Biological and physicochemical elements of assessment the ecological status of water bodies 01-ECOWAT-PIE
The course includes a comprehensive range of methods for evaluation of natural surface waters. Principles of monitoring of water quality. Sampling methods and sample preparation to analysis. Biological, physical and chemical indicators of water quality. Assessment of ecological status of waters with use of macrophytes, phytobenthos, benthic invertebrate fauna. Course content will include methodologies, sample and sampling preparation procedures in hydrobiology (tools for the field work); preservation and preparation of samples for laboratory analysis.
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Course coordinators
Term 2023/SL: | Term 2019/SL: | Term 2024/SL: | Term 2018/SL: | Term 2020/SL: |
Learning outcomes
1. Student knows how to select and apply appropriate systems to assess the quality of aquatic ecosystems based on selected groups of plants, animals and physicochemical parameters.
2. Student is able to recognize the taxa of freshwater animals and plants, and to estimate the selected population parameters.
3. Student selects and correctly applies the sampling methods of biological and non-biological material in different types of inland water and independently carries the field measurements of physicochemical features.
4. Students identify and correctly apply the methods of preparation, cleaning and preservation of biological materials and of unassisted analyze of physicochemical parameters.
5. Student is able to preparation a report from research; assess the quality and ecological state of different types the inland water.
6. The student applies the principles of safety and health at work in the field and in laboratory.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria
1) participation
2) activity during lab classes
3) writing of lab report after each lab class
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: