Basis of music publishing 05-PEM-f-SL-Muz
Students: 1) gain the basic knowledge of: historical changes in art and folk music editing; preparing critical editions of musical text; basic principles of editing folk music repertoire; using note processor Finale; using music databases; 2) gain the understanding of: specificity of art and folk music; necessity of applying methods appropriate to the repertoire; 3) gain the skills necessary to: work individually on music manuscript and prepare it for critical edition; use electronic databases and note processor Finale; encode folk tunes into a simple database; work in a team.
Course coordinators
Term 2019/SL: | Term 2018/SL: |
Maria Przywecka-Samecka, Drukarstwo muzyczne w Europie do końca XVIII wieku, Wrocław 1987,Musica Claromontana I-VI, Kraków 2005-2008,Piotr Kołodziej, Finale. Edytor nutowy nie tylko dla profesjonalistów, Gliwice 2004.Ludwik Bielawski (red.) seria Polska Pieśń i Muzyka Ludowa, t. I Kujawy (1975), t. II Kaszuby (1998), t. III Warmia i Mazury (2002).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: