Courses at
Institute of European Culture in Gniezno
- Themed Workshop 16-WT-11
- Themed workshop - Ukrainian Community in Poland 16-WTEMUKR-11
- Themed Workshop: Film in Western Cultural Systems 16-WTDWA-11
- Theoretical and practical contexts of exclusions in Europe 16-S2KEkk04-P12258
- Theories of Culture 16-TKU-11
- Theories of Culture 16-TKUL-11
- Theories of Culture 16-TEKUL-11
- Theories of culture 16-S2KE01-P04479
- Theories of culture with elements of semiotics 16-S1KE01-P14146
- Theory and Practice of International Relations 16-TIPSM-11
- Theory of Culture 16-TK-11
- Theory of Culture 16-TKPK-11
- Tour Guiding and Leadership in Tourism 16-PIPT-12
- Tour Guiding and Leadership in Tourism 16-PIPT-22
- Tour Guiding and Leadership in Tourism 16-S1PKar03-P12287
- Tourism Programming Methodology 16-MPT-11
- Tourism Workshop 16-WTUR-11
- Tourist attraction system 16-S1PKar03-P12286
- Tourist Destinations 16-DT-11
- Traineeship Preparation Course 16-PDP-11
- Traineeship Preparation Course 16-PDPR-11
- Translation Lab 16-TRANS-11
- Translation Lab 16-TRA-11
- Translation Workshop 16-T-11
- Translation Workshop 16-T-22
- Translation Workshop 16-TJ-11
- Translation Workshop 16-TR-11
- Translation Workshop 16-T-221
- Translation Workshop 16-TJE-11
- Translatorium 16-S2KE01-P02316
- Translatorium 16-S2KE02-P02316
- Travel Account 16-RZP-11
- Tutorial 16-TUT-11
- Twentieth-century humanities 16-S1PK03-P12273
- Urban cultural studies 16-S2KEkk03-P12252
- Urban Studies 16-SMIEJ-11
- Urban Studies 16-SMIE-11
- Urban Studies 16-STUDMIE-11
- Urban Studies 16-S1PK04-P12275
- Visual Culture 16-VC-11
- Visual Culture in Europe 16-VCEW-11
- Visual Culture in Europe 16-VICWE-11
- Visual culture in Europe 16-S1KE01-P14147
- Visual Culture of the Jews 16-S2PK01-F15094
- Vocal Emission as a Tool of the Media Professional 16-EGNPM-11
- Volunteering in Public Space 16-WPS-11
- Volunteering in the Cultural Space 16-S1KEdp04-P14206
- Volunteerism in the Cultural Space 16-WPK-11
- Webmastering Basics 16-PW-11
- Working in a Project Team 16-PPZ-11
- Working in a Project Team 16-S2PK02-P12326
- Workshop 1 16-S2KEkk03-F12245
- Workshop 1 16-S2KEkm03-F12245
- Workshop 1 16-S2PK04-F12245
- Workshop 2 16-S2KEkk03-F12246
- Workshop 2 16-S2KEkm03-F12246
- Workshop 2 16-S2PK04-F12246
- Workshops with a Diplomacy Professional 16-WD-11
- Workshops with Professional Diplomat 16-WZD-11