Courses at
Department of Musicology
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe: archiwistyczne 05-PRA-24muz
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe: fonograficzno-edytorskie 05-PRZ-24muz
- (in Polish) Moduł B - historyczno-muzyczny (po 1800 roku) 05-MODB-23-MuzU
- (in Polish) Moduł C - antropologiczno-muzyczny 05-MODC-23-MuzU
- (in Polish) Emisja głosu 05-EG-11MuzU
- (in Polish) Prawne aspekty zawodu nauczyciela 05-PAZN-11MuzU
- (in Polish) Harmonia 05-HAR-12-Muz
- (in Polish) Analiza dzieła muzycznego teorie i metody 05-ADM-12-MuzU
- (in Polish) Krytyka operowa muzykologia sp. operologiczna 05-KO-SL-MuzU
- (in Polish) Blok fakultatywno-kierunkowy 2: źródłoznawstwo 05-BFK2Z-24-Muz
- (in Polish) Dawne notacje muzyczne 05-DNM-SZ-f-Muz
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe: etnomuzykologiczne 05-PRE-24-Muz
- The history of the music of the Middle Agesesthe and the Renaissance 05-HMSRW1-11-Muz
- Aesthetics of Music 05-EMUZC-12-MuzU
- Aesthetics of Music 05-EMUZW-12-MuzU
- Analysis of musical works: theories and methods 05-ADM-11-MuzU
- Basics of Entrepreneurship 05-PP-23-MuzU
- Basis of music publishing 05-PEM-f-SL-Muz
- Ethnomusicology 05-EAK-24-Muz
- Ethnomusicology and elements of cultural anthropology 05-EAK-23-Muz
- Harmony 05-HAR1-12-Muz
- History of baroque music 05-HMB-12-Muz
- History of baroque music 05-HMB-24-Muz
- History of Medieval and Renaissance Music 05-HMSRC2-12muz
- History of Medieval and Renaissance Music 05-HMSRW2-12muz
- History of Music of the Classicism 05-HMKC-23-Muz
- History of Music of the Classicism 05-HMKW-23-Muz
- History of Music of the Romanticism 05-HMPORC-24-Muz
- History of Music of the Romanticism 05-HMPORW-24-Muz
- History of the music of the 20th and the 21st century 05-HMPOC-35-Muz
- History of the music of the 20th and the 21st century 05-HMPOW-35-Muz
- History of the Old Polish music 05-HMSC-23-Muz
- History of the Old Polish music 05-HMSW-23-Muz
- History of the polish music of the 20th and the 21st century 05-HMPC-35-Muz
- History of the polish music of the 20th and the 21st century 05-HMPW-35-Muz
- History of Thinking about Music 05-DMOMC-12-MuzU
- History of Thinking about Music 05-DMOMW-12-MuzU
- Introduction to Musicology 05-WDMC-11-Muz
- Introduction to Musicology 05-WDMW-11-Muz
- Methodology of Musicology 05-WMM-35-Muz
- Module A - History of Music to 1800 05-MODA-11-MuzU
- Module A - History of Music to 1800 05-MODA-23-MuzU
- Module A - History of Music to 1800 05-MODA-12-MuzU
- Module B - Music after 1800 05-MODB-11-MuzU
- Module B - Music after 1800 05-MODB-12-MuzU
- Module C - Anthropology of Music 05-MODC-11-MuzU
- Module C - Anthropology of Music 05-MODC-12-MuzU
- Monographic Lecture 05-WMPP-MuzU
- Monographic lecture 05-WM-AM-12-MuzU
- Monographic lecture 05-WM-AM-24-MuzU
- Monographic lecture 05-WM-AM-12-egz-MuzU
- Monographic Lecture 05-WMWM-MuzU
- Monographic lecture 05-WM-12-MuzU
- Monographic lecture 05-WM-24-MuzU
- Musical criticism 05-BFK2KM-24-Muz
- Musical Forms 05-FM-12-Muz
- Popular music 2 05-MP2-f-SL-Muz
- Sociology of music 05-MPSC-12-MuzU
- Sociology of music 05-MPSW-12-MuzU
- Specialised Tutorial 05-KS-24-Muz
- The history of the music of the Middle Agesesthe and the Renaissance 05-HMSRC1-11-Muz
- Theories of Culture 05-TKUL-24-MuzU
- Undergraduate seminar 05-SEL-36-Muz
- World Music Culture 05-KMS-11-Muz