Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
- (in Polish) Introduction to medical anthropology 05-IMA-AMU-PIE
- (in Polish) Data collection: fieldwork & project design 05-DC-23-EtnC
- (in Polish) Ethnographic cinema 05-ECI-11-EtnC
- (in Polish) Medical anthropology 05-MAN-SL-AMU-PIE
- (in Polish) Methods in social anthropology 05-MiSA-11-EtnC
- (in Polish) Nations and Nationalism in Europe 05-NNE-11-EtnC
- (in Polish) Society and Culture in Postcommunist Poland 05-SCP-11-EtnC
- (in Polish) MA Seminar 05-SEM-23-EtnC
- (in Polish) Social Mobility, Identity and Power: Anthropology of Making Self, Community and Space 05-SM-11-EtnC
- (in Polish) Social Mobility, Identity and Power: Anthropology of Making Self, Community and Space 05-SM-23-EtnC
- (in Polish) Theory and Methods 05-TAM-11-EtnC
- (in Polish) Antropologia Bałkanów historycznych i współczesnych 05-ABHW-f-Etn
- (in Polish) Historia myśli antropologicznej II 05-HMEII-12-Etn
- (in Polish) Laboratorium metodyczne 05-LABI-12-Etn
- (in Polish) Monografia problemowa Europy: Muzea w Europie 05-MPE-ME-12-Etn
- (in Polish) Monografia problemowa Europy: Religie i społeczeństwo na Białorusi 05-MPE-RS-12-Etn
- (in Polish) Monografia problemowa Europy: Zróżnicowanie etniczno-kulturowe bałkanów 05-MPE-ZE-12-Etn
- (in Polish) Socjologia 05-SOC-12-Etn
- (in Polish) Trening interpersonalny 05-TI-12-Etn
- (in Polish) Od plemienia do narodu. Trybalizacja, detrybalizacja, nacjonalizm 05-OPDN-f-Etn
- (in Polish) Prowadzenie wywiadów fokusowych 05-PWF-f-Etn
- (in Polish) Language - music - sound: From linguistic anthropology to the anthropology of the senses 05-LMS-SL-EtnC
- (in Polish) Understanding the neo-rural phenomenon in Western Societies: a case study of Environmental Intentional Communities in Catalonia 05-UNR-SL-EtnC
- (in Polish) Medical anthropology 05-MAN-SL-EtnC
- (in Polish) Theory and Methods 05-TAM-SL-EtnC
- (in Polish) Anropologia wybranych zajwisk kulturowych I - Ekonomie moralności wobec imigrantów 05-AWZKIEMI-11-EtnU
- (in Polish) Imigranci w Polsce 1 05-IP-f-SZ-EtnU
- (in Polish) Migration, multiculturalism, xenophobia and racism in Europe 05-MMX-11-EtnC
- (in Polish) Oblicza polskiej twórczości ludowej 05-OPTL-f-SZ-Etn
- (in Polish) Warsztaty etnologiczne I: Imigranci w Polsce 1 05-WEIIP-11-EtnU
- (in Polish) Antropologia wybranych zjawisk kulturowych II: Etnodizajn 05-AWZKIIET-12-EtnU
- (in Polish) Antropologia wybranych zjawisk kulturowych III: Sztuka nieprofesjonalna 05-AWZKIISN-12-EtnU
- (in Polish) Badania terenowe II 05-BTII-24-Etn
- (in Polish) Proseminarium 05-PRO-24-Etn
- (in Polish) Warsztaty etnologiczne II: Detencja imigrantów w opisie etnograficznym 05-WEIIP-12-EtnU
- (in Polish) Current anthropological theory 05-CAT-12-EtnC
- (in Polish) Energy and environment 05-EAE-12-EtnC
- (in Polish) MA Seminar & Defence of MA 05-SEM-24-EtnC
- (in Polish) Teaching Exchange - Claiming rights. Social movements and their ambivalence towards law (David Loher) 05-TE-12-EtnC
- (in Polish) Teaching Exchange - Sensory anthropology (Rajko Mursic) 05-TE2-12-EtnC
- (in Polish) Writing of master thesis 05-WMT-24-EtnC
- (in Polish) Polski Orient 05-PO-f-SL-Etn
- (in Polish) Teaching Exchange - Social lives of objects: studying artifacts in social context (Ildiko Erdei) 05-TE-24-EtnC
- Information technology 05-TI-24-Etn
- Anthropological colloquia I: Culture and language 05-KAIKJ-24-Etn
- Anthropological Colloquies I: Cultures of Islam 05-KAIKI-24-Etn
- Anthropology and desing thinking 05-APDT-f-EtnU
- Anthropology at the Turn of the XXth Century 05-ASXX-f-Etn
- Anthropology of advertisement 05-ARE-f-EtnU
- Anthropology of chosen cultural phenomena II: Economic and legal anthropology 05-AWZKIIAEP-12-Etnu
- Anthropology of chosen cultural phenomena IV: Economic and legal anthropology 05-AWZKIVAE-24-EtnU
- Anthropology of Ethnicity 05-AE-23-Etn
- Anthropology of Exile Regime 05-ARU-f-SL-EtnU
- Anthropology of food 05-AJ-f-SZ-Etn
- Anthropology of marketing 05-ARE-f-Etn
- Anthropology of Neoliberal Postsocialism 05-ANP-f-SZ-Etn
- Anthropology of select cultural phenomena: Anthropology of development 05-AWZKAR-11-etnu
- Anthropology of select cultural phenomena: Anthropology of development 05-AWZKIIIAR-23-EtnU
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena I: Anthropology of Power and Resistance 05-AWZKIAWO-11-EtnU
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena II 05-AWZKIION-12-Etnu
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena III: Anthropology of Power and Resistance 05-AWZKIIIAW-23-EtnU
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena III: Moral Economies towards Imigrants 05-AWZKIIIEM-23-EtnU
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena IV: Ethnodesign 05-AWZKIVET-24-EtnU
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena IV: Unprofessional art 05-AWZKIVSN-24-EtnU
- Anthropology towards the present day 05-AWW-11-Etn
- Confessional groups in Poland 05-GWP-f-SL-EtnU
- Contemporary anthropological thought 05-WMA-12-Etn
- Contemporary Tendencies in Anthropological Thought 05-WNMA-11-EtnU
- Culture and Environment 05-KS-36-etn
- Culture versus Economy 05-KAG-24-Etn
- Culture versus Environment 05-KS-35-Etn
- Culture, kinship and social organisation 05-KPOS-35-Etn
- Cultures of Islam 05-KI-f-SL-Etn
- Detention of imigrants in ethnographic desription 05-IP-f-SL-EtnU
- Doing Ethnography in a Foreign Environment 05-TE-11-EtnC
- Eastern Borderlands: Ethnic and Confessional Situation 05-SEK-f-SZ-Etn
- Economic anthropology 05-AE-24-Etn
- Ethnographic cinema 05-ECI-AMU-PIE
- Ethnography of Poland 05-EPL-23-Etn
- Ethnological workshop I: Social Participation in the Cultural Institutions 05-WEIIPSI-23-EtnU
- Ethnological workshop I: Social Participation in the Cultural Institutions 05-WEIPSI-11-EtnU
- Ethnological workshop II: Anthropology of Exile Regime 05-WEIIAR-12-EtnU
- Ethnological workshop II: Imigrants in Poland 1 05-WEIIP-23-EtnU
- Ethnological Workshops II: Anthropology and design thinking 05-WEIIAPD-12-EtnU
- Ethnology workshop II: contemporary migration in Poland and Europe, part 2 05-WEIIMCN-12-EtnU
- Field research 05-BTI-12-Etn
- Folk Culture and its Researchers 05-KLB-f-SL-Etn
- Fundamentals of philosophy 05-PF-24-Etn
- Fundamentals of Sociology 05-PS-12-Etn
- History of the anthropological thought 05-HMEI-11-Etn
- Introduction to socio-cultural anthropology 05-WASK-11-Etn
- Judaism 05-JU-f-EtnU
- Medical anthropology 05-MAN-11-EtnC
- Medical anthropology 05-MAN-23-EtnC
- Medical anthropology 05-MAN-SZ-AMU-PIE
- Methodology of humanities 05-MNH-24-Etn
- Methodology of Social Sciences with Logic 05-MEL-12-Etn
- Methods in social anthropology 05-MSA-AMU-PIE
- Methods of Ethnograpic Research 05-MBE-11-Etn
- Migration anthropology 05-AMI-23-Etn