Courses at
Faculty of History
- Archival finding aids 18-API-24archiw2
- Archival information - Archival registration and information system 18-IAo-01usm2
- Archival information aids 18-S1HIaz04-P04622
- Archival information: Archival registration and information system 18-IA-02usm2
- Archival information: Information and search systems of scientific institutions 18-IA-01usm2
- Archival information: Scientific information 18-IAo-02usm2
- Archival legislation 18-PrArc-35archiw1
- Archival legislation 18-PrArw-35archiw1
- Archival legislation 18-PrArc-35archiwe1
- Archival legislation 18-PrArw-35archiwe1
- Archival legislation - classes 18-PrArC-35archiw2
- Archival legislation - lecture 18-PrArW-35archiw2
- Archival logistics 18-LA-35archiw1
- Archival logistics 18-LA-35archiwe1
- Archival practices 18-PraArch-12uarch1
- Archival research for a medievalist 18-BAdM-11uhm1
- Archival theory and methodology 18-S2HIaz02-P04698
- Archival theory and methodology - classes 18-TiMAc-12uarch2
- Archival theory and methodology - lecture 18-TiMAw-12uarch2
- Archives in Modern Society: Archival Logistics 18-AwNSo-01sm2
- Archives in modern society: Archives in modern society 18-AwNS-01sm
- Archives in Modern Society: Archives in Modern Society 18-AwNS-02sm2
- Archives in modern society: Digital archival science 18-AwNS-02sm
- Archives in modern society: Digital archival science 18-AwNS-01sm2
- Archives management 18-ZA-12uarch2
- Archives of cultural and scientific institutions 18-AIKiN-24archiw1
- Archives of cultural and scientific institutions: Archives of cultural and scientific institutions 18-AIKiN-01sm2
- Archives of cultural and scientific institutions: Scientific information 18-AIKiN-02sm2
- Arms and colours in antiquity and the Middle Ages 18-S1HIw03-P04651
- Arms and colours in modern times 18-S1HIw04-P04653
- Arms and uniforms in the 20th and the 21st c. 18-BiBXXI-36hw1
- Arms and uniforms in the 20th and the 21st c. 18-BiBXXI-36hwe1
- Arms and uniforms in the 20th and the 21st c. - classes 18-BiBXXI-36hw2
- Arms and uniforms in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 18-BiBwSiS-23hw1
- Arms and uniforms in Antiquity and the Middle Ages - classes 18-BiBwSiS-23hw2
- Arms and uniforms in modernity 18-BiBwN-24hw1
- Arms and uniforms in modernity - classes 18-BiBwN-24hw2
- Arms and uniforms in the 19th c. 18-BiBXIX-35hw1
- Arms and uniforms in the 19th c. - classes 18-BiBXIX-35hw2
- Art in the History of European Civilisation, Part 1 18-S1LA03-P12713
- Art in the History of European Civilisation, Part 2 18-S1LA04-P05207
- Audio-visual history: Film and television 18-HAV-02sm
- Audio-visual history: Theatre and spectacle 18-HAV-01sm
- Audio-visual history: Visual arts and music 18-HAV-03sm
- Audiovisual History: A History of Film, Radio and Television 18-HA-01sm2
- Audiovisual history: Film as a historical source 18-HA-02sm2
- Auxiliary Sciences 18-S1HWS03-F07339
- Auxiliary sciences of history 18-NPH-11hws
- Auxiliary sciences of history 18-NPH-12h1
- Auxiliary sciences of history 18-NPH-11hws2
- Auxiliary sciences of history 18-NPH-12h2
- Auxiliary sciences of history 18-S1HI02-P01761
- Auxiliary sciences of history 18-S1HWS01-P01761
- Auxiliary sciences of history - workshop 18-NPHW-12hw2
- Auxiliary sciences of military history 18-NPHW-35hw1
- Auxiliary sciences of military history 18-NPHW-35hwe1
- Auxiliary sciences of military history 18-S1HIw02-P04648
- Auxiliary sciences of social and economic history 18-NPHSG-11ged1
- Auxiliary sciences of social and economic history 18-NPHSG-11ged2
- Auxiliary sciences of social and economic history 18-S1GED01-P01419
- Auxiliary sciences/information science 18-NPIN-23hws
- Auxuliary sciences 18-NP-23hws2
- B.A. seminar 18-SEL-35he1
- B.A. Seminar 18-SEL-36h1
- B.A. seminar 18-SEL-36Wsch
- B.A. seminar 18-SEL-36he1
- BA proseminar 18-PSEL-35h1
- BA proseminar 18-PSEL-35he1
- BA seminar 18-SEL-35h1
- BA seminar 18-SEL-35h2
- BA seminar 18-SEL-36Wsch2
- BA seminar 18-SEL-36h2
- BA Seminar 18-SEL-36las2
- BA Seminar 18-SEL-35las2
- Baltic States - the specificity of the region 18-KBSR-36Wsch2
- Banking history 18-HB-23HGged2
- Banking history part 2nd 18-HB-24HGged2
- Basic information sources in Russian, level B2 18-S2WS01-F03077
- Basic information sources in Russian, level B2 18-S2WS02-F03077
- Basic sources of information in Russian 18-PZIR.1-11uWsch2
- Basic sources of information in Russian, level A1-2 18-PZIR.2-12uWsch2
- Basics of archival science 18-PArw-11archiw1
- Basics of archival science 18-S1HIaz02-P04617
- Basics of didactics of history 18-PDH-12hws
- Basics of economics 18-PE-11h2
- Basics of economy 18-PEk-23Wsch
- Basics of economy 18-S1HI01-P04596
- Basics of entrepreneurship 18-S1HI02-P01455
- Basics of entrepreneurship 18-S1GED04-P01455
- Basics of Greek language and culture 18-PJiKG-01smJ2
- Basics of knowledge of political and legal systems 18-S1WS01-P03018
- Basics of Latin language and culture 18-PJiKL-01smJ2
- Basics of Management 18-S1GED04-F01459
- Basics of marketing and management 18-PMiZ-11Wsch
- Basics of methodology of history 18-PMH-11hws
- Basics of methodology of history 18-PMH-11hws2
- Basics of methodology of history 18-S1HWS01-P07318
- Basics of pedagogy for teachers part 1 - classes 18-PPed.1c-11hws2
- Basics of pedagogy for teachers part 1 - classes 18-PPed.1c-12hisn2
- Basics of pedagogy for teachers part 1 - classes 18-PPed.1c-23hisn1