Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- Biotaxonomy 01-S1BT01-P00741
- Biotechnology for environmental 01-W-BIOTOCHSR
- Biotechnology in environmental protection 01-S1BT03-F00501
- Biotechnology in environmental protection 01-S1OS06-F00501
- Birds monitoring methods 01-S2EPR02-F12960
- Birdwatching 01-W-BIRDWATCH
- Botanical and sozological aspects of the Pomeranian Lake District 01-WN-PRZYRPOM
- Botanical and sozological aspects of Pomerania 01-S2BL02-F15764
- Botanical and sozological aspects of the nature of a young glacial landscape - field laboratory 01-S2OS02-P16142
- Botanical and zoological aspects of the nature of Pomerania - field classes 01-S2NBP02-F13074
- Botanical gardens - arks of biodiversity 01-BOTGARD-AMU-PIE
- Breeding of model organisms used in biotechnology 01-S1BT03-F00745
- Building biological databases 01-BUDBAZBIOL-MON
- Building biological databases 01-BIOLDATABAS-PIE
- Business Basics 01-W-PRZEDSIEBIOR
- Cell and organism biology under stress conditions 01-22-KOMORGSTRES-OS
- Cell and organism biology under stress conditions 01-S1OS01-P00714
- Cell and tissue cultures 01-N1BL06-F00605
- Cell and tissue cultures 01-S1BL06-F00605
- Cell and tissue engineering 01-INKOMTKAN
- Cell and tissue engineering 01-S1BT05-P00534
- Cell biology 01-MK-BI-BIOKOM
- Cell biology 01-N-BIOLKOM-Z
- Cell biology 01-N-BIOLKOM
- Cell biology 01-BIOKOM-45-np
- Cell biology 01-MK-BI-BIOKOM-1
- Cell biology 01-BiZC-BIOLKOM
- Cell biology 01-BIOCELL-PIE
- Cell biology 01-BIN-BIOLKOM
- Cell biology 01-S1BI01-P00360
- Cell biology 01-S1BZ01-P00360
- Cell biology 01-N1BL02-P00360
- Cell biology 01-S1BL02-P00360
- Cell biology 01-S1NBP03-P00360
- Cell signaling: norm and pathological states 01-W-SYGKOMPAT
- Cell signaling: norm and pathological states 01-W-SYGKOMPAT-BZ
- Cell signalling 01-S2BT01-F15670
- Cell signalling: norm and pathological states 01-S2BZ04-F01182
- Certification exam 01-S1BL05-P00111
- Certification exam 01-S1BT05-P00111
- Certification exam 01-S1OS05-P00111
- Chemical lab of water monitoring 01-S2EPR01-P12940
- Chemistry 01-N-CHEMIA
- Chemistry 01-S1NBP01-P13027
- Civilization, genetic and age-associated diseases 01-BiZC-CHORSTAR
- Clinical neuroendocrinology 01-W-NEUROENOKLIN
- Clinical neuroendocrinology 01-S2NEW04-F11090
- Cloud computing applications in bioinformatics 01-S2BI02-F00428
- Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology 01-PSYCHZACHCZLO
- Combinatorial Algorithms in Bioinformatics 01-MK-BI-ALGOKOMB
- Combinatorial Optimization 01-MK-BI-OPTYKOMB
- Communication in science 01-N2BL01-P15503
- Communication in science 01-S2BL01-P15503
- Comparative histology of animals and humans with elements of histopathology 01-WN-HISTPOR
- Computational cell biology 01-MK-BI-OBLIKOM
- Computational ecology 01-W-OBLIEKO
- Computational ecology 01-S1BI04-F00385
- Computer Networks 01-MK-BI-SIECKOMP
- Consequences of environmental global changes 01-GLOBZMIAN-Z
- Consequences of environmental global changes 01-GLOBZMIAN
- Consequences of environmental global changes 01-GLOBZMIAN-NB2
- Consequences of global environmental changes 01-S2BZ02-F01170
- Consequences of global environmental changes 01-S2NBP04-P01170
- Consequences of global environmental changes 01-N2BL01-P01170
- Consequences of global environmental changes 01-S2BL01-P01170
- Conservation genetics 01-CONSERV-PIE
- Conservation status of natural habitats and Habitats Directive 01-L-SIEDLDYR
- Constructing biomedical databases 01-S2BZ03-P01173
- Constructing of biomedical datases 01-BiZC-BIOMBAZDAN
- Course in Acarology 01-ACAROLOGY-PIE
- Crafting innowation and entrepreneurship 01-PRZEDINNO
- Crafting innowation and entrepreneurship 01-PRZEDINNO-OS
- Crafting innowation and entrepreneurship 01-PRZEDINNO-Z
- Crafting innowation and entrepreneurship 01-W-PRZEDINNO
- Crafting innowation and entrepreneurship 01-S2BI03-F00438
- Crafting innowation and entrepreneurship 01-S2BZ03-F00438
- Creativity and entrepreneurship 01-N-PRZEDKREAT
- Creativity and entrepreneurship 01-W-PRZEDKREAT
- Creativity and entrepreneurship 01-PRZEDKREAT-OS
- Creativity and entrepreneurship 01-PRZEDKREAT-BT
- Creativity and entrepreneurship 01-N-PRZEDKREAT-Z
- Creativity and entrepreneurship 01-N-PRZEDKREAT-OS-Z
- Culture of the Polish language 01-S1NBP04-F00195
- Current topics in ecology 01-S1BL05-F00591
- Current topics in experimental biology 01-S1BL05-F00582
- Current trends in global conservation 01-S1OS01-P00448
- Current trends in global environmental protection 01-22-GLOBOCHR-OS
- Dance and movement therapy 01-BiZC-TERAPTAN
- Dance and movement therapy 01-S1BZ02-F01359
- Data bases 01-MK-BI-BAZDAN
- Data bases 01-23-BAZDAN-BI
- Data compression 01-W-BI-KOMPRDANA
- Data presentation and visualization in R 01-W-BI-RDANE
- Database on the natural environment 01-N-BADASRO
- Demographic aspects of health and disease 01-W-ZDROCHODEMO
- Demographic aspects of health and disease 01-W-DEMASPZDR
- Demographic phenomena from antiquity to the present 01-W-DEMOZJAW
- Demographic phenomena from antiquity to the present 01-W-DEMOZJAW-Z
- Demographic phenomena from antiquity to the present day 01-S2NBP01-F05543
- Demographic Relationships from Antiquity to the Present 01-W-DEMOZWIAZ-Z