Courses at
Faculty of Sociology
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- (in Polish) Warsztat badacza - bazy danych literaturowych 24-DDSC-WAB1
- (in Polish) Warsztat badacza - pisanie artykułów naukowych 24-DDSC-WAB2
- (in Polish) Warsztat badacza - repozytoria danych 24-DDSC-WAB3
- (in Polish) Warsztat badacza - wnioski grantowe NCN, NPRH, NCBiR, NCK, HORYZONT 2020 24-DDSC-WAB4
- (in Polish) Diagnoza rodziny 24-PCDU-DRO
- (in Polish) Rodzina wieloproblemowa 24-PCDU-ROW
- (in Polish) Rejestracja socjologia licencjat 2 rok 24-SODL-R-2
- (in Polish) Rejestracja socjologia licencjat 3 rok 24-SODL-R-3
- (in Polish) Rejestracja praca socjalna licencjat 3 rok 24-PCDL-R-3
- (in Polish) Ciało, biotechnologia, społeczeństwo 24-PCDL-CBS
- (in Polish) Praca socjalna wobec problemów osób z niepełnosprawnościami i ich rodzin w środowisku zamieszkania 24-PCDL-PSN
- (in Polish) Ciało, biotechnologia, społeczeństwo 24-SODL-CBS
- (in Polish) Fakultatywny wykład wydziałowy dla doktorantów: Przemiany interesów i wartości współczesnego społeczeństwa polskiego 24-DDW-PIW
- (in Polish) Mediacje 24-PCDL-F-MED
- (in Polish) Socjologia miejskich mobilności 24-SODL-F-SMM
- (in Polish) Poznańska Szkoła Socjologii 24-SODL-F-PSS
- (in Polish) Rejestracja socjologia licencjat 1 rok 24-SODL-R-1
- (in Polish) Tożsamość we współczesnym świecie 24-SODU-F-TWS
- (in Polish) Badania dla projektowania (Design Thinking i UK) 24-SODU-BDP
- (in Polish) Rejestracja socjologia uzupełniające 2 rok 24-SODU-R-2
- (in Polish) Wybrane problemy społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego 24-WSFL-WPS
- (in Polish) Badania z udziałem dzieci 24-ZBS-BZD
- (in Polish) Język programowania R - Data mining w R 24-ZBS-JPR2
- (in Polish) Badania ucieleśnione. Ciało jako pzredmiot i narzędzie badań 24-ZBS-BUC
- (in Polish) Laboratorium Metod Kreatywnych 24-SODL-W-LMK
- (in Polish) Fotografia a zamiana społeczna 24-WSFL-FZS
- (in Polish) Współczesna rodzina migracyjna 24-WSFL-WRM
- (in Polish) Język programowania R: Wprowadzenie do analizy danych w R 24-ZBS-JPR1
- (in Polish) Język programowania R - Data mining w R (kontynuacja) 24-ZBS-JPR3
- Advanced data analysis techniques in qualitative research 24-SODU-ZAJ
- Advanced data analysis techniques in qualitative research 24-S2SCsr03-P13111
- Advanced data analysis techniques in quantitative research 24-SODU-ZAI
- Advanced data analysis techniques in quantitative research 24-S2SCsr02-P13108
- Analysis of existing data 24-SODL-ADZ
- Analysis of existing data 24-PCDL-ADZ
- Analysis of hard data 24-S1PSC04-P06923
- Animals and Humans. Sociological Perspective 24-SODL-F-SZL
- Animals and Humans. Sociological Perspective 24-PCDL-F-SZL
- Animals and Humans. Sociological Perspective 24-PCDU-F-SZL
- Animals and Humans. Sociological Perspective 24-SODU-F-SZL
- Animals and Humans. Sociological Perspective 24-WSFL-SZL
- Animals and Humans. Sociological Perspective 24-SODU-S-ZIL
- Anthropology of organisation 24-S1SC03-F13408
- Anthropology of Organizations 24-SODL-ANO
- Apprenticeship 24-S1PSC02-P00642
- Apprenticeships 24-S2PSC02-P00397
- Apprenticeships / Classes II 24-DDSC-PRA2
- Apprenticeships / Classes III 24-DDSC-PRA3
- Apprenticeships / Classes IV 24-DDSC-PRA4
- Areas of Social Work 24-PCDL-OPS
- Art with the Community 24-SODU-SZS
- Artists and Their Careers in a Sociological Frame 24-PIE-ATC
- Artists and Their Careers in a Sociological Frame 24-PIE-F-ATC
- Artists and Their Careers in a Sociological Frame 24-WSFL-ATC
- Artists and their careers in a sociological perspective 24-PCDL-F-APS
- Artists and their careers in a sociological perspective 24-SODL-F-APS
- Artists, Academicians, and Creative Workers 24-WSFL-ANP
- Artists, Academicians, and Creative Workers: An Introduction to the Sociology of Creative Professions 24-SODL-F-ANP
- Bachelor Proseminar 24-PCDL-PROS
- Bachelor Proseminar 24-SODL-PRO
- Bachelor Seminar 24-PCDL-SEM
- Bachelor Seminar 24-SODL-SEM
- Biomedical Aspects of Health 24-PCDL-F-BAZ
- Childhood Sociology 24-PCDL-F-SDZ
- Childhood Sociology 24-SODL-S-SDZ
- Childhood Sociology 24-WSFL-SDZ
- Cities and societies in post-migrant conditions 24-PIE-CSC
- Cities and societies in post-migrant conditions 24-PIE-F-CSC
- Cities and societies in post-migrant conditions 24-WSFL-CSC
- Civil society in the public sphere 24-SODL-SOS
- Classical Sociology 24-SODL-SKL
- Classical sociology 24-S1SC02-P12832
- Close relationships in a sociological perspective 24-SODL-F-BZS
- Collection and processing of audiovisual data 24-SODU-GDA
- Collection and processing of audiovisual data 24-S2SC02-F13085
- Collection of primary data 24-S1SC02-P15754
- Communicating in a group 24-SODL-KOG
- Communicating in a group 24-S1SC04-F13547
- Communication and Autopresentation 24-SODU-KAU
- Community education 24-PCDU-ESL
- Comparative research across countries 24-SODL-MBP
- Computer-assisted acquisition and analysis of qualitative data 24-ZBS-PDJ
- Concepts of sociological research 24-SODU-F-KBS
- Conflict and Negotiation in Team 24-SODU-KON
- Conflict situations in a team 24-S2SCsr01-P13106
- Conflict situations in a team 24-S2SCsr02-P13106
- Consumer behavior 24-SODL-ZAK
- Consumer behaviour 24-S1SC02-F13402
- Contemporary cultural research 24-SODL-WBK
- Contemporary cultural research 24-S1SC02-F13399
- Contemporary Polish Society 24-SODL-WSP
- Contemporary problems and challenges 24-S2ZBS01-P03828
- Contemporary Theories of Sociology part 1 24-SODL-WTS1
- Contemporary Theories of Sociology part 2 24-SODL-WTS2
- Corporate Social Responsibility 24-SODL-SOB
- Corporate social responsibility 24-S1SC04-F01445
- Crisis Intervention 24-PCDU-INK
- Crisis intervention 24-S2PSC02-F06952
- Cultural Anthropology 24-SODL-AKU
- Cultural anthropology 24-S1SC01-P00178
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