Courses at
Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures
- Information and source education 09-S1FAR01-P00560
- Information and Source Education 09-S1GLC01-P02344
- Information and source education 09-S1JAP01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1LSA01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1LSN01-P00560
- Information and Source Education 09-S1LSal01-P02344
- Information and source education 09-S1LSlk01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-N1FWSr01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-N1FWSu01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FFR01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FHI01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FSd01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FSn01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FSs01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FWL01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FWSb01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FWSr01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FWSrl01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FWSru01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FWSu01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FWSua01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1TUR01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-W1JAP01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-W1FWSr01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FRU01-P00560
- Information and source education 09-S1FRE01-P00560
- Information Technologies 09-TEINF-11
- Information technology 09-S1LSN02-P02246
- Information technology 09-S1LSal02-P01810
- Information technology 09-N1FWSr01-P01882
- Information technology 09-N1FWSu01-P01882
- Information technology 09-S1FFR02-P02246
- Information technology 09-S1FHI02-P02246
- Information technology 09-S1FPO02-P02246
- Information technology 09-S1FWL02-P02246
- Information technology 09-S1FWSb01-P01882
- Information technology 09-S1FWSr02-P01882
- Information technology 09-S1FWSra02-P01882
- Information technology 09-S1FWSu02-P01882
- Information technology 09-S1FWSua02-P01882
- Information technology 09-S2TUR01-P01882
- Information technology 09-S1FRU02-P02246
- Information technology 09-S1FRE01-P02246
- Information technology 2 09-S1JZI02-P01229
- Information technology. Scribus 09-TIS-11
- Information technology. SDL Trados Studio 09-TIT-11
- Information technology. SDL Trados Studio 09-TITr-11
- Intercultural communication 09-S2FGR01-P01770
- Intercultural communication 09-S1FFR03-P06618
- Intercultural communication in business 09-S2NKB02-P01198
- Intercultural communication theory 09-S2FWSr03-F06404
- Intercultural communication theory 09-S2FWSu03-P06404
- Intercultural Negotiations in Business 09-S2NKB03-P01214
- Intercultural Negotiations in Business 09-S2NKB04-P01214
- Intercultural problems of communication and language use 09-S1LSlk02-P04191
- Intercultural relations 09-N1FGR03-F13579
- Intercultural relations 09-S1FGR03-F13579
- Intercultural relations 09-S1FGRa03-F13579
- Internship 09-PZAW-11
- Interpersonal communication - general and applied (mediation) 09-S2KWM01-P02468
- Interpersonal Communication and Business Diplomacy 09-S2NKB03-P01207
- Interpersonal communication and communication technologies 09-S2FWSr03-F06412
- Interpretation of a literary text 09-S2FWSr02-F06398
- Interpreting 09-S2FHI03-P12801
- Interpreting 09-S2TUR04-P03577
- Interpreting 09-S2FRU04-P12801
- Interpreting 09-S2FAR04-P03577
- Interpreting 09-S2FAR03-P03577
- Interpreting as a profession 09-TU-TZ-WT11
- Introduction to ancient culture 09-S1FFR01-P10518
- Introduction to ancient culture 09-S1FHI01-P10518
- Introduction to ancient culture 09-S1FPO01-P10518
- Introduction to ancient culture 09-S1FWL01-P10518
- Introduction to ancient culture 09-S1FRU01-P10518
- Introduction to communicology 09-S2KWM02-P02472
- Introduction to conference interpreting - public speaking 09-PNJ-WT11
- Introduction to corpus linguistics 09-S1LSlk04-P04199
- Introduction to culture and cultural heritage 09-S1GLC01-P02900
- Introduction to didactics 09-S2FWSr01-F00771
- Introduction to didactics 09-S2FWSr02-F00771
- Introduction to ecolinguistics 09-S2KWM01-P02464
- Introduction to economics 09-WEK-12
- Introduction to economics 09-TPM-WE-WT11
- Introduction to economics 09-S2FWSr02-F06400
- Introduction to economics 09-S2FWSu02-F06400
- Introduction to English and Polish written translation 09-S1LSA04-P04178
- Introduction to general and applied semiotics 09-S2KWM01-P02465
- Introduction to general and applied semiotics 09-S2KWM02-P02465
- Introduction to general didactics 09-S1LSN04-F04145
- Introduction to global communication 09-S1GLC02-P02899
- Introduction to glottodidactics 09-S1FFR01-P10513
- Introduction to image theory 09-S2KWM03-P02477
- Introduction to Intercultural Communication 09-S1LSal03-P04081
- Introduction to intercultural negotiation 09-S2FWSr01-F06392
- Introduction to intercultural negotiation 09-S2FWSu01-F06392
- Introduction to interpreting - public speaking 09-TU-WTUWP-WT11
- Introduction to interpreting - public speaking 09-S2TUF01-P01580
- Introduction to interpreting - public speaking 09-S2TUN01-P01580
- Introduction to interpreting strategies 09-TPM-WST-WT11