Małe struktury społeczne. PWN, Warszawa 2007
5. Szmatka J. (red.), Elementy mikrosocjologii. Wyd. UJ. Kraków 1992
6. Turowski J. Socjologia. Małe struktury społeczne. Lublin 1998
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: