Introduction to Modern Greek studies 09-WNH-11
Introduction to Modern Greek Studies is a subject which has as its goal the presentation to students of introductory information about philological studies in general, and more specifically with those related to Modern Greeklanguage and its creations. The following are among the most important kinds of knowledge the students will acquire in this course: an outline of methodology in Modern Greek Studies, an outline of the temporal and physical boundaries of Modern Greek Studies, the relationship between Modern Greek Studies and other disciplines, basic information about the language, literature and culture of Modern Greece, an acquaintance with the corpus neograecum and the literary canon and the state of contemporary Modern Greek Studies in relation with its status in Poland.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
Student: i) determines position of Greece and Cyprus in modern world, ii) knows and makes use of basic (Polish) terminology concerning Greece, Cyprus and Modern Greek language, iii) gives basic information about historical and present political-social-economic situatiion of Greece and Cyprus, iv) has basic knowledge about Greek etymology, grammar and history of Modern Greek literature, v) knows and use by himself/herself different devisces to intensufy his/her knowledge aboyt Greece, Cyprus and Modern Greek literature and language.
Assessment criteria
Conditions of exam:
- systematic attending to classes (max. 2 hours of unjustified absence during one semester),
- positive result of written exam (knowledge of selected books), (result criteria: <61% - not passed, 61-70% - passed, 71-75% - passed+, 76-85% - well, 86-90% - well+, >90% - very well)
- positive result of oral exam, (result criteria: <61% - not passed, 61-70% - passed, 71-75% - passed+, 76-85% - well, 86-90% - well+, >90% - very well)
Practical placement
Not applied.
Basic bibliography:
Chatzinikolau Nikos, Literatura nowogrecka 1453-1983
Horrocks Geoffrey, Ελληνικά: Ιστορία της γλώσσας και των ομιλητών της
Jakóbczyk Stanisław, Porównanie: o procedurach naukowych filologii
Małunowiczówna Leokadia, Wstęp do filologii klasycznej: wraz z metodologią pracy umysłowej i naukowej
Witczak Krzysztof, Miscellanea Graeca et Neohellenica
Μαστροδημήτρης Παναγιώτης Δ., Εισαγωγή στη νεοελληνική φιλολογία
Λιαπής Βασίλης Αν., Η γλώσσα η ελληνική
Χριστίδης Α.-Φ., Γλώσσα. Πολιτικ. Πολιτισμός
Additional bibliography:
Selected translations of Modern Greek Literature works into Polish.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: