Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- Biogeography 01-W-BIOGEO
- Bioinformatic analysis of gene expression regulation 01-W-BIOINFOGEN
- Bioinformatic data analysis 01-S2BTE02-F15703
- Bioinformatics 01-N-BIOINFO
- Bioinformatics 01-N-BIOINFO-Z
- Bioinformatics 01-BI-BIOINFO
- Bioinformatics 01-BIOINFO-1
- Bioinformatics 01-22-BIOINFO-BT
- Bioinformatics 01-S1BI02-P00004
- Bioinformatics 01-S1BT02-P00004
- Bioinformatics 01-N1BL04-P00004
- Bioinformatics 01-S1BL04-P00004
- Bioinformatics - principles of biological sequences analysis by examples 01-BIOINFO-PIE
- Bioinformatics in molecular biology techniques 01-BI-INFTECHMOL
- Bioinformatics in molecular biology techniques 01-S1BI02-P00364
- Bioinformatics of biological sequences 01-MK-BI-BISEKBIOL
- Bioinformatics of biological sequences 1 01-MK-BI-BISEKBIOL-1
- Bioinformatics of biological sequences 2 01-MK-BI-BISEKBIOL-2
- Bioinformatics of genomes 01-MK-BI-BIOINFGEN
- Bioinformatics of microorganisms and viruses 01-BI-BINMIKROWIR
- Bioinformatics of microorganisms and viruses 01-23-BINMIKWIR-BI
- Bioinformatics of RNA 01-W-BIOINFORNA
- Bioinformatics project I 01-W-PROJBIN-I
- Bioinformatics project I 01-S2BI01-F00418
- Bioinformatics project II 01-W-PROJBIN-II
- Bioinformatics project II 01-S2BI02-F00427
- Bioinformatics project III 01-W-PROJBIN-III
- Bioinformatics project IV 01-S2BI03-F00435
- Biological Bases of Human Growth and Development 01-W-OSOBCZLO
- Biological and biomedical databases 01-BiZC-BIOLMEDBAZ
- Biological and biomedical databases 01-W-BIOLMEDBAZ
- Biological and biomedical databases 01-S1BI04-F00384
- Biological and biomedical databases 01-S1BT03-F00384
- Biological and cultural evolution of human 01-CZLOEWO-Z
- Biological and cultural evolution of human 01-CZLOEWO
- Biological and cultural evolution of human 01-22-CZLOEWO-Z
- Biological and cultural evolution of human 01-22-CZLOEWO-BL
- Biological and physicochemical elements of assessment the ecological status of water bodies 01-ECOWAT-PIE
- Biological and psychosocial aspects of human sexuality - education for family life 01-W-ASPSEKS
- Biological and Psychosocial Aspects of Human Sexuality - Family Education 01-S2NBP03-F13077
- Biological applications of databases 01-MK-BI-BIOAPL
- Biological Basis of Human Cognition 01-W-POZNAWCZLO
- Biological Basis of Human Cognition 01-W-PONAWCZLO-Z
- Biological basis of human cognitive processes 01-S2NBP03-F05534
- Biological determinants of cognitive processes and behaviors 01-BIZC-BIOLUWAR
- Biological Mechanisms of Behavior 01-BIOMECHZACH
- Biological Mechanisms of Behavior 01-BIOMECHZACH-NI
- Biological mechanisms of behaviour 01-S2NEW02-P11074
- Biological membranes 01-W-BIOLBLON
- Biological membranes 01-S1BT03-F00520
- Biological membranes 01-S1BT04-F00520
- Biological road cladding 01-S1OS04-F00491
- Biology and ecology of bioindicators 01-BIOIND-PIE
- Biology and ecology of indicator organisms 01-W-BIORGWSK-Z
- Biology and ecology of indicator organisms 01-W-BIORGWSK
- Biology didactics in primary school 01-S1NBP03-P13033
- Biology of ageing 01-S2NEW04-F14429
- Biology of animal development 01-S2BT02-F15683
- Biology of animal vectors of plant viruses 01-PLANTANIMAVIR-PIE
- Biology of aquatic and peatland ecosystems 01-S1NBP03-F14731
- Biology of cell and organism 01-BIOKOOR
- Biology of human behavior 01-WN-BIOLZACH
- Biology of human behaviour 01-S2NBP02-F05554
- Biology of human populations 01-W-POPLUDZ
- Biology of human populations 01-N2BL02-F15514
- Biology of human populations 01-S2BL02-F15514
- Biology of human sexual reactions 01-BIOSEX-MON
- Biology of interaction 01-N-INERBIOL
- Biology of interaction 01-N-INERBIOL-Z
- Biology of organisms and aquatic environments 01-W-BIOLWOD
- Biology of organisms and aquatic environments 01-W-BIOLWOD-Z
- Biology of organisms and aquatic environments 01-S1OS03-F00463
- Biology of plant development 01-S2BT02-F15682
- Biology of psychopathology 01-W-BIOLPSYCHOPAT
- Biology of psychopathology 01-S2NBP04-F13081
- Biology of sub-populations 01-S2NBP01-F05545
- Biology of subphossil populations 01-W-SUBFOSBIOL
- Biology of the aging process of man 01-W-BIOLPROST
- Biology of tumor cells and their environment 01-W-NOWOTBIOL
- Biology of tumors and their environment 01-W-BIOLNOWOT
- Biology of tumors and their environment 01-W-BIOLNOWOT-2
- Biology of tumours and their microenvironment 01-S1BI04-F00381
- Biology of tumours and their microenvironment 01-S2NBP04-F00381
- Biology of tumours and their microenvironment 01-S2BT02-F00381
- Biology of useful plants 01-W-UZYTROSL
- Biology of useful plants 01-W-UZYTROSL-Z
- Biology of useful plants 01-N2BL02-F05541
- Biology of useful plants 01-S2BL02-F05541
- Biomedical basis of development and education 01-N-BIOMWYCH
- Biomedical basis of development and upbringing 01-S1NBP01-P13028
- Biophysics 01-22-BIOFIZ-BT
- Biophysics 01-S1BT01-P00514
- Bioprocess engineering 01-INZBIOP
- Bioprocess engineering 01-S1BT05-F00541
- Biorobotics 01-W-BIOROBOT
- Biorobotics 01-S2NBP02-F05555
- Biostatistics 01-S2BTE01-P15696
- Biotaxonomy 01-N-BIOTAKS
- Biotaxonomy 01-22-BIOTAKS-BT
- Biotaxonomy 01-S1BT01-P00741