Courses at
Institute of Oriental Studies
- Sightseeing 09-S1SIN01-P03155
- Specialization Seminar 09-SSPECIN-11
- Specialized language/Translatology 09-2PJS-TRANS-11
- Tamil 09-TAMIL-16
- Tamil 09-TAMIL-26
- Tamil 09-TAMIL-36
- Tamil 09-TAMIL-46
- Tamil 09-TAMIL-56
- Tamil 09-TAMIL-66
- The language and culture of Old Uyghurs 09-JKDU-12
- Theory of classical Turkish literature 09-TKLT-11
- Theory of Translation 09-TPITTAR-11
- Theory of Translation and Translation Exercises 09-TPICP-11
- Translation of non-literary texts 09-PTU-12
- Translation of non-literary texts 09-PTU-22
- Translation Studies 09-TRANSJAPW-12
- Translation Studies 09-TRANSJAPW-22
- Translation studies - literary texts 09-JTRANS-TL-12
- Translation studies - literary texts 09-JTRANS-TL-22
- Translation studies - press texts 09-JTRANS-TP-12
- Translation studies - press texts 09-JTRANS-TP-22
- Translation Studies 1 09-TRANSJAP1-11
- Translation Studies 1 09-TRASNJAP1-11
- Translation Studies 2 09-TRANSJAP2-11
- Translation Studies 2 09-TRASNJAP2-11
- Translation Studies 3 09-TRANSJAP3-11
- Translation Studies 3 09-TRASNJAP3-11
- Translation Studies 3 - Scientific texts in the sciences 09-S2JAP02-P07502
- Translation Studies 4 09-TRANSJAP4-11
- Translation Studies 4 09-TRASNJAP4-11
- Translation studies. Specialised texts 2 09-TRANSTS2JU-11
- Translation Theory 09-TPSIN-11
- Translation theory and text translation 09-S2FAR01-P03569
- Translation with booths 09-S2SIN02-P03204
- Translatory science 1 - Literary texts 09-S2JAP01-P07505
- Translatory science 1 - Literary texts 09-S2JAP02-P07505
- Translatory science 2 - Academic texts in the social sciences 09-S2JAP02-P07501
- Turkish Culture 09-KULTUR-11
- Turkish culture 09-S1TUR01-P05033
- Turkish Folk Literature 09-TRLL-11
- Turkish Grammar 09-GJTR-14
- Turkish Grammar 09-GJTR-24
- Turkish grammar 09-GJTR-34
- Turkish grammar 09-GJTR-44
- Turkish language 09-PNJTR-56
- Turkish language 09-PNJTR-66
- Turkish Literature at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries 09-LTT-11
- Turkish society 09-SPOLTUR-11
- Turkish society 09-S1TUR01-F05035
- Written translation of Chinese texts 09-PTC-PIS-11