Biomedical Aspects of Health 24-PCDL-F-BAZ
1. Human life periods (ontogenesis).Creative and inhibitory factors, determinants, stimulators, modifications. Genotype. Phenotype. Health and disease. Disability. Quality of life.
2. Characteristics of development periods. 2.1. Prenatal period. The influence of mother's health on Her pregnancy and on the life and health of the child. Natural environment and pregnancy.
Pediatrics: criteria and development al norms, some congenital disorders and childhood diseases. Dyspanserization in medical care at schools. w Rehabilitation, revalidation.
2.2. Adulthood - procreation, professional life and spare time. Lifestyle.
2.3. Maturity ( menopause) and being old (getting old). Quality of life. Longevity.
3. Civilization disorders (metabolic disorders).
4. health promotion and health and preventive measures. Medical education.
Preventive measures promotion in family, local community and social policy.
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Cycle of studies
Module type
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Friedmann J.M.. Genetyka. Wyd. Urban & Partner, Wrocław 1997
Barciszewski J. Nowe tendencje w biologii molekularnej i inżynierii genetycznej oraz medycynie. Sorus. Poznań. 1996
Antropologia. Red. A. Malinowski, J. Strzałko. PWN Warszawa - Poznań, 1985
Hayflick L. Jak i dlaczego się starzejemy. Książka i Wiedza. Warszawa 1998
Basdevant A. i In. Somatyczne powikłania otyłości.[B.m.w.] Wyd. Server, 1994
Jarosz M. Psychologia lekarska. PZWL. Warszawa
Higiena człowieka. Red. J. Marcinkowski. Wyd. Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu.1995.
Karski J.., Z. Słońska. Promocja zdrowia. Wyd. Sanmedica.Warszawa.1994
Prewencja w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej. Red. W. W. Holland. Cindi 2000. Łódź
Pediatria.[w:] The Merk Manual. Podręcznik diagnostyki I terapii. Red. H M.Bers, R.Berkow, Wyd. Urban&Partner, Wrocław 2001
Świderska M., I .Budzyńska - Jewtuch. Biomedyczne podstawy rozwoju i wychowania. Wyd. Wyższej Szkoły Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej.Łódź.2008
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: