Courses at
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Student Training 08-KUDL-PRA
- Studies of Morality 08-KUDL-WMO
- Style of life and free time 08-SODU-STC
- Subjectivity and Sensitivity 08-FLFA-PCW
- Subjectivity and Sensitivity 08-FLFA-PCW2
- Task-unrelated thought: origins, underlying mechanisms, consequences, strategies for controlling 08-PSDM-MOZ
- Teaching ethics in primary school 08-FINA-DEP
- Teambuilding in Action 08-KUDL-BZD
- Teams in Organizations 08-SODU-ZES
- Television Genres 08-KUDL-GAT
- Thanatology: A Sociological Perspective 08-PCDL-TPS
- Thanatology: A Sociological Perspective 08-SODL-TPS
- The analysis of quantitative data 08-KODL-ADI
- The Art of Advertising 08-KUDL-SZR
- The Basics of Environmental Psychology 08-PSDM-PSS
- The Basics of Environmental Psychology 08-PSZ5-SRO
- The best of Contemporary Polish Philosophy 08-PIE-CPP
- The biological basis of behavior 08-KODL-BPZ
- The clinical psychological diagnosis 08-ZPPK-KDP
- The ethics of science and scientific publishing 08-KODl-ESP
- The intellectual traditions of Europe 08-KUDU-ITE
- The issue of men and masculinity 08-SODL-PMM
- The legitimacy of law 08-ETDU-LEP
- The logic with elements of the methodology 08-KUDL-LEM
- The public sphere - a case study 08-SODL-SPU
- The science-faith dispute from the perspective of natural philosophy 08-FLFA-SNW
- The science-faith dispute from the perspective of natural philosophy 08-FLFA-SNW2
- The theory of social differentiation 08-SODL-TZR
- Theatre as a Performance 08-KUDL-TJP
- Theoretical Perspectives on Social Problems 08-PCDU-PST
- Theories and Processes of Socialization 08-SODU-TPS
- Theories of Intelligence 08-KODM-TEI
- Theories of Intelligence 08-KODL-TEI
- Theories of Intercultural Communication 08-KUDU-MA-TIE
- Theories of Meaning 08-FLFA-TZN
- Theories of Meaning 08-FLFA-TZN2
- Theories of popular culture 08-KUDL-TKP
- Theories of secularization and their critics 08-FLFA-TSK
- Theories of secularization and their critics 08-FLFA-TSK2
- Theories of social change 08-SODL-TZM
- Theory and Communication Philosophy 08-KSDL-TFK
- Theory and Methods of Social Work part 1 08-PCDL-TIM1
- Theory and Methods of Social Work part 2 08-PCDL-TIM2
- Theory and practice of local management 08-SODU-TPZ
- Theory of Culture 08-KUDL-TEK
- Theory of Operation of Tadeusz Kotarbiński 08-FLFA-TDT
- Theory of Participation in Culture 08-KUDL-TUK
- Theory of Social Differentiation 08-PCDL-TZS
- Time Management 08-SODL-ZCZ
- Topography of ethical problems 08-ETDU-TPE
- Topography of ethical problems 08-FLFA-TPE
- Tradition in Culrural Processes 08-KUDU-TPK
- Traditional Cultures 08-KUDL-WKT
- Transformations of Intimacies in Culture of the West 08-ETDU-TIK
- Transformations of Intimacies in Culture of the West 08-FLFA-TIK
- Transformations of Intimacies in Culture of the West 08-FLFA-TIK3
- Transformations of the contemporary public sphere 08-SODL-PWS
- Translatory Workshop 08-FLDL-TRA
- Translatory Workshop 08-FLDU-TRA
- Translatory Workshop (English or German) 08-ETDL-TRA
- Tutoring of students having special individual program of studies 08-SODU-OPS
- Tutoring of students having special individual program of studies 08-SODU-OPS2
- Types of Knowledge 08-KSDU-ROW
- Understanding and interpretation. Introduction into hermeneutical philosophy 08-KUDU-MA-UIN
- Urban and territorial Branding 08-KUDU-BMT
- Urban cultural economy 08-KUDL-MEK
- Urban Problems 08-PCDU-PMI
- Urban Problems 08-SODU-PRM
- Vision Science 08-KODM-NAW
- Vision Science 08-KODM-NOW
- Visual Arts in Contemporary Cultures 08-KUDU-MA-VAE
- Visual Culture 08-SODL-KUW
- Visual culture and semiotics. Selected issues 08-KUDU-MA-VCS
- Visual Research and social applications 08-SODU-BWS
- Visual Research in Practice 08-KUDU-BWP
- Visualisations of reserach problems 08-KUDU-WPB
- Visualisations of reserach problems 08-KUDL-WPB
- Vocal training for teachers 08-FINA-EMG
- Web design 08-KUDL-PSI
- Web design 08-KUDU-WED
- Web design and media comparitive studies 08-KUDU-WKM
- Welfare Sociology 08-SODL-SOD
- Welfare Sociology 08-SODU-SDO
- Work across Cultures 08-KUDU-MA-WCE
- Workshop - writing of scientific papers 08-DDF-PAN
- Workshop method in sociologist work 08-SODL-MWA
- Workshop of Cinema-Television 08-KUDU-WFT
- Youth Subcultures 08-SODL-SML
- Youth Subcultures 08-PCDL-SUM
- ZF: Metalogic 08-KODL-MET
- ZF: Neuroesthetics 08-KODL-NUS