Courses at
Faculty of English
- Consecutive interpreting B-A 15-TKBA-TK-33
- Contemporary American graphic novel 15-WPGUSA-LKA-11
- Contemporary American poetry 15-WPOEA-LKA-11
- Contemporary American prose 15-WPA-LKA-11
- Contemporary drama and theatre 15-DTW-TD-11
- Contemporary Welsh and Anglo-Welsh literature 15-WLW-FAC-11
- Conversational AI in healthcare. The application of voice interfaces in communication with patients 15-KSISZ-LCH-11
- Copyright protection and citing sources 15-OPAZCZ-11
- Copyright protection and citing sources 15-S1ELT01-P15194
- Copyright protection and citing sources 15-S1ES01-P15194
- Copyright protection and rules for citing sources 15-S1FA01-P10287
- Copyright protection and rules for citing sources 15-S1FAC01-P10287
- Copyright protection and rules for citing sources 15-S1FCH01-P10287
- Copyright protection and rules for citing sources 15-S1SN01-P10287
- Copywriting and transcreation 15-CITK-TKS-11
- Cornish culture and history 15-HKK-FAC-11
- Corpora in translation practice 15-KT-TKS-11
- Corpus in translation 15-S2TKS02-P16263
- Court translation 15-TSAD-TP-11
- Creative writing 15-NPT-TKS-11
- Creativity in translation 15-KWT-TP-11
- Critical reading of texts - introduction and workshops 15-KCTWIW-NID-12
- Critical reading of texts - introduction and workshops 15-KCTWIW-NID-22
- Cultural anthropology 15-AK-ANZ-11
- Cultural aspects of translation 15-KAT-TLU-11
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 1 15-HKNID1-NID-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 1 15-HKNID1-NID-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 1 15-HKNID1-SN-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 1 15-HKNID1-SN-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 2 15-HKNID2-NID-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 2 15-HKNID2-NID-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 2 15-HKNID2-SN-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 2 15-HKNID2-SN-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 3 15-HKNID3-NID-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 3 15-HKNID3-NID-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 3 15-HKNID3-SN-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 3 15-HKNID3-SN-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 4 15-HKNID4-NID-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 4 15-HKNID4-NID-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 4 15-HKNID4-SN-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries 4 15-HKNID4-SN-22
- Cultural History of the Low Countries since 1940 I 15-HKN1-NID-11
- Cultural History of the Low Countries since 1940 II 15-HKN2-NID-11
- Cultural history of the Low Countries until 1940 I 15-HKN3-NID-12
- Cultural History of the Low Countries until 1940 I 15-HKN3-NID-22
- Cultural history of the Low Countries until 1940 II 15-HKN4-NID-12
- Cultural history of the Low Countries until 1940 II 15-HKN4-NID-22
- Cultural studies of English-speaking countries 15-SKAOJ-12
- Cultural studies of English-speaking countries 15-SKAOJ-22
- Cultural studies of English-speaking countries 15-SKAOJ-ZL-22
- Cultural studies of English-speaking countries 15-SKAOJ-ZL
- Culture and arts of Australia and New Zealand 15-KIS-ANZ-11
- Culture-oriented English practice - exam 15-COEP-EGZ-1BA-13
- Culture-oriented English practice - exam 15-COEP-EGZ-2BA-23
- Culture-oriented English practice I - Exam 15-S1ES02-P15411
- Culture-oriented English practice: Debate workshop 15-COEP-DW-ES-12
- Culture-oriented English practice: Debate workshop 15-COEP-DW-ES-22
- Culture-oriented English practice: Discussion and argumentation 15-COEP-DA-ES-12
- Culture-oriented English practice: Discussion and argumentation 15-COEP-DA-ES-22
- Culture-oriented English practice: Discussion and argumentation 15-S1ES01-P15408
- Culture-oriented English practice: Discussion and argumentation 15-S1ES02-P15408
- Culture-oriented English practice: Grammar in public discourse 15-COEP-GPD-ES-14
- Culture-oriented English practice: Grammar in public discourse 15-COEP-GPD-ES-24
- Culture-oriented English practice: Grammar in public discourse 15-COEP-GPD-ES-34
- Culture-oriented English practice: Grammar in public discourse 15-COEP-GPD-ES-44
- Culture-oriented English practice: Grammar in public discourse 1 15-S1ES01-P15512
- Culture-oriented English practice: Grammar in public discourse 1 15-S1ES02-P15512
- Culture-oriented English practice: Media writing 15-COEP-MW-ES-12
- Culture-oriented English practice: Media writing 15-COEP-MW-ES-22
- Culture-oriented English practice: Media writing 15-S1ES01-P15407
- Culture-oriented English practice: Media writing 15-S1ES02-P15407
- Culture-oriented English practice: Phonetics workshop 15-COEP-PW-ES-12
- Culture-oriented English practice: Phonetics workshop 15-COEP-PW-ES-22
- Culture-oriented English practice: Phonetics workshop 15-S1ES01-P15409
- Culture-oriented English practice: Phonetics workshop 15-S1ES02-P15409
- Culture-oriented English practice: Public speaking 15-COEP-PS-ES-12
- Culture-oriented English practice: Public speaking 15-COEP-PS-ES-22
- Culture-oriented English practice: Stylistics 15-COEP-S-ES-12
- Culture-oriented English practice: Stylistics 15-COEP-S-ES-22
- Culture-oriented English practice: Writing and editing workshop 15-COEP-WEW-ES-12
- Culture-oriented English practice: Writing and editing workshop 15-COEP-WEW-ES-22
- Data analysis and visualisation 15-DAV-EL-11
- Data analysis in linguistics: qualitative and quantitative approaches 15-ADWJPJII-POWER
- Debating and argumentation 15-DIA-LMT-11
- Descriptive grammar of English 15-GOJANG-CE-11
- Descriptive grammar of English and Afrikaans with elements of linguistics 15-GOJAIAZEJ-PA-12
- Descriptive grammar of English and Afrikaans with elements of linguistics 15-GOJAIAZEJ-PA-22
- Descriptive grammar of Irish 15-GOJIRL-CE-11
- Descriptive grammar of Welsh 15-GOJWAL-CE-11
- Dialogue in healthcare 15-DOZ-LCH-11
- Didactics of English 15-DJA-ZL
- Didactics of the English language 1 15-S1FA02-P14628
- Diploma seminar 15-SEMLIC-ES-12
- Diploma seminar 15-SEMLIC-ES-22
- Discourse analysis 15-AD-ZU
- Discourses of health and disease 15-DZCH-LCH-11
- Dissemination of results/public speaking 15-DRPS-EL-11
- Dramatic staging I 15-S1FA02-P14657
- Dutch and Flemish business in Poland 15-BHIFWP-NID-11
- Dutch and Flemish business in Poland 15-S2SN02-P14529