Courses at
Institute of Applied Linguistics
- Culture of linguistic area 09-KOJ-FW-22
- Culture of Linguistic Area 09-FR-KOJ-12
- Culture of the Language Area 09-2KOJ-IM-12
- Culture of the Region 09-FR-KR-11
- Current trends in foreign language learning and teaching 09-NTNUJ-ILS-11
- Current trends in foreign language learning and teaching 09-FR-NTNUJ-11
- Descriptive grammar of English 09-MISJA-ILS-11
- Descriptive grammar of Finnish 09-GOF-UFIN-44
- Descriptive Grammar of Finnish 09-FR-GOJF-14
- Descriptive Grammar of Finnish 09-FR-GOJF-24
- Descriptive Grammar of Finnish 09-FR-GOJF-34
- Descriptive Grammar of Finnish 09-FR-GOJF-44
- Descriptive grammar of German 09-GOJN-AL-11
- Descriptive Grammar of German - morphology 09-GOJNMORF-ILS-11
- Descriptive Grammar of German - syntax 09-GOJNSKL-ILS-11
- Descriptive Grammar of German - syntax 09-GOJNSKLc-ILS-11
- Descriptive Grammar of German-morphology 09-GOJNMORFc-ILS-11
- Descriptive grammar of Hungarian 09-GOW-FW-24
- Descriptive grammar of Hungarian 09-GOW-FW-34
- Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian 09-GOW-FW-44
- Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian 09-FR-GOJW-16
- Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian 09-FR-GOJW-26
- Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian 09-FR-GOJW-36
- Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian 09-FR-GOJW-46
- Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian 09-FR-GOJW-56
- Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian 09-FR-GOJW-66
- Descriptive grammar of Indonesian 09-GOI-IM-22
- Descriptive Grammar of Indonesian and Malay 09-GOJIJM-12
- Descriptive Grammar of Indonesian and Malay 09-GOJIJM-22
- Descriptive grammar of Modern Greek 09-GONG-FNG-24
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek 09-FR-GOJNG-14
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek 09-FR-GOJNG-24
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek 09-FR-GOJNG-34
- Descriptive Grammar of Modern Greek 09-FR-GOJNG-44
- Descriptive grammar of the German language 09-GOJNaj-ILS-11
- Designing scientific research 09-PBN-11
- Dialogue on Turkish language and culture 09-DTLC-11
- Didactic Workshops 15h 09-2WD2-11
- Didactics of English language 09-DJA-ILS-11
- Didactics of the English language 09-DJAw-ils-11
- Didactics of the English language 09-DLAk-ila-11
- Didactics of the English Language 09-N20-DJA-11
- Didactics of the German language 09-DJNk-ILS-11
- Didactics of the German language 09-N20-DJN-22
- Didactics of the German Language 09-N20-DJN-12
- Diploma seminar (M.A.) 09-N15-SM-24
- Diploma seminar (M.A.) 09-N15-SM-14
- Discourse and text linguistics 09-LTDaj-ILS-11
- Discursive practices in mediation dialogue 09-PDWDM-11
- Documentary linguistics 09-DL-EL-12
- Documentary linguistics 09-DL-EL-22
- Dual language education: Classes including children with migration experience with varying degrees of Polish language proficiency 09-EDKODMF-11
- Dydaktyka ogólna 09-N20-DO-11
- Early language learning 09-WNJO-ILS-11
- Early language learning 09-WNJOk-ILS-11
- Editorial and bibliographic editing of texts 09-RBT-ILS-11
- Editorial and editorial practices 09-PEIRf-ILS-11
- Education in Plurilingualism 09-ERaj-ILS-11
- Elements of Cultural Linguistics 09-FR-ELK-11
- Elements of technical writing: English - Polish comparative view 09-KRTU-LK-11
- Elements of technical writing: English - Polish comparative view 09-KRTUAPaj-ILS-11
- Elements of technical writing: German - Polish comparative view 09-KRTUNPaj-ILS-11
- Emotional expression in speech 09-ALEEIS-PIE-11
- Emotional expression in speech 09-ALEEIS-11
- Emotions in speech 09-EWM-ILS-11
- English as a foreign language 09-ANG-IM-36
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FU-36
- English As a Foreign Language 09-ANG-FU-46
- English descriptive grammar 09-GOJAaj-ILS-12
- English descriptive grammar 09-GOJAaj-ILS-22
- English in tourism 09-JAT-ILS-12
- English in tourism 09-JAT-ILS-22
- English language cinema 09-FAJ-ILS-11
- English pronunciation 09-WJA-ILS-11
- English pronunciation 09-WJA-LK-11
- English Pronunciation 09-WJA-AL-11
- English- speaking countries cultural studies 09-KAOJE-ILS-11
- English-Polish contrastive grammar 09-GKAP-ILS-11
- Esperanto in theory and practice 09-ETP-ILS-11
- European Language - German (Upper-Intermediate level) 09-FR-JE-NZ-15
- European Language - German (Upper-Intermediate level) 09-FR-JE-NZ-25
- European Language - German (Upper-Intermediate level) 09-FR-JE-NZ-35
- European Language - German (Upper-Intermediate level) 09-FR-JE-NZ-45
- European Language - German (Upper-Intermediate level) 09-FR-JE-NZ-55
- European Language – English 09-ANG-FU-56
- European Language – English 09-ANG-FU-66
- European Language – English 09-FR-JE-A-15
- European Language – English 09-FR-JE-A-25
- European Language – French (Elementary level) 09-2FR-JE-FP-12
- European Language – French (Elementary level) 09-2FR-JE-FP-22
- European Language – French (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-F-15
- European Language – French (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-F-25
- European Language – French (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-F-35
- European Language – French (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-F-45
- European Language – French (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-F-55
- European Language – German (Elementary level) 09-2FR-JE-NP-12
- European Language – German (Elementary level) 09-2FR-JE-NP-22
- European Language – German (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-N-15
- European Language – German (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-N-35
- European Language – German (Elementary level) 09-FR-JE-N-45